Car Accident Attorney in Prestonsburg

333 W Vine St., Suite 1200
Lexington, KY 40507

  • The Fee Is Free Unless You Win®.
  • America's Largest Injury Law Firm™
  • Protecting Families Since 1988
  • 20 Billion+ Won
  • 1,000+ Lawyers Nationwide

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Prestonsburg Car Accidents

Accident fatalities in Floyd County dropped more than 45% from 2015 to 2016. This sharp decrease was largely due to a nearly 60% decrease in single vehicle crashes and the lack of even a single motorcycle or bicyclist fatality in 2016. Were you injured in a motor vehicle crash? If so, you may be able to sue for compensation. To find out how our automobile accident lawyers may be able to help recover compensation for you, please fill out our [free case evaluation form](/free-case-evaluation/) today. ## Dealing with Insurance Companies If you get in an automobile wreck in [Prestonsburg](/office-locations/kentucky/prestonsburg/), even if the other driver was clearly at fault, you will probably have to fight to recover the compensation you deserve. The other driver’s insurance company may not place a fair value on your claim even with the facts at hand. This is why it is important that you seek the assistance of an experienced attorney, who will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to help acquire the compensation you deserve. ## Contact Our Prestonsburg Car Accident Lawyers At Morgan & Morgan, our motor vehicle accident attorneys have achieved tremendous success on behalf of clients who were severely injured in car crash. Our lawyers take insurance companies to task and hold negligent drivers accountable for their actions. If your or a loved one suffered injuries in a wreck due to a negligent driver, we may be able to help you recover compensation.
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How it works

It's easy to get started.
The Fee Is Freeâ„¢. Only pay if we win.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

  • Step 1

    your claim

    With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.

  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

    If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • What Are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Prestonsburg?

    The most typical causes of car accidents include distracted driving, driving under the influence, speeding, and driving recklessly. In today’s world, it is far too easy for drivers to lose their focus on the road. Phone calls, text notifications, noisy children, and talkative passengers all impact a driver’s concentration.

    Sometimes, drivers increase their speed over the limit, further enhancing the risk of a collision and its severity. Drivers may also maneuver their vehicles in a manner that doesn’t follow the rules of the road, like failing to yield and not paying attention when changing lanes.

    Whatever the cause, there’s no doubt that being in a car accident is scary. In the worst cases, drivers and passengers suffer severe injuries that may be fatal.

  • What Should I Do After a Car Accident in Prestonsburg?

    Following a car accident, your first step is to check yourself and your passengers for injuries. If anyone needs immediate medical attention, call 911. 

    Regardless of the accident’s aftermath, you should call the police. Officers will tend to the crash scene, ensuring proper documentation for the collision and determining fault for the accident. Make sure to request a copy of the police report.

    Individuals involved in a car accident frequently don’t realize they have serious injuries. Following an accident, the body naturally produces increased levels of adrenaline, which may mask symptoms of injuries. 

    Even if you feel fine after a collision, it’s best to seek medical attention. A doctor can examine you for wounds like sprained muscles, traumatic brain injuries, internal organ damage, and whiplash. The doctor will provide appropriate care and a treatment plan if you have sustained injuries. 

    If your injuries are severe, it's best to seek advice from an attorney. Severe injuries may require weeks, months, or years of recovery time. Medical expenses can quickly add up, and in some cases, you may be unable to return to work. 

    An attorney can determine the proper steps to make sure that you get compensation for your financial losses.

  • What Compensation May I Be Eligible for in a Car Accident Lawsuit?

    You may get money to pay for your past and future medical expenses, lost wages, and any household services you need during your recovery. If your injuries are severe, you may receive compensation for emotional pain and suffering, disability and disfigurement, and loss of quality of life. 

    A qualified Prestonsburg car accident attorney can determine the appropriate amount of compensation due to you and work with insurance providers to obtain the money.

  • Should I Accept a Settlement From an Insurance Company?

    Insurance companies exist on profits. Most will try to minimize any claims they pay to victims since they cut into the company’s bottom line. If an insurance company offers you a settlement in the days following a car accident, don’t immediately accept it. Instead, speak with an attorney to determine whether the offer is fair.

    At Morgan & Morgan, we offer free consultations for prospective clients. You can call us to evaluate your case and find out whether the settlement offer from an insurance company will realistically cover your financial losses.

  • Can I Recover Any Financial Compensation if I Am Partially at Fault for the Accident?

    Under Kentucky law, all drivers must carry personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. PIP covers the immediate medical expenses and losses following a car accident. However, if your PIP coverage is insufficient to cover your damage, you may seek retribution from the at-fault driver’s liability insurance. 

    Kentucky is a comparative negligence state. Thus, if you are found partially at fault for the accident, a court will reduce your award by the percentage you are at fault.

    For instance, if the other driver was speeding, but you failed to look both ways before making a turn, a court may decide you are 40% at fault for the accident. If damages from the accident are $20,000, you will receive only 60% of the compensation, or $12,000.

    An attorney at Morgan & Morgan can evaluate whether you were partially at fault for the accident and what that will mean for your case.

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