• The Fee Is Free Unless You Win®.
  • America's Largest Injury Law Firm™
  • Protecting Families Since 1988
  • 20 Billion+ Won
  • 1,000+ Lawyers Nationwide

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The attorneys featured above are licensed in Florida. For a full list of attorneys in your state please visit our attorney page.

Accident Injury Lawyers Nearby

When you type “accident injury lawyers nearby” into a major search engine, such as Google, you will likely encounter a seemingly endless list of search results. But the truth is that not every accident injury lawyer or law firm near you can fight for you. There are specific things you should always look for when searching for the right injury attorney to protect your best interests.

Once you find such an attorney or firm, you can rest easy knowing that your case is in safe hands. At Morgan and Morgan, we know how challenging it is to find the right injury firm to fight for your rights after a car accident caused by someone else's negligence. We also know how difficult it is to deal with insurance companies—they care about protecting their pockets and not your right to compensation. For this reason, we have discussed some key things to consider when looking for an accident lawyer nearby to fight for your best interests.

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How it works

It's easy to get started.
The Fee Is Free™. Only pay if we win.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

  • Step 1

    your claim

    With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.

  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

    If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.

Client success
stories that inspire and drive change

Explore over 55,000 5-star reviews and 800 client testimonials to discover why people trust Morgan & Morgan.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. Based on Select nationwide reviews

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • What Should I Look for in Accident Lawyers Nearby?

    After finding a list of car accident attorneys or firms near you, you'll need to narrow down the list by considering the following factors:


    It is important that you hire an attorney or firm with a good reputation for fighting for the rights of the injured. As odd as it sounds, the truth is that not every firm or lawyer you encounter has a good reputation for fighting for the injured and winning such cases. Some are still looking for that all-important win to kick-start their careers. While that's understandable, the last thing you want is to have an attorney use your case as an experiment.


    Results matter when it comes to personal injury cases. In fact, they are the most important thing. When looking for a car accident injury lawyer, you need one with proven results. An attorney who has never won a big case will likely settle for lowball offers because they do not know what it means to win big.


    Many people do not realize the importance of hiring an injury attorney with powerful resources until it is too late. When an attorney or firm lacks powerful legal resources to fight, they will likely conduct shoddy investigations just to win what they can. In addition, they will overlook important facts about the case because they cannot prove them when challenged to do so. On the other hand, a firm with powerful resources will leave no stone unturned when fighting for your rights. They will conduct thorough investigations, ultimately maximizing your claim.


    An experienced attorney knows how to navigate complex cases and ensure you receive the compensation you need and deserve. But when looking for an experienced lawyer, it is important that you look beyond the number of years they have been fighting for the rights of the injured. While that is an equally important factor, you need to find out whether the attorney also has courtroom experience.

    This is because most personal injury cases settle out of court. As a result, when the other party refuses to cooperate, an attorney who lacks experience fighting in court will likely settle for less than what you deserve just to prevent the case from going to court.

  • What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer?

    Hiring the right personal injury lawyer to represent you after an accident comes with many benefits, as discussed below.

    With the right attorney, you can focus on recovering from your injury without worrying about the case. On the other hand, the attorney will do everything they can to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

    Accident lawyers also have a deeper understanding of various injury laws and how they apply to your case at the state and federal levels. As a result, they can create the right legal strategy to approach the case and hold the other party accountable.

    An experienced attorney can also help evaluate your case to determine whether you have valid grounds to pursue compensation for your injuries. And if your case is valid, they will help you gather crucial evidence, assess your damages to determine the compensation you may be eligible for, and then identify the liable parties.

    Once they have identified the parties responsible for your injuries, they will then file a claim for compensation. The attorney will also negotiate a reasonable settlement on your behalf, ensuring you are fully compensated for your damages.

    Lastly, having an attorney by your side means you will not have to deal with the tactics insurance companies use to frustrate such cases. It also means you will not be bullied into accepting a lowball offer because you have the support of experts who understand your rights.

  • Can I Seek Compensation for My Injuries Without an Attorney?

    If you have a valid claim, you may be able to obtain compensation without an attorney. However, not hiring an attorney is very risky. Here is why.

    The insurance company will likely bully you into accepting a lowball offer. And because you do not have a lawyer, you may not have the resources to fight back.

    Personal injury cases can drag on for months or even years. As a result, some accident victims give up on the claims along the way because they simply cannot keep up with the pressure, frustration, and financial resources needed to fight back against big insurance companies. Keep in mind that these companies have nothing to lose—they will keep frustrating you until you give up completely or settle for a lowball offer.

    The other party will not let you know what exactly you are entitled to as compensation for your damages. Rather, when you have a valid claim that could be worth a significant amount of money, they will want to settle it quickly before you realize the importance of hiring an attorney.

    Additionally, these cases usually involve a lot of legal jargon. The other party will likely use some of these terms to mislead you into accepting lowball offers or jeopardizing your case altogether.

  • I Cannot Afford an Attorney – Should I Represent Myself?

    You may still be able to obtain legal representation from an experienced attorney even if you cannot afford their services. For example, at Morgan and Morgan, we charge our clients a contingent fee, meaning they do not pay us unless we win.

  • Do I Still Need a Lawyer if the Other Party Offers a Settlement?

    You can settle a personal injury claim without a lawyer—no doubt about it. In fact, when you have a valid case but lack legal representation, the other party will want to process the settlement quickly to prevent you from hiring an attorney for two reasons:

    The Settlement Offer Might Not Be Fair

    Because an attorney can help assess your damages, they will not settle for less than what you deserve. Keep in mind that the initial offer from the other party, mostly insurance companies, is not always fair.

    For example, you should not expect them to compensate you for your pain and suffering, permanent disfigurement, emotional distress, and other similar damages. This is especially true if you don't even know if you are eligible for such compensation or the amount you may be entitled to.

    You No Longer Have a Case Once You Accept the Settlement

    Another thing you need to know is that you cannot file a new claim for the same accident once you accept the settlement. At such a time, it might not be reasonable to hire an attorney because they will have very limited options to fight for you. This explains why it is always important to hire a lawyer right from the beginning.

    That said, not every attorney you come across can fight for you. For best results, consider working with the best in the industry. That is where Morgan and Morgan comes in.

  • Why Should I Hire Morgan and Morgan to Represent Me?

    There are so many reasons to hire Morgan and Morgan to fight for you or your loved one if injured in a car accident. Here are some notable few:

    We Are the Largest Injury Firm in the U.S.

    Morgan and Morgan is the largest personal injury firm in the United States. Our attorneys serve clients from coast to coast.

    We Have the Resources to Fight for You

    Our firm boasts some of the most powerful legal resources in the personal injury field. For this reason, you can count on us to conduct thorough investigations and hold the other party accountable for their actions.

    We Have a Solid Track Record of Winning

    So far, Morgan and Morgan has won over $13 billion as compensation for various injuries our clients sustained due to negligence. As a result, we do not get tempted by lowball offers like many other injury firms do just to close the case and build their portfolio. Because we have a solid track record of winning, our name is powerful. Insurance companies know about us. Those who do not know about us find out the hard way.

    We Do Not Charge Upfront Fees

    Despite being the nation's largest injury firm, we do not charge any upfront fees. To put things into perspective, you will have access to some of the best injury lawyers in the country without paying a cent up front.

    We Are Never Afraid to Go to Court

    When the other party refuses to cooperate, they will see us in court. This is because we do not compromise when it comes to fighting for our client's rights.

  • What Types of Accident Cases Does Morgan and Morgan Handle?

    We handle all types of car accidents. Whether you have been injured by a school bus, motorcycle, or even a train, we can fight for your right to compensation.

  • When Should I Contact a Morgan and Morgan Lawyer?

    It is always advisable to contact Morgan and Morgan as soon as possible. Here is why:

    Injury Cases Have Deadlines

    Personal injury cases usually have strict deadlines, which vary from state to state. If you miss these deadlines, you will lose your chance to pursue compensation for your injuries.

    Attorneys Need Time to Research Cases

    Because accident cases vary in terms of complexity, attorneys require a considerable amount of time to conduct thorough investigations. Therefore, if you take too long to contact an attorney, they will have limited time to build a strong case on your behalf.

    You Deserve Peace of Mind

    The earlier you contact an attorney, the better it is for your mental health. This is because the attorney bears all the burden on your behalf, so you won't have to deal directly with the other party.

  • How Do I Contact Morgan and Moran Personal Injury Lawyers?

    To contact Morgan and Morgan, all you need to do is fill out our free case evaluation form. A member of our client intake team will review your case and contact you to discuss your options. 

  • Morgan and Morgan Accident Injury Lawyers Can Help

    Accident injury cases are complicated. Other than the pain of dealing with the injuries, you will also have to deal with arrogant and ignorant insurance companies. That can be too much for anyone, including inexperienced attorneys.

    At Morgan and Morgan, we understand how difficult it is for the injured to fight for their rights while nursing their pain. We also know that insurance companies tend to take advantage of accident victims, forcing them to settle for less than they deserve. That is exactly why we are here to help. We will fight for you and your loved one just as long as you have a valid case.

    Fill out this form today to find out whether your case is valid.

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