What to Do After a Slip and Fall at Home Depot

slip and fall sign at escalators

Slip and fall accidents don’t discriminate. You can fall victim to an accident in any location if hazardous conditions arise, and if you aren’t careful, the damage has the potential to change your life forever. Even minor accidents can result in major damage, leaving the victim to pick up the pieces of their accident on their own, which is why it’s recommended to seek medical attention after a slip and fall, regardless of the severity. However, with medical costs rising exponentially across the nation, this is becoming a costly task to undertake—one that will leave you with a mountain of expenses that only compounds the physical pain you’re experiencing.

Some slip and fall accidents are completely random, with the victimized party making a genuine mistake that leads to their injury. Other cases aren’t so random, and someone’s negligence leads to the accident itself.

Property owners, landlords, and anyone with a legal duty to care about a location must act responsibly to ensure that their premises are entirely safe for anyone who traverse them. Negligence, or a failure to maintain their premises, can create hazardous areas on their property, such as uneven walkways, broken staircases, and improperly lit areas. Even major retailers, like Walmart, Home Depot, and Target, have negligently exposed their customers to a risk of injury, and the situation is even more unfortunate if the at-fault party could have prevented the accident with some proactive action.

If you find yourself injured by the negligent hand of a major retailer, your next call should be to a trusted attorney. While this might sound like an easy decision, it’s most often not that simple, especially if your case is serious. You don’t want to gamble with your rightful restitution, which is why you need a law firm with the resources to get you across the finish line. Morgan & Morgan, America’s largest personal injury firm, leverages endless resources to fight for what our clients deserve, and we have a proven track record of success against major retailers like Home Depot.

If you were injured in a Home Depot slip and fall, Morgan & Morgan has your back. Complete our free, no-obligation case evaluation to take the first step toward your rightful restitution.


How Do You Deal With a Slip and Fall?

Slip and fall accidents are complicated, and the way you should respond to your situation will differ from case to case. But, if you want to put yourself in a position to succeed, you should follow these common steps for dealing with slip and fall accidents.

Seek Medical Attention

You might be able to walk away from a minor slip and fall accident, but major ones could require a hospital visit. In either case, you should seek medical attention. Some slip and fall accidents cause internal injuries that won’t present themselves right away. For example, herniated discs are common injuries associated with slip and fall accidents. In many cases, these injuries won’t start affecting you until years later, or the severity of the injury won’t start to present itself until your legal action has concluded. However, if the evidence of the damage isn’t discovered during your medical examination, or you choose to withhold information from the medical professional in charge of your care, you might not be able to recover damages for those specific injuries. This same idea also applies to your attorney, so make sure you disclose any damages you sustained because of the injuries you sustained.

Anyone who suffers an injury because someone breached their duty of care should seek the help of an attorney, even if you think you don’t have a case. Choosing to proceed without one is risky, and you don’t want to gamble with something as important as receiving the fullest extent of your damages.

Investigate Your Case

Once you file a lawsuit against the at-fault party for negligently exposing you to a hazard, you’ll begin to investigate your case and search for evidence. Tangible evidence, such as photos and video of the accident, will work to help your case, as well as eyewitness testimony and your medical records, so make sure to conduct a comprehensive search. The at-fault party will conduct an investigation into your case, too, so make sure to speak with your attorney about what to expect before you start the process.


Next, you’ll begin to negotiate a potential settlement with the at-fault party. Most states have laws that require you to take this step before the issue can move to the courtroom, but it’s a good step to take in any case. Your attorney will have a solid case at this point, with evidence to affirm that their negligence caused the injuries. They’ll display your damages, argue the severity of each, and establish a dollar figure for every damage you sustained as a result of the at-fault party’s failure to act responsibly.

If you’re suing a major retailer, like Home Depot, you can expect their legal team to bring a sizeable amount of resources to the table. They may respect your situation and offer you what you deserve, but in some cases, they’ll attempt to diminish or deny your rightful compensation. Some law firms can’t protect you against the resources of Home Depot, despite charging you expensive retainer fees. That’s not the case with Morgan & Morgan. We leverage endless resources to ensure you’re taken seriously.

Courtroom Litigation

If no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case will have to move into the courtroom. Your attorney will present your case in front of a judge and argue your case for a jury, but the at-fault party will, too. Having an experienced attorney is essential in cases that go to trial. Without one, you won’t be able to defend against their expensive legal team and run the risk of being forced to accept a diminished offer. Anyone injured in a Home Depot has a high chance of finding themselves in this situation, especially if the case is a hotly contested manner.

Fortunately, all of Morgan & Morgan’s slip and fall lawyers understand how to work up cases the right way, preparing for the possibility of a trial from day one. The decades of experience behind us allow us to gain the upper hand often and early, which has offered an undeniable advantage in our numerous successful verdicts against Home Depot and other major retailers.

What Are the Symptoms of a Slip and Fall?

Slip and fall accidents can cause injuries ranging from minor scrapes to permanent brain damage—it all depends on the situation. The specific symptoms will injury will depend on your fall, but here are some of the most common injuries victims have sustained in Home Depot slip and fall accidents:

  • Bruising, both internal and external
  • Broken bones
  • Torn muscles and ligaments
  • Back/neck injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Brain damage
  • Paralysis

Some people slip and fall, then proceed about their day because they feel no pain. If you walk away from a slip and fall, monitor for a headache or any dizziness, nausea, fatigue, or confusion. These symptoms could be the early warning signs of a more serious condition, and you can potentially save yourself from future harm by seeking medical attention as soon as you can.

What Causes a Slip and Fall?

Slip and fall accidents are commonly caused by hazardous areas that form within a property. They can occur anywhere, but they’re especially common in apartment buildings, supermarkets, and major retail stores, like Home Depot. A hazardous condition can include:

  • A broken staircase
  • Uneven walkways
  • Dimly lit walkways or passages
  • Liquid spills
  • Freshly waxed or clean floors
  • Broken doorways
  • Sudden drops or steps

A slip and fall in a Home Depot can catch you by surprise and land you with a painful injury. If the property owner where your accident occurred could have fixed the hazard within a reasonable time, you likely have grounds for a lawsuit, but you should speak to an attorney to iron out the fine details. The “within a reasonable time” provision of Home Depot slip and fall cases is often difficult to prove, as it requires evidence that the property owner was aware of the hazard and neglected to fix it anyway. That’s why having an attorney by your side is so important in cases of diminished or denied compensation offers. But, don’t worry: Morgan & Morgan is here to stand by your side as you advocate for fair treatment and rightful compensation.


Trust Morgan & Morgan In Your Home Depot Slip and Fall Accident

In the most difficult moments of your life, Morgan & Morgan has your back. A slip and fall case is nothing to take lightly, and if it occurs by the hand of a major retailer, the situation is all the more difficult. Without an attorney by your side, you risk falling victim to the at-fault party’s resources and experienced legal team, which you can expect they’ll employ if your case is heavily contested. You don’t want to wind up on the losing side of an accident you didn’t cause; Team up with Morgan & Morgan to give yourself the best possible chance of recovering what you’re entitled to.

With $20 billion recovered on behalf of our clients, offices from coast to coast, and decades of experience behind us. Morgan & Morgan is uniquely capable of helping you navigate through your Home Depot slip and fall accident and, most importantly, recovering every penny of what you deserve.

Contact us today to get started.