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Cruise Ship Injury Lawyer

Going on a cruise is a unique and exciting experience. However, behind the uniqueness and excitement lurks the reality of accidents. Although accidents involving cruise ships, such as collisions, are not as common, many smaller yet serious accidents occur inside these sea vessels.

And when these accidents happen, most passengers are never sure of what to do. That is why Morgan and Morgan comes in to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about cruise ship accidents in Puerto Rico and how our attorneys can help. We have handled many cases involving cruise ship injuries for over three decades.

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How it works

It's easy to get started.
The Fee Is Free™. Only pay if we win.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

  • Step 1

    your claim

    With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.

  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

    If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • What Are Some Common Cruise Ship Accidents?

    Cruise ship accidents happen for many different reasons, sometimes due to negligence. Some common examples of these accidents include:

    • Sports related accidents
    • Overboard drowning
    • Swimming pool accidents
    • Collision with ferries, boats, and other vessels
    • Medical malpractice if you fall sick aboard a cruise ship
    • Contagious sickness
    • Food poisoning
  • What Are Some Common Cruise Ship Accident Injuries?

    The injuries vary depending on the nature of the accidents. That said, some common injuries in these kinds of accidents include:

    • Whiplash
    • Broken bones
    • Neck, shoulder, and back injuries
    • Fractures
    • Cuts and bruises
    • Fractures

    Some of these accidents can also lead to death. A cruise ship injury lawyer specializing in wrongful death claims might be able to fight for you if you lost a loved one on a cruise ship due to negligence.

  • Can I Sue if I Slipped and Fell on a Cruise Ship?

    Yes, you may be able to take legal action against the liable party in a slip-and-fall incident on a cruise ship. In fact, slip and falls are some of the most common accidents that occur on these sea vessels.

    Some common causes of slip-and-fall accidents on cruise ships include:

    • Ripped carpets
    • Luggage in hallways
    • Crowded hallways and dining areas
    • Defective equipment
    • Presence of food and other materials on the floor
    • Recently cleaned floors
  • When Should I File a Cruise Ship Injury Lawsuit?

    In Puerto Rico, you have one year from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit against the cruise line. However, it is important to note that some cruise lines have additional requirements regarding when you should notify them about the incident. In most cases, cruise lines require that you inform them about the incident within six months of the occurrence.

    This requirement, and many others, are usually published on the ship tickets. However, passengers do not read these terms until it is too late.

    Contacting an experienced cruise ship injury attorney is one of the best ways to establish how much time you have to file a lawsuit. Remember that these deadlines might be subject to change in certain circumstances. For example, if a child is injured, the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit against the cruise line might be different than when an adult is a victim.

    Speak with a seasoned attorney whenever in doubt. The attorney will review your case and reveal how long you have to take legal action based on its unique circumstances.

  • Where Can I File a Cruise Ship Injury Lawsuit?

    Given that major cruise lines are located in Miami, Florida, you will likely need to file a lawsuit in Miami. This could be the case regardless of the location of the incident or even if the cruise ship belongs to a different country.

    So why Miami, even though not every passenger on board resides there? First, this is because these companies mostly have their headquarters in Miami. Secondly, cruise ship companies can activate what is known as the “forum selection clause.”

    This clause allows them to decide where they want passengers to file their complaints against the cruise line. So if they select Florida, it will not matter if the accident happened in a different location. In fact, in the past, courts have dismissed lawsuits filed in other jurisdictions. In other cases, some courts have dismissed cases where the plaintiff ignored the cruise line's preferred jurisdiction when filing the lawsuit.

    However, there is only one way around this; speaking with an experienced cruise ship injury lawyer in Puerto Rico. The attorney will review the unique circumstances of your case and the cruise line's policies regarding filing a lawsuit against them. The attorney will then determine the best way to approach such a case, ensuring you stay compliant even as you fight for your rights.

    Remember, the cruise line will hope you break the rules, giving them or the courts a good reason to dismiss the case. But that should not be the case, especially if you have a good attorney fighting for your best interests. Instead, the attorney will help you navigate these complex requirements, leaving the cruise line or any other liable party with only one option—settling your claim.

  • What Should I Do if Injured on a Cruise Ship?

    If you or your loved one has been injured on a cruise ship, it is important that you know what to do. This is because your decisions after the injury could influence your claim.

    Here are some steps to follow:

    Seek medical attention immediately. This applies even if you do not show any signs of pain or discomfort at that particular moment. Keep in mind that some injuries take time to show.

    Getting checked by a doctor is the best way to determine whether you suffered internal injuries. Speaking of internal injuries, they can turn tragic. This is because they do not usually show symptoms until it is too late.

    Ensure you document the accident, providing as much detail as possible.

    If doable, take pictures and videos of the accident scene, including the injuries you or your loved one sustained.

    Remember to collect the contact information of any witnesses. Their testimonies could come in handy when you file a lawsuit against the liable party.

    Finally, get in touch with an experienced cruise ship injury lawyer in Puerto Rico. The attorney will review your case and help you navigate the complex processes on your path to compensation. 

  • Can I File a Cruise Ship Injury Lawsuit Without an Attorney?

    Yes, you can represent yourself, but the chances of obtaining favorable results will drop significantly. In addition, even though you may be able to recover compensation for your injuries, the settlement might not reflect the actual value of your case.

    Thirdly, pursuing a cruise ship injury lawsuit can be extremely difficult, especially without an attorney. Those who attempt to take on these giant companies without attorneys usually give up a long way. In fact, it is quite rare to come across anyone who would want to sue a cruise line without an attorney.

    That said, let's briefly discuss why you need an attorney.

    Cruise ship injuries do not fall under personal injury laws only. Since these vessels operate on water, maritime and admiralty laws will kick in. This is when things become even more complicated. To put things into perspective, most inexperienced attorneys struggle with these cases primarily because of the complex laws.

    Bear in mind that a typical cruise ship injury case can be complex, but nothing can ever prepare you for a situation where more than one party could be responsible for the accident. The same applies if the issue of liability is unclear. Without an attorney, you risk losing an entire case during the initial stages.

    But that is not all; cruise lines mostly have the upper hand in these cases until they come across a powerful injury firm like Morgan and Morgan. 

  • Is It Difficult to Sue a Cruise Line?

    The answer to this question will depend on whether or not you have an attorney. If you have an attorney and your case is valid, the attorney might be able to file a successful lawsuit against the cruise line. But this does not necessarily mean that attorneys will not encounter challenges along the way. Even the most seasoned cruise ship injury lawyers struggle in some cases, depending on their complexity.

    Remember that most cruise lines have different policies designed to protect them from liability. You can find these policies on cruise ship tickets. But since most passengers do not think about injuries (especially those that could potentially occur inside the vessel), they do not always take the time to read these policies. Instead, they end up accepting terms and conditions they know very little or nothing about.

    In the past, cruise lines have claimed that courts in the United States or its territories, such as Puerto Rico, do not have jurisdiction over injuries that occur on international waters. Such a complex argument requires the attention of an attorney.

    But not just any attorney. Rather, you need a lawyer with experience handling maritime cases. The attorney will review your claim, revisit these complex laws, and help fight for your best interests.

    It is also important to note that most cruise lines tend to make their passengers believe they are not liable for injuries that could potentially occur while on board. Unfortunately, this tactic makes some passengers believe they do not have a right to sue. As a result, some passengers downplay the injuries, focusing on recovering and moving on with their lives.

    But this should not be the case. When you get injured on a cruise ship, you have a right to pursue compensation, especially if the injury occurred due to negligence. The cruise line cannot simply claim they are not responsible for your injuries just by making you sign a document to waive your right to file a lawsuit. On the contrary, these companies might not only be responsible for your injuries but also their workers' negligence if that is why you got injured in the first place.

  • Let the Nation's Largest Personal Injury Firm Fight for You

    When looking for the right cruise ship injury lawyer to fight for you, look no further than Morgan and Morgan.

    By now, you probably understand how complex these cases are. In addition, suing a cruise line can be intimidating for small law firms and inexperienced attorneys. This is because cruise lines make millions and can assemble the finest defense attorneys to represent them in court.

    So how do you approach such a case? The answer is simple: you need an injury firm to even the playing field with experienced attorneys to fight for you.

    That is what describes Morgan and Morgan. Because we are the nation's largest personal injury firm, we have access to powerful legal resources to fight for our clients injured in a cruise ship in Puerto Rico and all over the country.

    Our firm has been fighting for the injured for over three decades. As a result, our attorneys have gained unmatched experience in this field.

    We know the different tactics cruise lines use to avoid liability. We know how they manipulate the injured to make it almost impossible for them to claim what is rightfully theirs. For example, whether you are a resident of Puerto Rico or the mainland US, you may be required to file a cruise ship injury lawsuit in a different location, mostly Miami.

    So how do you handle such a requirement when you reside miles away from Florida? Under normal circumstances, this scenario can be stressful. But not when you have Morgan and Morgan by your side.

    As the country's largest personal injury firm, we serve clients from coast to coast. In fact, we have our headquarters in Orlando, FL.

    So if the cruise line thinks that taking the case to Florida will discourage you from fighting for what you are entitled to, they are wrong. Just as long as you have Morgan and Morgan by your side, you have no reason to feel intimidated by these companies. Our experience, compassion, and passion for fighting for the injured are bigger than the cruise line's will to avoid liability.

    Ready to claim what is rightfully yours after an injury? Tell us about your case to get started.

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