Wildfire Lawyers

3 min read time

According to the Insurance Information Institute, more than 58,000 wildfires engulfed 8.8 million acres of land in the United States in 2018. The previous year, more than 71,000 wildfires burned 10 million acres. Perhaps the most notable of the recent infernos was the Camp Fire in Northern California, the deadliest such incident in a century.

These wildfires have left thousands upon thousands of people in California and all over the country dealing with devastating injuries and property losses. If you or a loved one were injured in a wildfire, you might not know where to turn.

The wildfire lawyers at Morgan & Morgan are dedicated to helping people recover compensation for the losses they’ve suffered. Our legal experts may be able to help you take on the insurance company and recover the compensation you are owed.

Dealing with the Insurance Company

One of the most common frustrations people face after suffering an injury or losing property in a wildfire is dealing with their insurance provider. In essence, insurance companies sell paid promises to their policyholders. In turn, policyholders pay monthly premiums to maintain coverage. As a homeowner, you pay your premiums faithfully with the reasonable expectation that you’ll receive help when you need it most. But the insurance company may not return the favor when disaster strikes.

Insurance companies have a legal requirement to process claims fairly, even if they lose money in the process. If, for example, you lose your home in a wildfire, chances are they are losing money. For this reason, claims adjusters sometimes act in bad faith. Whether they misrepresent the details of your policy, delay your claim, manipulate the findings of their investigation, or even deny your claim without reason, there are certain bad faith actions they may take at your expense to make a profit.

If you suspect your insurance company is acting in bad faith, a wildfire attorney at Morgan & Morgan will fight to defend your rights and help you recover the compensation you are owed.


What To Do Following a Wildfire

If you suffered an injury, property damage, or the loss of a loved one in a wildfire, it’s important that you take certain steps to protect your rights:

  • Document Everything. Be sure to document everything from medical records and bills to all correspondence with the insurance company.
  • Record Your Losses.Keep a record of everything you’ve lost in the fire. All items that were destroyed or damaged should be covered by your policy.
  • Discuss Your Legal Options. Effective legal representation is key. Be sure to contact a Morgan & Morgan attorney early in the process to reduce the likelihood of bad faith on the part of your insurance provider.


Contact a Wildfire Lawyer

The wildfire lawyers at Morgan & Morgan understand how to identify when an insurance provider is acting in bad faith and hold them accountable. If you or someone you love were injured, lost your home, or suffered any other damages in a wildfire, contact one of our legal experts. We know you’re going through a lot; let us handle your case from start to finish while you focus on recovering. Schedule a free consultation now.

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