Why Are Car Accidents So Common in the Fall?

As the leaves begin to change color and fall from the trees, many people enjoy taking drives to see the foliage. While autumn is a beautiful time of year, it also poses some increased risks and dangers on the road.

Leaves can create slippery conditions and make it difficult to see, both of which can lead to car accidents. If you're planning on hitting the road this fall, be sure to take some extra precautions to stay safe. If you’re in an unfortunate situation where you’re involved in a car accident, it’s important to speak with a qualified personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan are always available to help, no matter where you’re located. We have been handling car accident claims for decades and have recovered billions of dollars for our clients.

Contact us today to schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

The Dangers of Fall Driving

There are a number of factors that contribute to car accidents in the fall, including the following:

  1. Leaves can create slick conditions on roads. This makes the roads more dangerous for drivers. When leaves fall and collect on the pavement, they can make it harder for tires to get traction. This can lead to skidding and sliding, which can be especially dangerous when drivers are going around corners or making sudden stops. Wet leaves can also be a hazard because they can obscure paint lines and other road markings that give drivers important visual cues about where they should be positioned on the road.
  2. Daylight savings time. Daylight savings time ends in November, which means that there are fewer hours of daylight for people to drive. This can make it more difficult for drivers to see potential hazards on the road, especially if they're driving in areas with lots of trees that block out sunlight. Fewer hours of daylight also means that more people are likely to be driving in the dark, which increases the risk of accidents.
  3. Changing Weather Conditions. As the temperature starts to drop, road conditions can become more hazardous. Ice and snow make it more difficult to stop and turn, and they can also make it harder to see other cars and potential hazards on the road. These conditions are especially dangerous for inexperienced or reckless drivers.
  4. Children are back in school. This means more children may be walking or biking to and from school, which increases the risk of accidents happening. Drivers need to be extra cautious in school zones and areas where children are likely to be present.
  5. There are a lot of holidays in the fall. The fall brings a lot of fun holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and others), which means that people are traveling more often. And when people are traveling, they're more likely to be on the road at odd hours or in unfamiliar territory, both of which increase the chances of an accident happening. Holidays often mean more alcohol consumption as well, and the unfortunate reality is that many people get behind the wheel after they’ve been drinking.

Dangers of Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is incredibly dangerous. Not only are you putting yourself at risk, but you are also endangering the lives of everyone else on the road. In addition to putting everyone else at risk, if you are caught driving under the influence, you could face serious legal consequences, including jail time and hefty fines. You could also lose your driver’s license. Not to mention, if you cause an accident while drunk driving, you could be held liable for any injuries or property damage that results from the accident.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to stay safe on the roads this fall:

Get Your Car Checked Out

If you haven’t had your car serviced in a while, now is the time to do it. Get your tires checked and rotated, your brakes inspected, and your fluids topped off before winter sets in. These simple maintenance tasks can help you avoid an accident when conditions are less than ideal.

Use Extra Caution

If you do have to drive in the rain, snow, ice, or other dangerous fall conditions, be sure to go slow, use your headlights, and maintain a safe distance between yourself and other vehicles on the road.

Give Yourself Extra Time

Give yourself plenty of time to get where you're going so that you're not rushing and making careless decisions behind the wheel. This can lead to serious accidents, causing injury and death.

With a little extra care and caution, you can make it through the fall without getting into an accident.

Injured in a Car Accident? Here's What You Need to Do

If you've been in a car accident, your first priority should be your health and well-being. But once you've taken care of that, you'll need to start thinking about the legal implications of the accident. Here's what you need to do if you've been injured in a car accident:

1. Seek Medical Attention
If you've been injured in a car accident, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. It's always best to err on the side of caution and see a doctor. And if you don't get treatment right away, the insurance company may try to use that against you later on.

2. Call 911
If there was any property damage or injuries as a result of the accident, always call 911 and make sure they create an accident report. This report can be used as evidence in your case later on.

3. Contact a Personal Injury Attorney
After you've sought medical attention, your next step should be to contact a personal injury attorney who can help you navigate the legal aspects of your case. An experienced attorney will know how to deal with insurance companies and get you the compensation you deserve. They can also help ensure that all the necessary paperwork is filed on time and that your rights are protected throughout the process.

4. Gather Evidence
It will also be helpful to gather any evidence related to the accident, such as photos of the scene or witnesses' contact information. This evidence can be used to support your case and help establish liability.

5. Keep Track of Your Expenses
Finally, keep track of all expenses related to the accident, including medical bills, repair costs, and lost wages from missed work. This documentation will be important when it comes time to file a claim or lawsuit seeking compensation for these damages.


How Much Money Will I Get if I Was Injured in a Car Accident?

The answer, unfortunately, is not a simple one. The amount of money you may be entitled to receive will depend on a variety of factors unique to your case. Some of the key factors that will affect the amount of money you may receive after a car accident include:

The severity of your injuries: Obviously, the more serious your injuries are, the more money you're likely to receive. This is because more serious injuries tend to incur higher medical bills and may also result in lost wages if you're unable to work.

The state in which the accident occurred: Each state has its own personal injury laws, so the amount of money you may receive will vary depending on which state the accident took place in.

The insurance coverage of the driver who caused the accident: If the other driver doesn't have insurance or doesn't have enough insurance to cover your damages, you may not be able to collect anything from them without filing a personal injury lawsuit. This is why it's always important to make sure you have adequate uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage as part of your own auto insurance policy.


How Do I Know if I Should File a Lawsuit After I Was Injured in a Car Accident?

Being injured in a car accident is a scary and confusing experience. You may be wondering if you need to file a lawsuit. The answer to that question depends on many factors. Consider the following:

1. The Severity of Your Injuries
One of the first things you should consider after being involved in a car accident is the severity of your injuries. If you have suffered minor cuts and bruises, it is unlikely that you will need to file a personal injury lawsuit. However, if you have suffered more serious injuries that have caused you to miss work or incur significant medical bills, then you may want to consult with a personal injury lawyer to discuss your legal options.

2. Who Was at Fault for the Accident?
Another key factor to consider when deciding if you’re going to file a personal injury lawsuit is who was at fault for the accident. If the other driver was clearly at fault for the accident, then you may have a strong case for filing a personal injury lawsuit. However, if both drivers were equally at fault, then it may be more difficult to prove your case in court. Consult with a personal injury lawyer to discuss your specific situation and see if filing a personal injury lawsuit is right for you.

3. Do You Have Pre-existing Injuries?
If you have pre-existing injuries, it is still possible to file a personal injury lawsuit after an accident; however, it may be more difficult to prove your case. This is because the jury may believe that your injuries were caused by your pre-existing condition and not by the car accident. Consult with a personal injury lawyer before making any decisions about whether or not to file a personal injury lawsuit so that they can assess the strength of your case.


Morgan & Morgan Can Help

If you've been involved in a car accident, you may be wondering if you need to hire a car accident lawyer. The answer is that it depends on the circumstances of your case, but it’s often a good idea. Here’s why you should work with us:

1. We Have a Team of Experienced Lawyers
The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan have been handling all types of car accident claims for decades and have recovered billions of dollars through verdicts and settlements.

2. We Know How to Win Cases
We have a proven track record of winning cases for our clients. We know what it takes to win in court, and we're not afraid to fight for you.

3. We Care About Our Clients
We understand that being in a car accident can be a traumatic experience. We will work with you to make sure that you're getting the best possible treatment, both physically and emotionally.

If you've been in a car accident, it's important to hire an experienced lawyer who can help you win your case.

Contact Morgan & Morgan today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.