Why Does My Chest Hurt After Car Accident?

Chest pain after a car accident is not a good sign. This pain mostly occurs due to bruising or muscle strain, fractured ribs, or damage to your internal organs. If you are experiencing this kind of pain, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately. The doctor will conduct several tests to determine the extent of the injury and how best to treat it.

Next, contact a Morgan and Morgan car accident attorney. Our attorneys might be able to fight for you if you were involved in an accident caused by a negligent driver. Or, if you caused the accident and your insurance refuses to pay your medical expenses even though you are covered, we might also be able to fight for you.

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How Serious Is Chest Pain After a Car Accident?

You should not take this kind of pain lightly, especially before getting checked by a doctor. Remember, your chest houses some of the most vital organs in your body. You will find the heart, lungs, esophagus, trachea, and other vital organs around this area. Any damage to these organs could easily become fatal, especially if left untreated.

The fact that you are experiencing chest pain is because something is not right in your chest. It could be a case of internal bleeding due to the impact caused by the accident, blood clots, or anything in between. The only way to find out more about this pain is by getting checked by a professional doctor. 


My Medical Insurance Is Not Enough to Cover My Medical Expenses, What Should I Do?

If the doctor recommends a particular treatment for your chest pain after an accident but you do not have enough medical insurance to cover this treatment, speak with an experienced car accident attorney. An attorney can help establish different ways to obtain treatment for your chest pain.

The other driver’s insurance company will most likely be responsible for your medical expenses. Let’s say you live in a no-fault state like Florida. If you get injured in this state and require medical treatment, you must file a claim with your insurance company first. Your insurer will settle your medical bills as covered by your Personal Injury Protection insurance.

Every driver in Florida must have a minimum of $10,000 worth of personal injury protection. This policy only covers medical expenses, lost wages, and death.

However, if the treatment for your chest pain costs more than $10,000, you will need to file a claim with the other driver’s insurance company. In most cases, the other driver’s insurer will not accept responsibility for your medical bills without a fight. This explains why hiring an attorney to represent you in such situations is always advisable.


Is Pain on the Right Size of the Chest Serious?

If you are experiencing chest pain after an accident, you need to see a doctor regardless of the location of the pain. That said, pain on the right side of the chest, especially after a car accident, could mean that something is wrong with your vital organs, such as the right lung, the right side of the heart, and the esophagus. This is one more reason to set up an appointment with a doctor immediately.


Can I Sue for Chest Pain After an Accident?

Yes, you may be able to file a lawsuit if you experience chest pain after an accident. However, the first and most important thing is to ensure that you receive the medical attention you need and deserve. This is not the time to visit your local civil court in search of justice. Rather, you should be focusing on getting the treatment you need.

While undergoing treatment, you can hire an experienced car accident attorney to fight for you.


How Can an Attorney Help?

There are so many ways an attorney can help in these situations. If you have not yet received treatment after the accident, an experienced attorney can recommend specialists in their network to examine your chest pain and provide the required treatment. Seasoned attorneys usually have a network of experts in different fields, including the health sector, who work with them to provide their clients with the treatment they need after an accident.

One of the best things about contacting an attorney is that if you have a valid claim, they can help you get treatment as they fight for you. This is because most of these doctors usually have a good relationship with attorneys and would not mind treating you without an upfront payment. If you win the case, a portion of the settlement will settle your medical bills.
Other than helping you receive the treatment you need, such an attorney can:

  • Collect crucial evidence to support your claim
  • Assess the injuries and damages incurred to determine the value of your case
  • Fill out complex paperwork on your behalf
  • Identify the parties liable for your injuries
  • File a claim or lawsuit against the liable parties
  • Negotiate a reasonable settlement on your behalf


Who Can I Sue?

An experienced car accident attorney considers many different factors before filing a lawsuit. One of these factors is whether more than one party could be responsible for the injuries.

For instance, if your brakes failed and you recently just had them changed, the brake manufacturer could be responsible if your attorney is able to prove that the brakes were defective. The same applies if your airbags fail to deploy, leading to serious bodily injuries. Again, the airbag manufacturer could be responsible.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to these kinds of cases. Speak with an experienced attorney to learn more about your options.


Can I Still Sue if the Chest Pain Occurred a Few Weeks After the Accident?

Yes, you can still sue even if your pain occurred days or weeks after the accident. This is because certain bodily injuries take time to show. For example, your nerves might fail to send pain signals to your brain when you first get injured. This happens mostly when the body is still in shock.

It takes a while for the body to process certain types of pain. For this reason, the fact that the pain occurred a few days or weeks after the accident should not prevent you from filing a lawsuit against the liable party.


When Can I Sue the Other Party?

The timing of your lawsuit will depend on the specifics of your case. Sometimes, it is necessary and beneficial to delay filing a lawsuit. Other times, filing a lawsuit immediately is the most reasonable thing to do. Here are examples of these two different scenarios.

Let’s say you are still actively undergoing treatment for your chest pain. In that case, it would not be a great idea to file a lawsuit at such a time. This is because your medical expenses could rise, and if you already filed a lawsuit and settled the case, you will have to pay the remaining medical bills out of pocket.

Similarly, it may be necessary to file a lawsuit immediately if the statute of limitations for that particular case is about to expire. If you delay filing a lawsuit even for a day after the statute of limitations expires, you automatically lose your right to file the lawsuit.


What Can I Recover From Such a Lawsuit?

This will depend on many different factors, including but not limited to:

The nature of your injuries:  Your claim could be higher if you suffered serious injuries, but there are some exceptions. For instance, if your state follows the pure comparative negligence doctrine, the amount of compensation you may be able to recover will depend on your percentage of fault, not solely your injuries.

The damages: In most cases, the more damages, the higher the compensation. Generally, you can recover both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages cover the financial losses you incurred due to the accident.

Some common examples of economic damages include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Cost of transportation to and from your medical appointments
  • Ambulance costs
  • Cost of medical equipment such as wheelchairs
  • Lost wages if you were employed and could not go to work due to the chest pain
  • Loss of earning potential if the injury would prevent you from earning a decent income in the future

Non-economic damages are meant to compensate you for non-monetary losses caused by the accident. Examples include:

  • Emotional distress
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Permanent disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Post-accident protocol: The steps you take after such an accident could make or break your claim. For example, if you take too long to visit a doctor, the defense could claim that your injuries were not that serious.

But this claim might not necessarily be true; some people genuinely fear hospitals. Also, the specific circumstances of a case could make it almost impossible for the victim to visit a doctor in a reasonable time.


Can I Talk to the Insurance Company About My Chest Pain?

Talking to an insurance company about your symptoms is never a great idea, especially without legal counsel. While you may have pure intentions, such as seeking help for your pain, the insurance company will likely have a different motive.

One thing you need to know is that in real life, insurance companies are not usually what they seem on television when advertising their services. Although they might sound caring and understanding during the initial conversation, their goal is to find a way to avoid the financial responsibility of compensating you for your injuries. Whatever you tell them during the conversation could be used against you later when you file a claim or lawsuit.

If the insurance company contacts you about your symptoms or anything along those lines, ask them to speak with your attorney. You should do this even if you do not have an attorney at that particular moment. This tactic gives you enough time to look around for a competent lawyer to represent you.


How Much Time Do I Have to File a Lawsuit or Claim?

The statute of limitations for car accident injuries varies from state to state. Generally, you could have anywhere between two to four years to file such a claim. This might seem like a lot of time on paper, but it is not. Investigating these kinds of injuries takes a lot of time, effort, and resources. The more you delay contacting an attorney, the harder it is to prove your case.


I Had Chest Pain But Then It Disappeared a Few Weeks Ago – Should I Still Get Checked?

After a car accident, it is always advisable to seek medical attention, even if you do not feel any pain or discomfort. Do not self-diagnose some of these symptoms; you might end up regretting it many years later.

If the pain disappears after a while, this does not necessarily mean that you are off the hook. A small impact could be all it takes to trigger the pain once again. And when that happens, it might be too late to file a claim.


Need Legal Help? Morgan and Morgan Car Accident Lawyers Will Fight for You

Chest pain after a car accident is not something you should take lightly. One more day without getting the medical attention you need could mean moving an inch closer to tragedy. Remember that you have nothing to lose when you seek compensation for this pain. Rather, this could be the beginning of your journey to healing after the accident.

We have helped many accident victims receive compensation for such injuries, and you could be next. Let our compassionate, caring, and understanding attorneys help you.

Contact us today for a free case evaluation. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to fight for you.