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  • Protecting Families Since 1988
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Auto Body Collision Near Me

Following a motor vehicle collision, drivers often need to seek out auto body repair. One common way to find a mechanic is by searching online for “auto body collision near me.” 

Most auto body shops provide reliable services and ensure that their clients’ vehicles are safe to use once they’re back on the road. However, this is not always the case. 

When auto mechanic shops are negligent, their customers may experience significant property damage or physical harm. Fortunately, victims of unreliable auto body shops have the option of seeking financial recovery for the damage they sustained.  

If you find yourself wondering, “Can I sue a shop after an auto body collision near me?” do not wait. Contact one of the accomplished legal professionals at Morgan and Morgan. 

Our skilled team believes that victims of negligent automotive repairs deserve compensation. You should not be stuck with the costs and losses that happen as a result of faulty repairs. 

Let the compassionate legal specialists at Morgan and Morgan review the circumstances of your auto body collision claim. Our litigators fight diligently to secure every dime our clients are entitled to.  

Complete the contact form on the Morgan & Morgan website to schedule a free legal consultation for your case. Our friendly staff is standing by to serve you and explain your legal options.

Understanding Faulty Auto Mechanic Repair

Many people rely on their vehicles to travel every day. When car repairs are necessary, consumers look for trustworthy mechanics to ensure that their automobiles are safe to drive. 

When a car is returned from an auto body shop without being repaired properly, it can be hazardous. A defective auto body repair happens when a mechanic provides low-quality service. This can be the result of carelessness or inadequate training. 

Regardless of what caused them, faulty repairs can be costly for victims. Vehicles that are unsafe to use can become more damaged if they are driven. This can result in additional repair costs. In extreme cases, vehicles may need to be replaced.  

Monetary damage isn’t the only possible negative outcome from faulty auto repairs. When vehicles are not safe for the road, collisions and other accidents may occur. 

Victims of motor vehicle accidents have the legal right to hold negligent auto body repair shops accountable. The legal team at America’s largest tort law firm knows what you need to successfully pursue compensation in these cases. 

If faulty mechanical repairs have resulted in financial losses or injuries to you, don’t hesitate to take action. The compassionate tort attorneys at Morgan & Morgan are here to help.

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How it works

It's easy to get started.
The Fee Is Free™. Only pay if we win.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

  • Step 1

    your claim

    With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.

  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

    If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.

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Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. Based on Select nationwide reviews

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • What Are Typical Examples of Faulty Car Repair Services?

    Issues that arise from defective auto repairs depend on the specific service that was provided. Faulty repairs are usually the result of a lack of care on the part of the auto repair specialist. 

    The make and model of the vehicle also affect what damage comes about after faulty car repair services. Some of the most typical examples of faulty car repairs, upgrades, and maintenance include: 

    • Failure to replace fluids or oil
    • Leaks in hoses or fluid containers
    • Faulty work on the vehicle’s frame or body
    • Problems with paint jobs or applied decals
    • Defective repair of mechanical components
    • Improperly installed or replaced components
    • Wiring or electrical problems inadequately addressed

    When any of these poorly completed repairs lead to damage to the client or their property, the client has grounds for a civil tort claim. Speak with a seasoned litigator to explore how defective auto body repairs resulted in costs and losses to you.

  • What Are Steps to Protect Yourself From Faulty Auto Collision Repair?

    In most instances, customers are forced to trust the mechanics who work on their vehicles. There are not many reliable actions that motorists can take to avoid the possibility of faulty auto repairs. 

    Because of this, it’s critical to vet the auto repair shops that you’re considering. Many drivers begin by searching online for “auto body collision near me.”  

    Online searches like this will give you a list of service providers in your area. However, you should not simply visit the first auto body shop listed. Instead, read reviews of several similar businesses. Written testimonials from previous clients can help you understand what to expect. 

    You should never patronize an auto body shop with mostly negative customer reviews. Businesses that have provided others with faulty service are more likely to give you a negative experience. 

    Also, it is important to find a mechanic who has been properly certified. When you visit an automotive repair business, you have the right to view relevant professional certifications. 

    Many businesses proudly display their professional registrations, certificates, and other proof of proper training. But if your auto mechanic doesn’t have certification or isn’t licensed, it’s best to take your business elsewhere.

    If a negligent repair mechanic caused you significant harm, speak with a trained legal professional. You may have grounds for a successful legal claim to recover financial compensation.

  • What Damages Available in Faulty Car Repair Claims?

    Following an accident or injury caused by defective auto body repair, victims may be able to obtain money to cover their losses. The term “damages” refers to financial payments provided to victims of civil torts, or wrongful acts. 

    The damages you can hope to recover will depend on the nature of the losses you sustained. Most victims of negligence can hope to recover two kinds of compensatory payments: special damages and general damages. 

    Understanding Special Damages

    This type of compensatory legal payment compensates victims of faulty auto repairs for the direct economic losses they sustain. When a mechanic fails to provide you with a reasonable standard of service, you will likely be faced with additional expenses to repair the damage they did. 

    For instance, suppose that you need to have your braking system repaired by a mechanic. Imagine that the brakes are not properly fixed, and this leads to a collision while you’re driving. 

    In a case like this, you will need additional automotive repairs. Furthermore, your braking system will need to be repaired for a second time. All of this work will likely result in skyrocketing costs. 

    Some common examples of items awarded special damages in cases involving faulty auto repairs include: 

    • Loss of related property
    • Medical bills from resulting injuries
    • Replacement of the damaged vehicle 
    • Anticipated future medical care costs
    • Additional vehicle repairs after faulty service
    • Loss of income and wages from missing work
    • Decreased ability to earn income for the long term 

    Most people underestimate the costs that result from an accident or personal injury. For this reason, it’s critical to consult with a seasoned legal expert to determine all of the special damages you may be owed. 

    The accomplished team at Morgan and Morgan knows how to hold at-fault parties accountable for the financial harm they cause. Don’t allow a negligent mechanic or auto body shop to deny you the money you need.

    Understanding General Damages

    This type of compensatory payment is most relevant in cases involving a personal injury. When you have been physically hurt, some of the most devastating outcomes do not result in the direct loss of money. 

    The worst consequences of an injury are often physical, emotional, interpersonal, and intangible. Still, victims of personal injuries deserve financial compensation for these negative experiences. 

    Fortunately, general damages are intended to compensate for these types of harm. A knowledgeable attorney at Morgan & Morgan will review the facts of your claim to determine whether you can seek payment to cover: 

    • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    • Physical pain and suffering
    • Emotional turmoil and anguish
    • Loss of quality of life
    • Loss of opportunity
    • Embarrassment

    It can be confusing to calculate the value of these losses since they do not come with a price tag. You can’t review receipts and invoices to find the price of general damages in your accident or injury case. 

    Often, insurance companies will attempt to devalue the intangible harms that victims experience. This helps them save money and pay as little as possible on filed claims. 

    Don’t let providers treat your case this way. Contact one of the accomplished negotiators at Morgan & Morgan to pursue the total value of your auto body repair claim. 

    When our firm represents you, we will negotiate assertively with the opposing party to ensure that you receive a fair settlement. 

  • What Are Contingency Legal Fees and Why Do They Matter?

    When you have experienced faulty auto repairs, you will probably need to pay for additional products and services. You should not be burdened with upfront attorneys’ fees in order to pursue justice. 

    Fortunately, reputable tort attorneys operate based on contingency fees. This means that you will not pay anything until your legal representative recovers the money that you are rightfully owed. 

    When the team at Morgan & Morgan agrees to represent you, we will provide legal services in exchange for a portion of the financial recovery from your case. You will pay nothing unless our legal specialists win or successfully negotiate a settlement for you. 

    This method ensures that your lawyer is always working hard and in your best interests. At Morgan and Morgan, our attorneys do not get paid unless you get paid.

  • What Services Do Tort Attorneys Provide?

    Even if you are certain that a negligent mechanic caused you harm, you may not know how a tort lawyer can help. Successfully settling or winning a civil case involves complex legal requirements.  

    When a member of the Morgan & Morgan team represents you, we will handle the following elements of your claim: 

    • Negotiating with the at-fault party on your behalf
    • Determining liability in your auto body repair case
    • Speaking with experts and specialists, if needed
    • Completing and filing required legal paperwork
    • Filing a lawsuit if negotiations are unsuccessful 
    • Accurately calculating the special and general damages in your case
    • Gathering relevant evidence, including documentation and photographs

    You should not be burdened with overseeing all of these legal tasks. When you hire America’s largest tort law firm, you’ll know that your case is in capable hands. 

    We will also help you seek financial compensation before the statute of limitations has passed. Waiting too long to file a civil claim may result in the automatic dismissal of your case.

  • Let Morgan & Morgan Represent You

    When you have been negatively affected by negligent auto repair, Morgan and Morgan can help. Don’t allow another party’s carelessness to leave you with mounting bills and losses. 

    To arrange a free consultation about your claim, complete the easy-to-use contact form on the Morgan and Morgan website today.

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