What is the most common injury to result from stair accidents?

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What is the most common injury to result from stair accidents?

According to the American Journal of Medicine, over a million patients are treated for stair-related injuries annually. The study also found that the most common injuries to result from stair accidents include sprains and strains, soft tissue injuries, and broken bones. Older adults and children are at particular risk of suffering devastating injuries in falls on stairs.

According to premises liability laws, property owners or managers must provide a reasonably safe property to avoid harming tenants, guests, and patrons. Therefore, if you or a loved one got hurt in a stair accident, you could have legal recourse and seek compensation, such as medical costs, income loss, and other damages.

Morgan & Morgan is here to help. Our experienced attorneys fight tirelessly for the injured. We want to help you recover fair compensation if another’s carelessness or recklessness caused your injuries. Get started now and contact us to schedule a free case review.

Common Injuries From Falling Down Stairs

While any fall can potentially cause severe injuries, falling down stairs can be particularly dangerous. Significant injuries, such as brain injuries and hip fractures, can require considerable medical intervention, cause steep healthcare costs, and change an individual’s life forever. Common injuries in stair accidents involve the lower extremities and head area and include:

Sprains and Strains

As we have seen, the most common injuries to result from stair accidents are sprains and strains involving muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Most strains and sprains can be treated at home. However, while such injuries are not life-threatening or permanent, they can be excruciatingly painful and take time to heal.

Broken Bones

Falls from stairs are typically more damaging than falls on a level surface and can cause foot, ankle, leg, and hip fractures. Uncomplicated fractures may not need more than a cast to heal. However, complex bone breaks can cause severe injuries and permanently impair a victim’s mobility. Moreover, fractures can cause considerable medical costs and income losses.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Mild traumatic brain injuries may heal, given time and rest. However, moderate or severe TBIs can cause irreversible brain damage and change victims’ lives forever. Significant traumatic brain injuries can cause cognitive impairment, seizures, and other physical and psychological symptoms.

Other Common Stair Accident Injuries

Falling down a flight of stairs can cause a variety of other injuries, including but not limited to:

  • Dislocations
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Hand and wrist injuries
  • Dental and facial injuries
  • Herniated discs
  • Knee injuries
  • Internal bleeding
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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • What Causes Most Stair Accidents?

    Stairway accidents can occur when individuals trip or slip due to lack of maintenance or dangerous conditions, such as:  

    • Missing or broken handrails
    • Loose cables
    • Uneven or missing stairs
    • Damaged stairs
    • Loose or bulging carpet
    • Objects cluttering staircases
    • Food or drink spillages on steps
    • Ice or snow on outside stairs

    A Business or Property Owner May Be Responsible

    Getting hurt on a staircase is not necessarily your fault. In some cases, accidents and injuries happen due to a business or property owner’s negligence. They may have failed to repair hazardous conditions or even violated the building code when constructing or remodeling the staircase.

    If someone else is responsible for your accident, you could hold them legally accountable for your injuries and financial losses. When another’s carelessness causes your injury, Morgan & Morgan has your back. We can assess your case, determine whom to hold accountable, and fight vigorously for the settlement you deserve.

  • What Are Injuries Due to Defective Stair Design and Construction?

    Sometimes, a staircase or handrail is defectively constructed or manufactured. Victims could have a product liability claim if a property owner installed faulty stairs or stair parts. Such claims generally arise when a product is unsafe for consumers due to the following:

    • Poor design
    • Manufacturing errors
    • Marketing defects

    If you are hurt by a dangerous or defective staircase or railing, you could sue a manufacturer, seller, or distributor for damages. Since stair injury claims can be complex and may involve several liable parties, working with an experienced personal injury lawyer can give you the best chance of recovering compensation.

  • What Compensation is Available to Victims and Families?

    Victims hurt in a stair accident could qualify for compensation from the responsible parties. Compensation should make the victim “whole” again and cover all damages due to the accident, which can include:

    • Past, present, and future medical treatment costs
    • Rehabilitation, such as chiropractor visits and physical therapy
    • Lost wages and reduced future earning capacity
    • Pain and suffering
    • Emotional anguish
    • Loss of life enjoyment
    • Disability
    • Permanent disfigurement

    If the victim died from a stair accident, close family members could file a wrongful death lawsuit and pursue compensation. Damages in a wrongful death claim can include burial costs, loss of income from the deceased, and others.

    Morgan & Morgan is here to help you during your most challenging times. Our compassionate and dedicated attorneys can assist you with your injury or wrongful death claim.

  • What Are Your Next Best Steps When Injured in a Stair Accident?

    When injured in a stair accident, you should take the necessary steps to protect your rights and your health, such as:

    Getting Medical Help

    Some of the most common injuries to result from stair accidents, such as broken bones, strains, and soft tissue injuries, likely require medical assistance. Seek medical advice even if you feel fine initially, as traumatic brain injury and other common conditions may not show symptoms for days. Moreover, medical records documenting your injuries are vital if you want to file a personal injury or workers’ compensation claim.

    Filing an Accident Report

    If you fall down stairs in a business, restaurant, or store, you should immediately inform the owner or manager. Ask to file an official accident report, and remember to take a copy for your records. A report can be a vital piece of evidence if you want to file a claim later.

    Documenting the Accident and Your Injuries

    Gathering evidence of the fall and your injuries can be critical if you want to recover damages from the responsible property owner or another negligent party. Depending on your accident’s circumstances, steps to take include:

    • Taking photos of your injuries and the staircase
    • Gathering the contact details of eyewitnesses, such as employees, customers, and visitors
    • Collecting receipts and other proof of your accident-related costs, such as medical bills, lost wages, and other financial damages

    Speaking to a Personal Injury Attorney

    If you have significant injuries and expenses, you may struggle to get the settlement you deserve from the responsible party or insurance company. Protect your rights to compensation by contacting a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Morgan & Morgan can negotiate aggressively with the insurer or at-fault party to fight for the best outcome of your claim. If the other side refuses to agree to a fair settlement, we can take them to court and fight vigorously for what you need and deserve.

  • Which Evidence Do I Need for a Stair Accident Claim?

    If you want to hold a negligent business or property owner accountable for your stair accident, you must present relevant evidence demonstrating their fault. Examples of evidence you need include:  

    • Photos of the dangerous condition that caused your fall
    • Accident reports
    • Security camera footage showing your accident
    • Your medical records
    • Statements from eyewitnesses, such as employees, residents, and others
    • Expert witnesses to provide professional opinions regarding the accident cause

    A seasoned attorney from Morgan & Morgan can help you gather the evidence required to prove your claim.

  • How Can a Morgan & Morgan Injury Attorney Help Me?

    We have been helping injured individuals and families receive what they deserve for decades, recovering over $13 billion in damages. Ways in which we could help you include:

    • Assist you with you obtaining adequate medical treatment
    • Investigate the premises and stairs where your accident happened
    • Gather the critical evidence proving your claim
    • Determine whether the staircase and handrail were defective or violated building codes
    • Interview witnesses about the fall and dangerous conditions on the premises
    • Hiring expert witnesses to strengthen and support your claim
    • Identify all liable parties in your staircase fall
    • Estimate the worth of your claim
    • Negotiate aggressively with the at-fault party and insurance companies
    • Presenting your case powerfully at trial

    Moreover, with America’s largest personal injury law firm in your corner, you are free to concentrate on healing from your injuries. We can handle your claim from start to finish and will do everything possible to obtain maximum potential compensation for you. Our motivated trial attorneys never settle for less and do not shy away from taking the battle for compensation all the way to trial. You pay no attorney’s fees until you win and receive compensation.

  • Where Do Stair Accidents Commonly Occur?

    Stair accidents can potentially occur anywhere, such as:

    • Apartment buildings
    • Store entrances
    • Office buildings
    • Workplaces
    • Hotels and resorts
    • Sport stadiums

    Retail stores may have inside steps leading to other floors. Such steps may be cluttered with merchandise or boxes, presenting a considerable hazard to customers. Entrance steps to government buildings, stores, and other properties can become particularly treacherous in winter weather, when they may become slippery due to snow and ice.

  • Can I Sue if I Fall Down Stairs at Work?

    In the first instance, a regular employee injured at work would claim workers’ compensation benefits. You could be entitled to payments for loss of income and medical expenses. Employees covered by workers’ comp typically cannot file lawsuits against their employers.

    However, depending on the facts of your accident, you could hold another party responsible if they caused your stair accident injury. For example, you could sue a negligent property owner or a contractor and recover damages with a personal injury claim.

    Since work-related claims can be complex, consider talking to a personal injury attorney to learn about your legal rights and options for pursuing compensation.

  • Who Pays for My Medical Bills When Injured in a Stair Accident?

    Unfortunately, receiving a settlement check can take some time. This typically means you will be responsible for your medical expenses in the first instance, even if another is at fault for your injuries.

    Morgan & Morgan understands that injured victims face stacks of medical bills and other expenses. However, you could have various options to pay for medical expenses or help you to bridge the time until you receive compensation, such as:

    • Receiving workers’ compensation medical benefits (if your accident happened at work)
    • Asking your medical providers to defer payment of your bills until you receive a settlement
    • Private health insurance
    • Medicare or Medicaid

    It is important to note that you will be responsible for reimbursing your private health insurance or government entities such as Medicare once you receive a settlement check. It can be critical to have a personal injury attorney help with this process, called subrogation. An attorney can negotiate with your lienholders and ensure you do not pay more than necessary.

  • Contact Morgan & Morgan Today to Discover Your Options

    Even the most common injuries to result from stair accidents, such as sprains and strains, can cause considerable medical expenses, wage loss, and other costs. If you or a loved one got hurt due to a property owner’s carelessness, they should pay for the damages, not you. Morgan & Morgan can fight for a fair settlement to pay for your accident-related expenses and help you get your life back on track.

    Our motivated attorneys never settle for the last best offer of an insurer and fight for the full value of accident claims, even if it means taking a case to trial. Let us help you understand your legal rights and options for compensation now, and contact us for a free case evaluation.

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