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  • Protecting Families Since 1988
  • 20 Billion+ Won
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Automotive Services

Most motorists rely on their cars or trucks for daily commutes, long-distance travel, and other necessary transportation. When a motor vehicle is not functioning properly, drivers rely on mechanics for automotive services.   

Taking your car or truck to a repair shop can be inconvenient. This is true even when you receive high-quality services. 

Unfortunately, some mechanics and auto repair shops are negligent. If your motor vehicle is not properly repaired, you may suffer significant harm. 

For instance, suppose that you take your car to have the brakes repaired. Then the mechanic returns your vehicle without adequately fixing the braking system. This unknown problem may cause you to lose control of the vehicle. 

If you become involved in a collision because of faulty automotive services, you may be able to file a claim for financial compensation. 

It can be difficult to prove that defective mechanic services were the cause of the harm you experienced. Because of this, you should consult with a skilled tort lawyer in the aftermath of an accident or injury.  

As the nation’s largest tort law firm, Morgan & Morgan has fought for the rights of victims for over 30 years. Contact our compassionate legal team to pursue the financial recovery you need to move forward. 

Whether you sustained property damage or a personal injury because of faulty automotive services, our legal team can help. Schedule a free consultation by submitting the simple contact form on the Morgan & Morgan website.

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How it works

It's easy to get started.
The Fee Is Free™. Only pay if we win.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

  • Step 1

    your claim

    With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.

  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

    If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.

Client success
stories that inspire and drive change

Explore over 55,000 5-star reviews and 800 client testimonials to discover why people trust Morgan & Morgan.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. Based on Select nationwide reviews

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • What Are Examples of Faulty Automobile Services?

    Because auto mechanics offer a wide range of services, negligent repair specialists can cause many types of damage. When you have sustained harm because of defective repairs, you may wonder what legal options are available. 

    Your ability to file a successful legal claim will depend, in part, on the nature of the faulty automotive services. Automobile repair shops have an implied duty to provide their customers with a professional standard of service.  

    Some common industry standards of care include: 

    • Providing good faith estimates
    • Securing the customer’s permission before engaging in repairs
    • Providing a professional standard of repair
    • Carrying out only necessary work
    • Displaying the required skills and knowledge related to automobile repair
    • Ensuring the vehicle is safe for use 

    Those businesses that fail to engage in this professional level of service can be held accountable. When a customer incurs losses as the result of faulty repairs, they have the right to pursue compensatory payments. 

    Some of the most common examples of negligent auto services are: 

    • Failing to repair faulty or malfunctioning parts
    • Installing new components incorrectly
    • Failing to accurately diagnose problems
    • Damaging other systems or components while engaging in repairs
    • Providing modifications that make the vehicle illegal for use
    • Using the wrong part or component for replacements 

    If your mechanic has engaged in any of these negligent actions, you may have grounds for a successful tort claim. Reach out to one of the knowledgeable litigators at Morgan and Morgan to explore your rights and options.

  • How to Determine Liability in a Faulty Auto Repair Case?

    Mechanics owe their clients reliable services. Auto repair specialists have a duty of care to adhere to current professional standards. 

    If faulty repairs caused you to experience harm, you may be able to pursue a claim. However, you will need to prove the mechanic was negligent in their actions or inactions. 

    The team at Morgan & Morgan will use the relevant evidence in your case to bolster your claim. Showing that a mechanic was negligent will involve the following elements:

    Duty of Care

    In successful legal cases, claimants must prove that the at-fault mechanic owed them a duty of care. Those who provide professional services have an implied legal duty to use reasonable care. 

    In other words, a mechanic should act in the way another reasonable auto specialist would behave in the same situation. Often, this type of duty can be proved by showing that you hired the mechanic to provide professional automotive services.

    Breach of Duty

    The plaintiff in a tort case must also show that the opposing party breached their duty of care. This usually involves providing evidence that the auto repair business did not provide an appropriate standard of repair. 

    When our firm represents you, we will work to prove that the auto repair business in question failed to act in a reasonably safe and professional manner. Customers should not have to worry that their auto repair specialists will be careless or reckless.


    Plaintiffs also need to provide evidence that the careless behavior was the reason for the harm they sustained. If you patronized a local mechanic and were then in an unrelated car crash, you will not have a valid claim against the business.

    Actual Harm

    To build a successful negligence claim, you will need to prove that the at-fault party’s actions caused you actual harm. If the faulty auto repair did not lead to any negative outcomes for you, your claim will likely be futile. 

    The property damage and injuries resulting from the faulty repairs will determine the value of your claim. Speak with a Morgan & Morgan attorney to accurately calculate the worth of your automotive services case.

  • What Are Financial Damages in Faulty Auto Repair Cases?

    When you have suffered from low-quality automotive repairs, you may wonder how much you can recover through a legal claim. Determining the value of a tort case is complex.  

    Most people do not know how to determine their costs and losses after an instance of auto mechanic negligence. For this reason, it is critical to consult with an experienced lawyer if this has happened to you. 

    Most successful tort cases involving a personal injury result in two types of compensatory payments. These are called “economic” and “non-economic” damages. 

    Both categories of financial damages are meant to pay back the claimant for the costs and losses they experience as a result of negligence.

    Economic Damages

    Economic damages are payments that compensate victims for their direct monetary losses. When a mechanic provides you with faulty repairs, you will probably experience many resulting costs.  

    The monetary costs can be especially high for victims of personal injuries. Common examples of economic damages include payments to make up for: 

    • Past and current medical bills
    • Initial payment for faulty repairs
    • Costs for additional vehicular repair or replacement
    • Expected future medical expenses
    • Missed income and foregone wages from inability to work
    • Decreased ability to earn income long-term 

    It can be challenging to determine every financial loss that results from a negligent mechanic’s behavior. One of the seasoned Morgan & Morgan accident attorneys will carefully review the invoices and receipts related to your accident or injury. 

    You should not settle for less than the full value of economic damages in your case. Tightfisted insurance companies may attempt to deny that their policyholder is responsible for certain financial losses.  Do not let this happen in your case. When you hire our firm, you can trust that we will fight diligently for every dime you are owed.

    Non-Economic Damages

    Not every outcome of an accident or injury is economic in nature. Often, many of the resulting losses are emotional, personal, or psychological. 

    Non-economic damages are payments intended to compensate victims of negligence for these types of harm. Some of the most typical examples of non-economic damages are financial payments to make up for: 

    • Physical pain and suffering
    • Loss of the ability to enjoy life
    • Inability to engage in previous recreational activities
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder
    • Anxiety attacks, panic disorder, and depression
    • Emotional anguish and distress 

    It is difficult to prove the extent of these intangible types of harm. That is why it is critical to consult with an attorney regarding the circumstances of your claim. 

    The team at Morgan and Morgan has the specialized knowledge to accurately calculate appropriate non-economic damages in your case. Do not allow a greedy insurance provider to deny you the non-economic damages you are owed.

  • Can I File a Claim if I Lost a Loved One Due to Faulty Repairs?

    automotive work resulted in the loss of a loved one, you may be able to file a legal claim on their behalf.  

    In many cases, the family and estate holders of decedents have the right to pursue wrongful death claims. Successful wrongful death cases may allow the victim’s loved ones to recover compensation for: 

    • Loss of consortium or relationship
    • Loss of support and guidance
    • Burial expenses and funerary costs
    • The victim’s pain and suffering
    • The family’s emotional pain and grief 

    The tort attorneys at Morgan & Morgan have a decades-long track record of successfully pursuing wrongful death cases. When you have lost someone you love, it is important to hold the responsible party accountable. 

  • How Can I Afford a Tort Attorney in My Auto Repair Case?

    The compassionate team at Morgan and Morgan understands that victims of negligence often face a wide range of financial challenges. When you have suffered property damage or a physical injury because of faulty automotive repair, you should not have to worry about upfront legal fees. 

    Fortunately, reputable civil litigators rely on contingency fees for compensation. With this approach, claimants do not pay any upfront attorneys’ fees. 

    Instead, clients agree to provide a specific portion of their financial recovery in exchange for legal representation. In other words, victims pay only after their case is successfully settled or won. 

    When you hire Morgan and Morgan, we do not get paid unless you get paid. This ensures that your legal representative will work diligently in your best financial interests.

  • Morgan and Morgan Will Fight for You

    Following an accident or injury, you deserve the best legal representation available. Since our founding in 1988, we have effectively recovered significant compensation for the victims of accidents and injuries caused by negligence. 

    Our firm features a roster of more than 700 courtroom-ready attorneys nationwide. With Morgan & Morgan in your corner, you will never have to worry that your lawyer will accept a subpar settlement. 

    Inexperienced legal professionals may be tempted to avoid going to court by agreeing to an inadequate settlement. You should be able to trust that your representative will fight as hard as necessary. 

    Schedule a free legal case evaluation by completing the simple form on the Morgan and Morgan website. Our friendly staff is ready to arrange a no-cost consultation for you. We will assess the facts of your case and help you effectively pursue every dime you are owed. 

    The knowledgeable tort attorneys at Morgan and Morgan are ready to fight for you.

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