How Can a Lawyer Help With Broken Bones?

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How Can a Lawyer Help With Broken Bones?

You may be eligible for compensation if you've suffered broken bones due to someone else's negligence. However, to increase your chances of obtaining reasonable compensation for your injuries, you need an experienced broken bones lawyer. Morgan & Morgan broken bones attorneys can help you get the compensation you need and deserve. All you have to do is fill out our free case evaluation form

How Morgan & Morgan Broken Bones Lawyers Can Help  

Hiring a Morgan & Morgan broken bones lawyer is one of the most important decisions after an injury caused by someone else's negligence. Here's how we can help. 

Establishing the Cause of Injury 

Broken bones injuries vary depending on the nature of the accident. Whether the injuries derive from a car accident or a slip and fall incident, our attorneys can help investigate the injury. 

So why is it important to establish the cause of injury? Unfortunately, when it comes to personal injury cases, the other party doesn't always play fair. 

For example, suppose you suffer broken bones due to a slip and fall incident at a grocery store. When you file a claim with the other party's insurer, they could argue that you're exaggerating your injuries. Some insurance companies will even accuse you of faking the injury. So when you contact Morgan & Morgan for a free case evaluation, the first thing we'll do is evaluate the nature of your injuries and the primary cause. 

Creating a Legal Strategy for Your Case

It is important to have a legal strategy before approaching any case, and that's one thing our attorneys are good at. After establishing that you have a valid case against the other party, we'll decide on the best way to approach the case. This usually depends on the cause of the injury and several other factors. 

For example, it may be necessary to appoint an experienced car accident attorney specializing in broken bones to handle your case. The same applies if you suffered broken bones due to a slip and fall incident at a grocery store or anywhere else. Our slip and fall attorneys will collaborate with broken bones experts to pursue the compensation you need and deserve.

Collecting Critical Evidence

It's nearly impossible to obtain compensation for your injuries if you don't have evidence that the other party's negligence caused your injuries. Unfortunately, not all kinds of incidents are straightforward. In most cases, you may need additional evidence to prove the other party's negligence. 

This explains why you should always contact an attorney as soon as possible. In some cases, medical experts may need to reconstruct events that led to the injury. To do this, they'll need evidence collected from the accident scene. 

But there's also another great challenge many attorneys face when collecting evidence after an accident leading to broken bones. For example, if it's a case of premises liability, the other party probably won't leave the evidence hanging around their premises after the accident.

Rather, they'll most likely try to cover it up. This could happen if the liable party realizes that you don't have evidence to support your claim. As a result, you may lose the chance to pursue compensation for your injuries. And when that happens, you'll most likely have to deal with piles of bills and other out-of-pocket expenses.

It's also important to note that the other party will most likely try to find a loophole in your case to avoid liability. They do this because they know there's a heavy price to pay for negligence. For this reason, chances are they'll also hire a defense attorney to defend their interests when you file a claim or a lawsuit.

Here's a hypothetical example. 

John slips and falls at a grocery store and suffers several broken bones. However, when he files a claim with the company's insurer, the claims adjuster dismisses his injuries, citing insurance fraud. In that case, John decides to hire a Morgan & Morgan broken bones attorney to investigate the accident.

The attorney obtains video surveillance of the incident and interviews witnesses to establish the truth. After several weeks of investigations, the attorney files a claim with the other party's insurer, presenting them with new evidence proving the grocery store's negligence. As a result of the new evidence, the insurer agrees to settle the matter out of court. 

Exercising Your Legal Rights

An experienced broken bones attorney can help you understand rights you never knew you had. The lawyer will analyze your situation and decide which laws best apply. As a result, you can rest easy knowing that someone experienced in these cases is in control of your specific legal matter. 

An attorney can also advise you regarding what you should or shouldn't do after such an injury. For example, in this digital era, many people feel the urge to update their friends on social media about the progress of their cases. 

But did you know that the other party could use whatever you post on social media against you? Here's an example:

John slips and falls at a grocery store and suffers several broken bones. He then files a claim with the grocery store's insurance company. In the claim, John states that the broken bones prevent him from hanging out with his friends. However, a few days after filing the claim, John posts pictures of himself and his friends at the beach. 

While monitoring John's social media activity, the defense attorneys come across these photos. During the negotiations, the defense pulls out screenshots of John's posts, claiming that he lied about not being able to hang out with his friends because of the injuries. In a dramatic twist, the other party accuses John of insurance fraud. 

But there's always another side to a story. What if the photo was taken before the accident? What if John doesn't have the original photos (he probably deleted them or even lost his phone) after posting? What if he was still in pain when he and his friends took the photo and that he just needed to step out of the house and enjoy some fresh air after weeks of being bedridden? 

These are just some examples of how a social media post can be misunderstood. So rather than making the entire case all about social media and diverting from the main issue, your broken bones, it is always advisable to be careful about what you post online. An experienced broken bones attorney can help you understand this aspect of the personal injury claim process, significantly increasing your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome. 

Negotiating on Your Behalf

Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, you may be eligible for compensation for more than just the broken bones. A seasoned broken bones lawyer can analyze the nature of your injuries and their impact on your life. The attorney will then file a claim with the other party and negotiate on your behalf.

Negotiating is a crucial part of the personal injury process. Some experts even claim that it's the most important part of the process. It decides how much you'll pocket as compensation for your damages. So if you don't work with an attorney with excellent negotiation skills, you won't recover the actual value of your injuries. 

After agreeing with the other party and signing the Release of Settlement agreement, you can't file another claim with the insurer over the same incident. This is because this agreement is final. The only way you may be able to negotiate is if you can prove that the other party committed fraud during the negotiations. 

Therefore, you need an attorney to negotiate the best possible settlement for your injuries, factoring in your economic and non-economic damages, etc. Typically, you may be able to recover the following damages if you've suffered broken bones due to someone else's negligence:


  • Medical bills
  • Cost of medical equipment
  • Household services such as childcare
  • Damage to personal property
  • Physical disfigurement or impairment
  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
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I thought that hiring an attorney was out of my reach until I contacted Morgan & Morgan. After one call, everything was taken care of.
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She Didn’t Settle for Less – Antonia


A Life Transformed – Alfred


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