What Day Has the Most DUIs?

Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is incredibly dangerous. Intoxicated driving results in huge numbers of collisions and personal injuries across the country each year.

Members of law enforcement work incredibly hard to ensure drunk drivers cause as little damage as possible. To this end, motorists caught drinking and driving may be charged with a DUI (driving while under the influence). 

Police keep track of the days and times when drunk driving rates are at their highest in various localities. This helps them ensure that the roadways in their jurisdictions are as safe as possible. 

If you’re planning a road trip or are curious about the frequency of drunk driving incidents where you live, you may be wondering, “What day has the most DUIs?” The short answer is that holidays, popular public events, and other special occasions are more likely to see drivers operating vehicles while intoxicated.

Although driving under the influence is a criminal offense, victims of these negligent motorists can also pursue civil claims. If you’ve been injured in a drunk driving accident, you can seek compensation for the financial hardship you’ve incurred with the help of a skilled attorney at Morgan & Morgan.

Drunk driving accidents can be devastating, and those who are hurt deserve justice.

Don’t wait. Our expert legal team is standing by to assist you. Fill out the brief contact form on our website to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation case evaluation.


What Day Has the Most DUIs?

The likelihood that you’ll be involved in a motor vehicle collision is higher when there are more cars on the road. The odds of a crash also increase when road conditions are poor.

Traffic collision statistics allow police to predict when drunk driving accidents are most likely. According to research from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a recent four-year period saw an average of 36 alcohol-related traffic fatalities per day in the U.S.  

These statistics highlight how dangerous impaired driving truly is. For this reason, it’s vital for law enforcement personnel to understand when drunk driving is likely to occur, as this knowledge allows them to take action to stop it.

The most dangerous season for drunk driving accidents is summer. The dates between Memorial Day and Labor Day represent a vacation from school for many students.  

When teenagers drink illegally and operate motor vehicles, the likelihood of serious harm is high. Because of their inexperience, younger drivers are also more likely to engage in distracting behaviors while behind the wheel. 

However, drunk driving accidents during the summer aren’t all due to teen motorists. Many people take vacations during the summer months. As a result, the chances of intoxicated driving increase.

Leaving restaurants and bars while on vacation is a common circumstance that may result in a DUI. If the driver had multiple drinks, they might mistakenly believe they can drive safely. 

While summer is the most dangerous season, holidays are also prime opportunities for DUIs. The holidays on which most DUIs occur are:

Independence Day

The fourth of July is best known for fireworks, cookouts, and celebrating with friends and family. Drinking alcohol is a standard part of many people’s celebratory rituals on Independence Day.  

Because the holiday takes place during the summer, people are already relaxing and enjoying themselves. Many employees are also off work, so they may be more likely to drive after having too many drinks.

If you’ve been hurt by a drunk driver on the fourth of July, it’s a good idea to speak with an attorney. One of the experienced lawyers at Morgan and Morgan can help you file for compensation for your DUI accident claim.

St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is commonly associated with excessive drinking in many parts of the country. Because of this, the rates of DUIs are particularly high on the holiday. Many police departments set up DUI checkpoints around St. Patrick’s Day, which helps to keep the roadways as safe as possible. 

However, some drunk drivers still go undetected. When a negligent or intoxicated driver causes a collision, the victim has the right to pursue a legal claim against the at-fault party.


For many people, Thanksgiving involves consuming large meals with friends and family. It’s not uncommon for Thanksgiving revelers to enjoy alcoholic beverages with their food. 

Because of the relaxed environment at many gatherings, people often forget their responsibility to drive safely. When intoxicated drivers cause harm on Thanksgiving, they can be held legally accountable for the financial and physical damage they cause.

New Year’s Eve

The night of December 31st is one of the worst dates for DUIs nationwide. Many people are out and about excitedly celebrating the arrival of a new year.  

Champagne and other alcoholic beverages are staples at New Year’s Eve celebrations across the country. Consequently, many partygoers end up driving home late at night after drinking and celebrating for hours. 

These are only a few examples of the days when intoxicated driving happens often. But when you’ve been injured in a drunk driving accident, it doesn’t matter when the collision occurred. The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan believe injury victims have a right to receive skilled representation whenever they need it.

We won’t rest until we recover every dime you’re rightfully entitled to for your collision claim. 


What Are The Financial Damages in Drunk Driving Claims?

If you’ve been a victim of another person’s negligent driving, you’ll probably face many physical and financial difficulties. Fortunately, a seasoned tort attorney can help you pursue compensation to help you get your life back on track. 

Injury victims shouldn’t be forced to bear the losses that result from a drunk driving accident caused by another person’s carelessness. When you work with the accomplished lawyers at Morgan and Morgan, we’ll carefully determine the best legal option for you.

In many injury cases, victims can pursue both special and general damages. These are the two most common types of compensatory payments.

What Are Special Damages in Drunk Driving Cases?

Special damages are payments provided to the victim by the at-fault party. This money is intended to make up for the monetary losses the claimant has experienced. 

The aftermath of a motor vehicle collision is typically very costly, especially if the victim sustains significant injuries.

Most car crash victims underestimate the monetary costs resulting from their accidents. That’s why you should consult a seasoned legal professional, who can help you determine and pursue the full amount you’re owed. 

Some of the most common financial losses resulting from a drunk driving collision injury include: 

  • Current medical bills related to the crash
  • Anticipated future medical care expenses
  • Missed wages and lost income from missed work
  • Decreased ability to work long-term
  • Vehicular repair or replacement
  • Miscellaneous property damage 

Any financial costs or bills resulting from your accident can be claimed through special damages. The seasoned attorneys at Morgan & Morgan will carefully value the receipts, bills, and invoices accumulated throughout your case.

Don’t settle for less than the total amount you’re owed. Let Morgan and Morgan fight to recover the money you need to move forward.

What Are General Damages in Drunk Driving Cases?

General damages are financial payments that compensate victims for the intangible and personal harms resulting from their accident or injury. When an intoxicated motorist injures you, you might suffer many negative physical and emotional effects. 

Morgan & Morgan know how to calculate the value of general damages in motor vehicle collision cases. Some of the most common general damages payments in personal injury claims are: 

  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks
  • Emotional turmoil and distress
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Long-term disability
  • Decreased quality of life 

Car accident injuries often have serious consequences. Catastrophic injuries may result in lifelong symptoms and medical conditions. 

Unlike special damages, general damages are difficult to calculate accurately, as there are no clear dollar values associated with these types of intangible losses.  

Fortunately, the accomplished legal team at Morgan and Morgan has years of experience assessing general damages in motor vehicle crash cases. Don’t allow the opposing party’s insurance company to deny you financial restitution.

Our litigators will fight tirelessly to secure the compensation you need to deal with your injuries and their emotional and psychological impacts on your life.


Can Victims Recover Punitive Damages in DUI Accident Claims?

Punitive damages are financial payments awarded to the plaintiff by a judge or jury. These damages are not compensatory. Instead, they’re used to punish defendants found to be grossly negligent or reckless upon investigation.

Your ability to recover punitive damages will depend on your location. Speak with a Morgan & Morgan attorney to determine whether punitive damages are potentially recoverable in your DUI accident case.


How Much Will I Pay Upfront for Legal Representation?

You don’t pay any upfront fees when a Morgan and Morgan lawyer agrees to take your case.

We know better than anyone that accident and injury victims face massive financial challenges. For this reason, our compassionate litigators are paid through a contingency fee approach. During your no-cost consultation, we’ll agree to work for a specific percentage of the financial compensation recovered in your case. 

You won’t be required to pay anything unless our team secures the financial compensation you have coming to you. Once we successfully settle or try your claim, a portion of the financial recovery will go to covering your attorney’s fees. 

Never hire an attorney or firm that demands payment before concluding your case.


Can I Pursue Damages if I Lost a Loved One in a DUI Accident?

Yes. If one of your loved ones has passed away due to a DUI motor vehicle collision, you may have the right to pursue a civil claim. 

This type of case is known as a “wrongful death” claim. Plaintiffs in wrongful death claims sue to secure financial compensation on behalf of the decedent. Common damages recovered through these cases include:

  • Funerary expenses
  • Burial costs
  • Outstanding medical bills
  • Property damage costs
  • Personal pain and suffering 

Only certain individuals are eligible to file a wrongful death claim in the aftermath of a fatal collision. Speak with a Morgan & Morgan attorney to explore your options.


Let Morgan and Morgan Handle Your DUI Accident Claim

If you’ve been involved in a DUI accident that resulted in injury, reach out to the trusted lawyers at America’s largest injury law firm, Morgan & Morgan, and take advantage of a free legal consultation by completing our simple online contact form. We’re prepared to fight for you.