Featured Wins
Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Featured Wins
Alexis Hernandez v. Charles Rainier, Jr.
Premises Liability Lawyer
$1.7 Million
Result type
Date of verdicts or settlements
Machin, Madeline vs. JPMorgan Chase
Slip and Fall Lawyers
$1.5 Million
Result type
Date of verdicts or settlements
Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Biography Overview
Ginger Miranda is a seasoned trial attorney with over two decades of experience in Florida. She has spent her career fighting injustice with professionalism and integrity. Ginger also actively contributes to her community through volunteer work with the Girl Scouts, serving on the Board of Directors and as a Girl Scout Leader. She's also a board member of the Hispanic Bar Association of Central Florida and has been involved with the Justice Teaching Program for over a decade, educating children about the legal system. Ginger's knowledge and experience make her a passionate and zealous advocate for her clients.
Recent Wins
Practice Areas
- Barry University
- Nova Southeastern University's Shepard Broad Law School
- Hispanic Bar Association of Central Florida
- Girl Scouts
Awards and Recognitions
- Paul Harris Fellow, Rotary Jan 2010
- Pro Bono Service Award, The Florida Bar, Jan 2008