Can I Sue My Landlord for Burn Injuries Due to Negligence?

After a burn injury, the physical and psychological injuries that result can require a long and difficult course of treatment. If you are a tenant and suffer a burn injury due to the negligence of your landlord, you could have a right to seek compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages you incur.

To learn more about your legal options, you can get a free, no-obligation case evaluation with Morgan & Morgan. Get started today and receive the justice you deserve.

More answers to commonly asked questions

Suffering a burn injury is a serious matter and one that should always be taken very seriously in terms of your medical care and evaluation of your legal rights. It can be overwhelming to navigate the legal process on your own, which is why you may be interested in reaching out to an experienced and qualified lawyer like those working at Morgan & Morgan.

One of the most common questions considered by victims is whether or not they can be held partly or fully responsible for their burn injuries. This depends on whether or not you're located in a comparative fault state. A person is eligible to sue for personal injuries, even if they were partially at fault in a comparative fault state, such as California. It falls to the responsibility of the victim to show that one or more parties are also at fault. The amount of your recovery will be reduced by the amount of fault.

The sooner you can involve a lawyer and investigate your claim, the better your chances can be to recover the compensation you deserve. As time passes, evidence can disappear and memories can fade.

A full investigation should include an examination of the instruments involved in the accident, the scene itself, statements from witnesses, collections of reports from investigating agencies, and wherever possible, any instruments associated with causing the accident, such as a defective car part or appliance should be maintained in their condition after the accident. Homes with fire scenes should not be rebuilt until after a thorough investigation has been completed.

It is unlikely in most cases that the entity or person who caused your burn injury will have personal assets enough to cover your possible damages. Even for companies that have significant insurance policies in place, these may not be enough to cover the damages in a clear liability case in which you can show that you have suffered a serious burn injury.

This is one of the reasons why speaking with a lawyer at Morgan & Morgan early on in the process is so important because you need a thorough investigation of these problems in order to successfully recover compensation. You may need to better understand all potentially liable parties, and this can only be done when you engage a lawyer as soon as possible. Putting together evidence against multiple wrongdoers may be the only way to pursue full and fair coverage for your damages through insurance or even assets.

In many cases involving serious burn injuries, it falls to you as the victim to be able to make a compelling case as to how your accident happened and why you believe other parties are liable. This means speaking with a Morgan & Morgan lawyer early on in the process. It may not be the case that you have sufficient evidence or statements on your side to tell the full range of the story. The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan have an extensive network of expert witnesses who may be hired to help recreate the scene or tell how your burn injuries are directly connected to someone else's negligence. Depending on the specifics of your case, a variety of different expert witnesses may be considered, such as biomechanical engineers, biomedical engineers, construction experts, and more.

Even though you may believe that your situation is relatively simple and that someone else should be easily held accountable for your injuries, this is not always as easy to tell in court. This is why you need to consider the use of expert witnesses and any other evidence that can help to bolster your case. You may be able to increase the possibility of recovering maximum compensation to allow you to move forward with your life when you engage a lawyer early on in the process. Do not hesitate to contact Morgan & Morgan for a free case evaluation. We're here to guide you through the legal process and give you support throughout your claim.