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Head-On Collision Car Accident

Head-on collisions are the rarest kind of car accident, although they can be among the most serious types of collisions because of the forces involved. When two vehicles hit head-on, the speed at which both vehicles are traveling is combined, making the impact much more forceful. Generally, the front ends of both vehicles will collapse on impact and create a spray of projectiles which may consist of glass and metal debris.

If you or someone you care about was injured or killed in a head-on collision car accident, you might be eligible to collect compensation for your losses. A Morgan and Morgan car accident attorney can guide you and assist in ensuring you're successful in recovering an insurance settlement or getting a winning verdict returned.

Morgan and Morgan has been a staunch advocate for injured parties for more than 30 years and has experts ready to assist in every state. When it comes to making sure you recover the compensation you need for medical care and alleviating other financial burdens caused by someone's negligence, look no further than our experienced legal professionals. They have the knowledge, know-how, and resources it takes to win a fair settlement or persuade a jury to return a reasonable decision.

To learn more, contact us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

You Have a Right to Pursue Justice

When you've sustained severe injuries in a head-on collision car accident, you probably have a lot of questions. You're most likely dealing with pain and all the emotions accompanying serious injuries, like worry, anger, stress, anxiety, and even depression. These emotions are all valid, especially when the accident was caused by someone else's poor choices and negligent behavior.

Recovery may take weeks, months, or years, or you may never be the person you were before the accident. That's an incredibly hard truth to face, not to mention all the financial problems that come with it. You may not be able to work for some time, or you may even be permanently disabled. In situations like this, you have the right to pursue compensation from the other party's insurance company, or if they have insufficient coverage, you may be able to secure payment through other means. A personal injury lawsuit may be the right path, and our head-on collision car accident lawyers can be your support through this ordeal.

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How it works

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Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

  • Step 1

    your claim

    With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.

  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

    If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • What Is a Head-On Collision Car Accident?

    Head-on collision car accidents, otherwise known as frontal crashes, occur when two vehicles traveling in the opposite direction collide, damaging the front ends of each vehicle. This type of accident is frequently the result of one vehicle veering into the oncoming lane of traffic or entering a roadway traveling the wrong way.

    A sideswipe collision is similar in that both vehicles are traveling in the opposite direction, but instead of a frontal impact, the vehicles touch and scrape along the sides. The damage and injuries in this type of accident are often far less severe than in a head-on accident.

  • What Are Some Common Injuries Sustained in a Head-On Car Accident?

    Despite car safety technology and design advances, injuries sustained in a head-on car accident are often catastrophic. Typical injuries can include:

    • Traumatic brain injuries
    • Neck and back injuries
    • Spinal cord injuries
    • Burns
    • Disfigurement
    • Amputations
    • Concussions
    • Organ damage
    • Internal bleeding
    • Broken bones
    • Cuts and bruising
    • Abdominal bruising
    • Chest and ribcage damage from seatbelts and airbags

    We all know that medical care is expensive, but when you're severely injured, these costs can be astronomical, even with good health insurance, which is rare these days. The average price for an ambulance ride is around $1200, an emergency room visit is $3,300, and hospitalization, surgery, and testing are much more. While these prices are considerable, injuries resulting from a head-on car accident are not "average" injuries and often require extensive treatment, long-term hospitalization, and multiple surgeries to repair the damage.

    Unfortunately, these accidents often include fatalities. In fact, head-on collisions are the number one cause of car crash fatalities. Suppose you lost someone due to the irresponsible action of another driver. In that case, you might be entitled to file a wrongful death lawsuit which may enable you to recover expenses for the funeral and burial, any medical expenses prior to death, and financial compensation for the loss of companionship, income, and support for you and any of the deceased's dependents.

  • What Are the Common Causes of Head-On Motor Vehicle Accidents?

    Head-on motor vehicle accidents can occur almost anywhere but are most frequent on rural two-lane highways, which commonly lack guardrails and dividers and are poorly lit. Whether your front-impact accident happened in a city, the suburbs, an interstate, or a rural highway, here are the most common causes:

    • Improper passing (double yellow lines or not enough clearance for the maneuver)
    • Distracted driving (driving while texting or anything else that takes a driver's attention from the road)
    • Impaired driving (under the influence of drugs or alcohol)
    • Drowsy driving
    • Driving on the wrong side of the road
    • Driving while confused or disoriented
    • Poor weather conditions (rain, snow, and fog)
    • Hazardous construction zones
    • Poorly designed or dangerous roads

    While the causes of head-on motor vehicle accidents are many, one aspect most of these accidents share is negligence on behalf of at least one of the drivers, and sometimes, it's not just a driver's fault. Other factors may be at play, such as negligence on behalf of a company, city, or other entity. For example, if a driver loses control of their vehicle due to some faulty car part, the manufacturer of the part might be liable. Another example is a poorly designed road. For instance, suppose the other driver lost control because the city didn't post an adequate speed limit for a particular stretch of road and was the scene of multiple similar accidents. In that case, the city might be liable because they knew the stretch of road was dangerous and should have adjusted the posted speed limit to address the danger. 

  • How Do You Determine Liability in a Head-On Accident?

    All drivers owe a duty of care to others on the road, whether it be other drivers, bicyclists, or pedestrians. This is a legal obligation that is woven into the fabric of our society. When another driver, business, or third party fails in their duty, it is called negligence, and they may be held liable for the harm they cause.

    The challenge most people face is proving that negligence was the cause of the accident because the burden of proof lies on the individual making a claim for compensation. This is where Morgan and Morgan can help. We work to provide the proof required to demonstrate the other party's negligence was the cause of your accident and injuries, and thus, they are liable to pay for your expenses and losses.

    Depending on which state your accident occurred, there can be additional challenges to overcome, such as what percentage of fault you share. Some states would not allow for any compensation if you shared responsibility. Others reduce the amount you can recover based on your level of fault. Still, others will only allow you to collect if your fault is below a certain threshold. When liability is in question, it's imperative to use an attorney that is well-versed in federal, state, and local laws.

  • What Steps to Take After a Head-On Collision Car Accident?

    After a head-on collision, you may be injured and in shock, so we understand this advice may not work for everyone. However, there are best practices to follow if you're able. Sometimes, an at-fault driver will admit their wrongdoing. But many times, they won't or will try to shift the blame onto you or others. In some cases, both parties will not be able to remember the specifics of the accident because of injuries. In each scenario, the evidence will likely paint a picture of who is to blame. However, if you're able, you can take steps to secure evidence and ensure the safety of yourself and others. These steps include:

    Remaining at the scene of the accident - Anytime you're involved in a collision, you should stay where you are until the police arrive. Otherwise, you could be charged with a hit-and-run.

    Call an ambulance - If anyone is injured, an ambulance should be requested to treat and transport these individuals.

    Call the police - In many states, you have a legal obligation to alert the police in case of a car accident. This should always be done when it's a legal requirement. However, even when it's not, a police report is valuable evidence that can be used to bolster your claim. Police will conduct an investigation, document the scene, take statements, and issue tickets for traffic violations if any occur.

    Collect evidence - If you or a passenger is able, collect any evidence at the scene, including taking pictures of both vehicles, injuries, road and weather conditions, and skid marks. Get the contact information of any witnesses and exchange information with the other driver.

    Contact Morgan and Morgan's personal injury attorneys - Hiring a personal injury attorney to look after your interests can be tremendously helpful. We'll ensure your rights are protected and will pursue compensation for damages vigorously. It's essential to take this step quickly before evidence is lost or an important legal deadline is missed. Our lawyers are waiting for your call any time of the day or night.

  • What Kind of Compensation Can I Expect After a Head-On Collision?

    The amount you may be eligible to receive depends on various factors, including the extent of your injuries, the state where you were injured, and the policy limits of the at-fault party. If you live in a no-fault insurance state, you may have limitations concerning the specifics of your injuries. Some states put a cap on the amount you can receive. Generally, you can expect to receive compensation for the following damages:

    • Medical bills (past, present, and future)
    • Lost income
    • Lost earning capacity (if your injuries should interfere with your ability to return to work for the same pay)
    • Pain and suffering
    • Property damage
    • Wrongful death (in the case of a fatality)
  • The Morgan and Morgan Difference

    We understand that you have many choices for legal representation. However, when it comes to something as serious as a head-on collision, you have to make the right choice for yourself and your family's future. Personal injury law is the foundation of our firm, and we've helped tens of thousands of clients over the years recover the compensation they deserve from negligent parties.

    We excel at negotiations, but when an insurance company isn't willing to negotiate fairly, we don't hesitate to take the matter up with the courts. This is your right, and we'll work to make sure you have the best representation so you get the maximum amount possible. You don't have to work with a lesser law firm because of costs, either. Our fees are on par with most personal injury law firms, and you don't pay unless we win.

    Don't hesitate to contact us for a free case evaluation. Your lawyer can begin immediately to lessen the burden so you can work on your recovery.  

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