Featured Wins
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Featured Wins
Heath, Shawn vs. Lorrene Woods
Car Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident Attorneys
$2 Million
Result type
Date of verdicts or settlements
Howell, Deborah v. West, Traci
Car Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident Attorneys
Result type
Date of verdicts or settlements
Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Biography Overview
Edgar Smith defended corporations and agencies in personal injury actions for almost fifteen years. His practice is now dedicated to representing individuals who have suffered an injury. Edgar handles a variety of personal injury cases, including those involving premises liability, motor vehicle accidents, boating accidents, and wrongful death.
Born and raised in Plains, Georgia, Edgar graduated from Georgia Southern University with a degree in Marketing. He graduated cum laude from the University of Georgia School of Law in 2006, after which he relocated to Savannah.
Recent Wins
Practice Areas
- Georgia Southern University
- University of Georgia School of Law