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How Many People Have Died in a Helicopter?

If you have recently lost a loved one in a helicopter accident, there are many questions to be answered. The sooner that you can take legal action by consulting with a wrongful death lawyer or a personal injury attorney, the easier it will be to see the path forward to recover potential compensation.

Unfortunately, helicopter accidents can and do happen, leaving victims with devastating injuries or family members coping with the loss of a loved one. If this was a preventable accident caused by negligence, you and other surviving family members may be eligible to recover compensation through a personal injury lawsuit known as wrongful death. It is essential to get legal representation as soon as possible to protect your interests. Helicopter accidents are a form of aviation crash. These should be properly investigated at all times. However, as surviving family members you may not be getting the answers that you need to decide to move forward with a lawsuit.

Understanding Aviation Crash Statistics

Accidents and helicopters are calculated based on every 100,000 hours of helicopter time flown. Between 2016 and 2017, for example, fatal helicopter accident rates increased to 2.6 accidents per every 100,000 flight hours. That number jumped again in 2018 to 2.72 fatal accidents for each 100,000 hours in flight. In 2019, there were 51 fatalities in 24 different fatal helicopter accidents. Helicopter travel is an unfortunately risky form of transportation because of several different factors. These include:

  •       Unsafe weather conditions
  •       Quickly changing weather conditions
  •       Variations in pilot training and experience
  •       Variations in visibility
  •       Mechanical malfunctions
  •       Changes in terrain
  •       Shortfalls in maintenance evaluations
  •       Lack of industry regulations and safety technologies

When compared with other types of aircraft, helicopters are much more likely to crash, and this is true even for medical and tour helicopters.

Understanding Human Error

When it comes to calculating how many helicopter crashes there are, especially those that have fatal consequences, you must think about the potential causes of these serious accidents. Unfortunately, far too many helicopter crashes are caused by human error. Helicopter accidents also have a much higher chance of devastating or fatal injuries because of the kinds of accidents that can happen. 

With fewer safety regulations than traditional airplanes and less opportunity to get out of the craft before it crashes, there is a much higher chance of someone being critically injured or killed in a helicopter accident. When helicopters crash, it is usually due to human error at some stage in operation maintenance, manufacturing, or design. A comprehensive evaluation of what caused the accident is critical for identifying these concerns and determining whether surviving people have any right to pursue a lawsuit. When lawsuits are eligible, the person needs to file a legal claim as soon as possible. 

Unfortunately, helicopter crashes can change the lives of many different people in just a matter of moments when someone else is not paying attention or proceeding cautiously on a route. 

The great majority of helicopter accidents are associated with some form of pilot error. Understanding safe helicopter pilot protocols and how these might have been deviated from is extremely important for surviving family members. Improper training, losing aircraft control, failing to recognize the possibility of a crash, or flying while tired, distracted, or intoxicated can all put profits over the safety of riders in the aircraft. It is also possible that more than one entity is responsible for the injuries sustained in a helicopter accident. If you can show that the maker of the defective device is also responsible for contributing towards the likelihood of the accident or causing it all together, this information may be named in your personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit.

Getting Legal Representation

If you are curious about whether or not you have grounds to pursue a lawsuit based on a helicopter accident, it is in your best interests to speak with a personal injury or wrongful death lawyer as soon as possible. Only an attorney can tell you more about what is required to file a lawsuit and some of the common challenges that you might face. Although there are many different attorneys out there practicing in personal injury law and wrongful death law, you need to seek out someone who has the appropriate experience in the field of aviation law and aviation accidents. This person should have the appropriate resources and network to call in experts to help support your claim, as it will be very important to tell the story of how the crash happened and how it could have been prevented. Getting access to some of this evidence can be difficult, but for an attorney who has previously handled many cases like this, it will be much easier to proceed. It is very important that you take action quickly if you have been critically hurt in a helicopter accident or have lost a loved one in a helicopter crash. This is due to the statute of limitations, which are the laws in each state naming that you only have a specific period of time to file a lawsuit before you waive and lose this right. Sitting down with an attorney to have an initial consultation is the first and one of the most important steps to begin your path to recovery.

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    your claim

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  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • What Should I Do After a Helicopter Accident? 

    If you or someone you know has already been hurt in a serious helicopter accident, you need to consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. This is because you need to share the details of the accident while they are still fresh in your mind and have your best opportunity to allow your lawyer to collect evidence. 

    There can be many different things to think about in the wake of going through a helicopter accident, but how you choose to move forward has significant implications for your future. Any evidence that you have related to the accident, such as accident reports, photos, or videos should all be shared directly with your personal injury lawyer. 

    It is important to speak with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible after a helicopter accident to protect the right to file a legal claim. Each state has specific rules called the statute of limitations, which require you to file a timely claim usually within two to four years after the accident has happened. Check in specifically with your personal injury attorney about the laws that apply in your state, particularly if you were visiting another state at the time the helicopter accident happened.

    If you lost a loved one in a helicopter accident, you likewise need to act quickly by getting legal representation. Your lawyer can help explain to you the typical process for filing a lawsuit and some of the damages that may be available to you. Surviving family members are eligible to initiate wrongful-death lawsuits, although these may have different statute of limitation rules when compared with personal injury claims. Not every family member is automatically entitled to file a wrongful death lawsuit, so discuss the specifics with your wrongful death attorney immediately. 

  • What Are the Most Common Injuries After a Helicopter Accident? 

    If you are able to survive a helicopter accident, it is likely that you will pay the price for many years to come in the form of serious injuries. You might have critical injuries such as disabilities, scars, burns, broken bones, back pain, shoulder pain, and internal bleeding. All of these can require advanced rehabilitation and medical expenses and some may even require surgery. When you file a personal injury claim regarding a helicopter accident, you may be able to recover some of these expenses to help you pay for your bills and move on with your life. Given that there are so many different things to think about during this difficult time, it is very important to retain the services of a personal injury lawyer who has a great deal of experience in this field. 

    Because of the severity of helicopter accidents, most victims suffer substantially. If your accident has changed your ability to work or live, you need to share this information with your injury lawyer for more information and recommendations on next steps. 

  • What Should I Look for in a Lawyer? 

    You have a lot to gain but also potentially a lot at stake when you choose to move forward with a helicopter accident lawsuit. It is extremely important you identify a legal team who has the appropriate experience in pursuing lawsuits against responsible parties immediately. Make sure to read more information about the law firm's background, their reviews from previous clients, and details about their previous lawsuits involving helicopter accidents. It will give you a lot of peace of mind and confidence that you hired the right legal team.

    To satisfy those concerns, Morgan & Morgan is a logical choice. With the unlimited resources of a national law firm and the personable attention of a small local practice, our attorneys can help you find justice and to receive the compensation you require to move on with your life after this unfortunate and unnecessary situation. Contact Morgan & Morgan today to receive a free, no-obligation case evaluation. You won’t pay a dime until you win your case. Don’t go at this alone; get the help you deserve.

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