Wells Fargo Auto Loan Insurance Lawsuit

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Wells Fargo Auto Loan Insurance Lawsuit

An internal Wells Fargo report said the bank could owe consumers at least $80 million, although at least one analyst has said the lawsuits could end up costing Wells Fargo "multiples more" than that, according to Fortune.

The expense of the unnecessary auto insurance forced about 274,000 of the bank’s customers into delinquency and caused nearly 25,000 wrongful vehicle repossessions, the Times said, citing the 60-page internal Wells Fargo report.

An internal Wells Fargo report said the bank could owe consumers at least $80 million, although at least one analyst has said the lawsuits could end up costing Wells Fargo "multiples more" than that.

A Wells Fargo spokesperson acknowledged to the Times that the questionable insurance practices took place, but contested the numbers.

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