Where Can I Find the Best Spinal Fusion Lawyers?

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Where Can I Find the Best Spinal Fusion Lawyers?

Major back surgery, such as spinal fusion, can be a frightening prospect. We generally agree to surgeries with the knowledge that the outcome makes us feel better or resolves a medical problem. However, when spinal surgery is unnecessary or goes wrong, the consequences can be devastating for a patient. Victims could suffer permanent and disabling injuries and astronomical medical costs for years to come. 

Knowing where to find spinal fusion lawyers can be critical if you get hurt by a negligent medical professional or defective medical device. Morgan & Morgan’s medical malpractice lawyers are here for you. We can evaluate your case, help you navigate the legal system, and fight hard for what you deserve. Contact us today for a free case review.

What Is Spinal Fusion Surgery?

Spinal fusion is a surgery connecting two or more vertebrae at any level in the spine to eliminate motion. The surgery can improve spinal stability, repair deformities, or reduce pain.  Spinal fusion surgery generally involves surgeons using rods and screws or bone grafts (from elsewhere in your body) to connect and fuse the discs. The procedure is designed to stop movement at this part of your spine, reducing pain or restoring spinal stability. 

When Is Spinal Fusion Recommended?

Spinal fusion is a permanent solution eliminating movement in the spinal area by connecting two or more vertebrae in your spine. The surgery can potentially reduce pain or correct a deformity and can be used to treat:

  • Scoliosis and other spinal deformities 
  • A weak or unstable spine 
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Herniated discs
  • Fractured vertebra
  • Spondylolysis (a fracture in the bone between two vertebrae)
  • Tumors

Complications Associated With Spinal Fusion

Some spinal fusion surgeries fail and need further surgery. Serious problems can also involve screws coming loose or breaking in the spine. Since a surgeon operates close to the spinal cord, the smallest mistake during surgery can be devastating for a patient. Serious consequences of surgical errors can include permanent paralysis, the need for mechanical ventilation (assisted breathing), chronic pain, numbness, and more. According to the Mayo Clinic, spinal fusion surgery also entails general risks, such as:

  • Infections 
  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Damage to nerves and blood vessels 
  • Pain at the bone graft site
  • Poor wound healing

Failed Spinal Fusion Surgery

A common risk with spinal fusion surgery is that it fails entirely without relieving the patient’s back pain. In some cases, vertebrae do not fuse together properly, causing a condition called “pseudoarthrosis.” When spinal fusion fails, treatment typically involves another fusion surgery. 

Spinal Fusion Leading to Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

There can be several reasons for spinal fusion surgery leading to a medical malpractice suit, including: 

Negligent Medical Professionals

Negligent surgeons, anesthetists, or other medical professionals could be responsible for your damages if the surgery failed or caused further injury. Spinal fusion surgery mistakes can include, among others:

  • Operating on the wrong side of the spine
  • Anesthesia errors
  • Fusing too many vertebrae 
  • Inserting defective screws
  • Failing to recognize a complication
  • Unnecessarily performing the procedure 

Defective Medical Devices

In recent years, infusion bone graft manufacturer Medtronic has become a target for spinal fusion lawsuits. Injured patients alleged that the product caused complications such as severe chronic pain, cancer, unwanted bone growth, and others. Claimants further allege non-disclosed financial relationships between the company and surgeons using the device. The manufacturer also stands accused of marketing the bone graft injection for non-FDA-approved conditions. 

Spinal Fusion Surgery After a Car Accident

If you or a loved one suffered a back injury in an accident, spinal surgery might be required to treat the injury. Common crash-related injuries that could lead to spinal surgery include: 

  • Herniated discs
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Fractured vertebrae

Spinal fusion is a major surgical procedure that can take several hours and requires general anesthesia. Spinal fusion surgery involves bone grafts and the insertion of screws and other hardware. Moreover, the surgery can cause considerable pain and discomfort to a patient. The cost of spinal fusion surgery and following treatments such as physiotherapy can be steep. 

However, if someone else is responsible for the accident that caused your back injury, you could be entitled to damages, including costs for spinal fusion surgery and other damages. 

What to Do When Spinal Fusion Causes Problems

Consulting with your doctor is usually the first best step when you suffer further injury or pain after a spinal fusion. Your pain could be unrelated to the surgery, or you might require different treatment or repeat surgery.  
However, you should also consider talking to an attorney as soon as possible if you suspect that something is wrong. Your time could be limited for filing a personal injury lawsuit. Some states give injured individuals only a year to file. Missing the deadline means you might be too late for taking legal action and recovering compensation. A lawyer can help you learn about your legal rights and ensure you file a lawsuit within the appropriate statute of limitations. 

Where to Find Spinal Fusion Lawyers 

Finding an excellent spinal fusion lawyer can be a challenge. However, with a little research and persistence, you should be able to make a list of suitable attorneys to schedule first consultations with. First of all, you will have to decide on the type of case you have. 

Medical Malpractice vs. Product Liability

Medical malpractice cases occur when a medical professional acts negligently. For example, if a doctor recommends an unnecessary spinal fusion operation or makes a mistake during surgery, you could have a medical malpractice case. Rather than working with a personal injury generalist, such cases require an attorney with the relevant legal and medical knowledge necessary to fight on your behalf. They should also know where to find expert medical witnesses that can testify on your behalf. 

On the other hand, if a defective medical device caused your injury, you should consider working with a product liability lawyer. They have experience with standing up to large and powerful corporations and are best suited to handle a case involving a faulty product. 

How to Find a Great Lawyer

One of the best resources for finding an excellent attorney is word of mouth. Make sure to ask your coworkers, family members, and friends for recommendations for personal injury attorneys near you. You could also try a simple internet search for lawyers. There are several internet databases, such as Avvo and Martindale, that you can use to search for lawyers with the right credentials and experience for your case. Consider collecting a few names and scheduling free consultations to determine the best match for you and your spinal fusion case.  

Let Morgan & Morgan Handle It

We understand that the last thing injured individuals want is to endlessly search for a lawyer. However, you need the best legal representation possible when up against a medical institution, doctor, or large company. Moreover, you might not know whether to hire a medical malpractice or product liability lawyer as the two could be intertwined in spinal fusion lawsuits. One significant advantage when you work with America’s largest personal injury firm is access to an army of more than 800 lawyers, all with their unique specializations and experience. 

We want you to have the best chance at winning and can find the best lawyer with the right track record and experience. When you have Morgan & Morgan on your side, you do not have to search forever to find the best spinal fusion lawyer. If you have a case, we have the right lawyer for you. 

Compensation in Spinal Fusion Lawsuits 

If you win your case, you could be entitled to so-called “special damages” and “general damages.” Special damages are designed to reimburse victims for actual costs due to their injury. They are easier to quantify than general damages as they come with bills or receipts and can include: 

  • Medical expenses
  • Costs for medical devices such as a wheelchair
  • Loss of income
  • Transport costs
  • Out-of-pocket expenses

General damages are more subjective and can be tricky to calculate. Depending on your case, you could receive awards for:

  • Pain and anguish
  • Emotional suffering
  • Reduced quality of life

The best way to find out what you could be entitled to in your spinal fusion case is to consult with a lawyer who can calculate your damages accordingly. 

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