Which Type Of Lawyer Should I Call If I've Been In A Car Accident?

If you have been in a vehicle accident, you may need to communicate with an attorney as soon as possible. This is to protect your legal right to file a lawsuit to recover the compensation that you deserve. The support of an experienced attorney is necessary to help you protect your legal rights and to give you clarity on what to expect and how to move forward.

You may be curious about who to contact in this particular situation. If you've been in a car accident, lawyers can help you to outline your full legal strategy to increase your chances of full and fair compensation. If you are curious about what to do after having been in a car accident, a lawyer can assist you with answering many of the most important questions and making sure that your claim is filed in a timely manner. There are many different unique aspects to care for after you have gone through the process of filing a legal suit, but it is to your best interests to understand the laws in your state and to recognize how you can best support your legal claim by working with an attorney.

How a Lawyer Serves Personal Injury Victims

A personal injury lawyer can assist you with each aspect of your claim, and it is recommended that you consult with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible once you have been hurt. This is because each state has very specific laws regarding time period limitations for filing a suit. If you attempt to file a lawsuit after the statute of limitations has already passed in your state, you will be barred from bringing a legal claim despite the fact that other elements of your claim may be legitimate. In this particular situation, it is best to communicate with an attorney as soon as possible so that you can protect your right to file and have time to think about whether or not this is the attorney you wish to work with. After you've been in a car accident, a lawyer will sit down with you in an initial consultation to help you to determine your next steps and what to consider as you move forward. Your lawyer can be an important point of contact during this time to answer many of your most important questions.


Why Do I Need An Attorney?

You may assume that if you have only suffered minor injuries in a vehicle accident that you may be able to sort out the most important details associated with your lawsuit on your own. It is certainly true that in some very minor situations where you have little to no damages, you may be able to submit your claim to your attorney in a timely fashion and to recover compensation quickly. However, there are many other situations in which it is beneficial for you to communicate with a personal injury attorney immediately after getting into an accident. 

This is because most people do not anticipate some of the level of difficulty associated with recovering compensation and may underestimate how their medical injuries and conditions can influence them going forward. This is a leading reason why you might wish to communicate with a lawyer as soon as possible. A lawyer is a valuable asset to help answer questions and to ensure that you submit all necessary paperwork and evidence in a timely manner. You have enough to think about after surviving a vehicle accident, and you will also likely have many questions about the legal process and what to consider as you evaluate potential settlement offers. Having an attorney who has been in this position before and who has guided many victims through the process of comprehensive recovery can be extremely beneficial and supportive. 

A lawyer will also coordinate communication between the insurance company and any other parties involved in resolution of the suit. This can take a lot of pressure off of you personally to allow you to focus on recovery from your injuries. It is vital to identify a lawyer who has appropriate experience in navigating these kinds of complex lawsuits because there are many different facets to consider, and you must be prepared to fully protect all of your interests. A lawyer is an excellent guide to pushing you through this process and helping you to consider all the different elements. 

For example, if a settlement offer is presented by the other side, your attorney is required to bring that settlement offer to you. While you can contemplate it on your own and use your best judgment to make that call, your lawyer also has years of experience in helping other victims make that same determination and will be personally aware of your medical conditions and the ways in which your life has been impacted. This can make it very beneficial to discuss things directly with your attorney because your attorney can give better insight into the many issues involved and can help you going forward. 

The support of an attorney is critical for evaluating all the various aspects of your legal claim and ensuring that you have considered the most important things that are critical for you. For example, you might wish to end the litigation and accept a settlement offer that covers the vast majority of your expenses in the past and in the future. Others may prefer to try to hold the other party accountable at trial. Either way, your lawyer will be a valuable sounding board to talk through these critical issues.


What Will I Need To File A Lawsuit?

After having been in a car accident, a lawyer will help you to determine which types of evidence and documents may be needed in order for you to proceed with a legal claim. In most cases, this has to do with evidence associated with the suit that supports how the accident happened, as well as the injuries you sustain directly as a result of the accident. Medical records, pictures and videos from the scene, and expert testimony from accident reconstruction specialists may also be needed to tell the full story. 

It can be frustrating to learn that the insurance company is not accepting your side of the story or does not intend to compensate you for what you believe are legitimate injuries. In these circumstances, it is extremely important to have an attorney who is very familiar with negotiation. Your lawyer can help to raise important points that ultimately protect your right to receive maximum recovery. There's no doubt that it can be very frustrating to navigate this process on your own, and you will also have legitimate concerns about being able to protect all of your interests. Your attorney will sit down with you during your initial consultation to discuss some of the key elements of your claim, including the details that you will need to organize in order to file. Make sure that you keep copies of everything and come into your lawyer's office with an organized list of all of the information you have thus far. This can be extremely helpful for supporting you as you navigate the process and fight to recover compensation.


What Should I Do First After an Accident?

One of the best things to do after an accident is to seek medical attention to confirm your conditions and to get diagnostic tests to rule out other issues. Acting quickly and responding to any changes in your overall health can make a big difference in your ability to heal and recover.

Once you have seen a doctor, your next step should be to consult with a personal injury attorney. Even if you don’t yet know the full extent of your condition, talking to a lawyer is a good way to get a handle on the legal issues in your case. With so many unique facets to consider, you need a law firm with extensive experience in victim rights.


What if I’m Permanently Disabled?

Some people might recover relatively quickly from minor injuries and even have a treatment plan to recover over the long run from more serious injuries. If you have developed a permanent disability from your injuries, however, you will have substantial concerns around your medical care as well as your next steps. This is where the team at Morgan & Morgan can help you work through these challenges so that you know what to expect. 

If you have been seriously injured and are coping with problems such as scarring, disfiguring marks, or a disability, you need the support of a dedicated law firm who will spring to action on your behalf and will fight hard for all possible benefits. You have many different things to consider in this process, but it is vital to ensure that you are working with an attorney who cares about the impact of this accident on your life and who can help guide you through every aspect of the legal process.

If you are ready to take your first steps toward justice, contact us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation to get started. We’re here to help you move forward.