I Fell on Ice, and My Neck Hurts. What Should I Do?

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I Fell on Ice, and My Neck Hurts. What Should I Do?

Winter weather may look beautiful through your window, but trying to get from point A to point B with snow-covered walkways isn’t always as pleasant. Whether you’re trying to navigate the slippery steps of a public building or simply walking along the street, there could be ice along your path. One wrong step can cause you to lose your footing, and if you can’t catch yourself, you’ll likely find yourself on the ground, covered in snow, with a painful injury to complement your confusion.

Ice is a serious hazard, and you don’t always notice it. In some cases, the slippery surface can be concealed under snow or take the form of “black ice,” a near-invisible type of ice that causes road accidents. Walking along any icy surface significantly increases your chances of falling victim to a slip and fall accident. You won’t necessarily have safety measures to catch yourself, nor will you be able to correct your balance as easily with little to no traction under your feet. Those who slip on ice during the winter months are more likely to sustain injuries compared to traditional slip and fall accidents, too, especially if the accident occurs somewhere with other hazards present.

Slip and falls from icy conditions can result in broken bones, herniated discs, and muscle damage, amongst other things. Not only from the fall itself, but the slippery surface can land you in awkward positions that hurt you in ways you didn’t think were possible. In many cases, slip and fall accident victims are left with injuries that affect them for the rest of their life, like neck and back injuries. The soft tissue damage that comes with an injury of this caliber isn’t always correctable, and if the damage is severe, you could have lingering pain that changes the way you go about your normal life.

If you slip on ice and sustain an injury, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if you believe you can “walk it off.” Some accident victims suffer internal injuries that may not present themselves right away, and if you visit a doctor, you can potentially save yourself from future pain. By this point, you should understand the details of your accident. More specifically, whether the situation could have been prevented by some forethought and proactive action.

Anyone that suspects that their accident was the result of third-party negligence should call a slip and fall lawyer. The expenses following a slip and fall accident are usually significant, but you shouldn’t have to foot the bill if you weren’t at fault. That call is essentially an investment in your future, and it’s one you should approach after some research into your options. Fortunately, you’re already on the page of America’s largest personal injury firm, so you’ve already landed on the doorstep of the team that’s uniquely capable of helping you reach the finish line of your case after an accident that you didn’t cause.

There might be thousands of law firms online, but there’s only one Morgan and Morgan. Fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation to get started.

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The Fee Is Free™. Only pay if we win.

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  • Step 1

    your claim

    With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.

  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

    If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • What Are the Symptoms of a Neck Injury?

    A neck injury won’t always present itself as you’d expect. In some cases, you’ll experience pain and discomfort in other areas of your body, like your head or back. While everyone’s situation is different, there are a few common symptoms of neck injuries

    • Pain when rotating your head
    • Numbness or tingling
    • Fatigue
    • Dizziness
    • Headaches
    • Migraines
    • Upper back pain
    • Nausea or vomiting

    Head and spinal injuries are common alongside neck injuries, but neck injuries can exist alone as well. They won’t always present themselves right away, either. In some cases, victims of slip and falls have lived normal lives for years after their accidents, only to find themselves with life-changing pain decades down the line, all because of something that happened a long time ago. That’s why seeking the care of a doctor is so important after an accident, as their involvement can save you from finding yourself with pain or discomfort after you’ve long forgotten about the accident.

    But, seeking the assistance of an attorney is almost just as important, especially if your expenses after the fact are significant. They can help you build up your case, gather evidence, and advocate for the full value of your case. More importantly, they’ll help you prove that the at-fault party acted negligently leading up to your accident, which is the most important and challenging aspect of slip and fall cases.

  • What Do You Need to Prove to Win a Slip and Fall Case?

    Winter can create hazardous conditions along pathways you’ve traversed thousands of times, but there are limits to how long an area can stay dangerous. If you’re navigating through a public property, the owner of said property is responsible to make their premises safe for anyone passing through the area. This can be done in a number of ways, but the problem occurs when they fail to maintain their property, and someone becomes injured as a result.

    If you find yourself in a situation like this, you’ll have an uphill battle to hold the at-fault party responsible for their mistake. Here are the three most prominent burdens you’ll have to prove to recover compensation for the damage.


    First, you’ll have to prove that the negligent party had a reason to care over that specific area, meaning that they owned the property and had a legal duty to care about the safety of the premises. In other words, you’ll have to prove that they were “liable” for that area.


    Next, you’ll have to establish that you were injured as a result of the at-fault party’s lack of action. You’ll need to show evidence that they knew of the hazard and failed to respond in a “timely manner,” which differs from case to case. This is where having an attorney by your side becomes important, as this is often difficult to prove even with an abundance of evidence.


    Lastly, you’re going to have to prove that your actions didn’t contribute to the accident itself. This is another notoriously difficult legal burden, and it’s recommended to team up with a skilled attorney for issues that can arise during this stage in the process.

    These are the most prominent legal hurdles you’ll have to navigate, but there are others that may affect your specific circumstances. For example, you’ll also have to prove that your injuries were a direct result of the accident and not pre-existing from another condition. Once again, an attorney’s involvement becomes significant if you encounter problems during this stage.

  • How Can a Slip and Fall Attorney Help After an Accident?

    Teaming up with a slip and fall attorney after you’ve slipped on ice or any other slippery surface increases your chances of recovering fair and full compensation from the at-fault party. They’ll help gather evidence on your behalf, advocate for the fullest extent of your damages, and help you navigate through the complicated process with ease, allowing you a much-needed chance to take a step away and focus on your physical recovery. Some people choose to forgo an attorney because of the upfront cost, and while that’s a smart financial move after a draining accident, you’ll never have to worry about that with Morgan and Morgan.

    Some firms extend their client’s financial burden with legal fees just to hear about the situation they endured, leaving them in a worse position than when they started. Law firms are businesses, of course, but this model isn’t fit for enforcing justice if it deters victims from taking legal action after an accident they didn’t cause. That’s why we chose to take a different path—one that allows anyone to afford comprehensive legal representation, regardless of their financial status.

    When you team up with Morgan and Morgan, you pay no out-of-pocket costs, and we’re only paid if we win your case. We take our fee from the favorable settlement or jury award at the finish line of the legal proceedings to ensure protect you from another hefty expense after an already expensive situation. Not only that, but our contingency keeps everyone on our team focused on maximizing the compensation you receive, allowing you to recover what you’re entitled to and then some.

  • Slipped on Ice and Suffered a Neck Injury? Contact a Morgan and Morgan Slip and Fall Lawyer

    In the most difficult moments of your life, Morgan and Morgan has your back. A winter injury only makes the cold weather that much more unbearable in minor cases. In more serious cases, it can change the way you go about your life forever, forcing you to adapt to a new normal after an accident that could have been prevented. Their negligence is not your burden to carry, and if you were injured, you should team up with a proficient slip and fall lawyer from America’s largest personal injury firm—Morgan and Morgan.

    With more than $20 billion recovered, 1,000+ trial-ready attorneys across our nationwide offices, and a proven track record of recovering the fullest extent of what our clients deserve, trust Morgan and Morgan to help you hold the at-fault party responsible after a slip and fall accident that could have been prevented.

    A slip and fall lawyer on our team is ready to help. Complete our free, no-obligation case evaluation to get started.

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