What Are the Top Types of Car Accidents in the United States?

Motor vehicle collisions are one of the most common types of accidents. Each year, over 38,000 drivers and passengers are killed in vehicular mishaps in the United States.
Car accidents and the resulting injuries form the basis of many legal claims. When someone’s negligent driving results in harm to another person, the victim has the legal right to pursue justice.
Fortunately, car accident victims can seek financial compensation with the help of a skilled personal injury attorney. If you or someone you love has been hurt in a traffic collision, do not hesitate.
Contacting a knowledgeable car accident lawyer will give you the best chance of recovering the money that you need to move forward. The team at Morgan & Morgan has years of experience fighting for the rights of car accident victims.
While traffic collisions are common, some types happen more than others. Below, we will explore some of the top car accident types in the U.S.
When you reach out to the legal professionals at Morgan & Morgan, we will thoroughly investigate your car accident claim. If another person’s negligence contributed to your injuries, you could be owed significant financial compensation.
To schedule a no-cost legal evaluation, contact the firm at Morgan & Morgan today.

Top Car Accident Types in the U.S.

Anytime someone drives a motor vehicle, they accept a certain level of risk. Car accidents are the leading cause of personal injuries in the United States. 
Collisions can happen as the result of many different circumstances. Each car accident is the result of a unique set of factors.
Still, some categories of motor vehicle collisions are more common than others. Two of the top car accident types in the U.S. include single-vehicle crashes and multi-vehicle collisions. 
Beyond these two general categories, there are several other top car accident types in the U.S. These include:

Rear-End Crashes

When one vehicle collides with the rear of another, a rear-end collision has occurred. Rear-end collisions are one type of multi-vehicle crash. 
These collisions range widely in terms of severity and damage. Many factors contribute to the potential harm that can result from a rear-end collision.
For instance, the speed and location of a rear-end collision will influence how much damage occurs. 
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), rear-end crashes account for nearly a third of all traffic accidents. If you have been injured in a rear-end collision, you are not alone.
If you have experienced one of the top car accident types in the U.S., contact a trustworthy personal injury attorney.

Side-Impact Collisions

This type of accident is usually a multi-vehicle collision. Side impact crashes happen when the front end of one vehicle hits the side of another. 
These accidents are sometimes referred to as “T-bone” crashes. Side impact accidents commonly happen at intersections.
For instance, suppose that one car runs a stop sign. If another vehicle has the right of way, the negligent driver may T-bone the other car.
Side impact crashes can be single-vehicle collisions if the car strikes an object, such as a telephone pole or fire hydrant. Over 28% of car accidents are side-impact collisions, according to the NHTSA.

Head-On Collisions

This type of car accident is especially dangerous. Head-on collisions happen when two vehicles crash while traveling toward one another.
These multi-vehicle crashes are responsible for many of the traffic accident fatalities every year. They can be caused by many different factors and circumstances. 
For instance, vehicles sometimes swerve into oncoming traffic or travel the wrong way down a one-way street. When this happens, head-on collisions are very likely.
Fortunately, this type of car accident only accounts for around 2% of motor vehicle crashes in the United States. Still, these mishaps are incredibly dangerous, and victims should seek medical attention immediately.

Rollover Accidents

When a vehicle flips onto its roof or side, this qualifies as a “rollover” accident. Usually, this type of crash is the result of collisions or maneuvers that occur at high speeds. 
Any type of vehicle is susceptible to rolling over. However, certain types of cars and trucks face a higher likelihood of this type of mishap.
Taller vehicles and top-heavy trucks are more likely to roll over. According to research from the NHTSA, around 2.3% of all U.S. traffic crashes are rollover accidents.

Other Top Car Accident Types in the U.S.

There are many other types of car accidents that result in personal injury claims. Some of the most common circumstances that cause traffic accidents include:

  • Hit-and-run collisions
  • Drunk-driving crashes
  • Accidents caused by speeding
  • Accidents caused by aggressive driving
  • Accidents at railroad crossings and intersections
  • Collisions involving pedestrians or bicycles
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Commercial trucking accidents
  • Distracted driving mishaps
  • And more

No matter what the circumstances of your car accident or injuries, you may be owed significant compensation. Make sure to contact an accomplished legal specialist following a motor vehicle collision.
You should not bear the financial and personal burdens of a car accident for which you are not responsible. The legal specialists at Morgan & Morgan will fight tirelessly to recover the financial compensation that you are rightfully entitled to.

Liability in Car Accident Claims

One of the most important elements of any motor vehicle collision case is the issue of legal liability. A trusted personal injury attorney will review the various factors of your case to help you determine who can be held accountable.
The question of who is at fault for a traffic accident will influence the amount of compensation that victims can claim. Some of the elements that will influence the question of legal liability include:

  • Local and state traffic laws
  • The type of accident
  • The availability of eyewitness statements
  • The testimony of forensics experts
  • The police accident report
  • The presence of roadway hazards
  • And more

Proving fault in a car accident case can be a very complicated process. That is why it is critical to speak with a motor vehicle accident attorney with plenty of experience.
The accomplished team at Morgan & Morgan has decades of experience representing the victims of negligent driving.

Damages in Car Accident Claims

Claimants in traffic accident cases can seek financial recovery for many different types of costs and losses. The most common types of damages in personal injury claims are “economic” and “non-economic” damages.

Economic Damages

This type of financial compensation is meant to make the victims of car accidents financially whole. Many car accident victims face mounting financial difficulties as a result of their injuries.
Some of the typical examples of economic damages in U.S. car accident cases include payments for:

  • Medical costs and expenses
  • Expected future medical bills 
  • Physical therapy costs
  • Medical travel expenses
  • Associated property and vehicular damage
  • Lost wages from missing work due to the injury
  • Loss of long-term earning capacity
  • And more

Most victims underestimate the financial losses that result from their car accidents or injuries. Because of this, you should consult with an experienced attorney to determine the economic damages in your traffic collision case.

Non-Economic Damages

Not every type of harm that injury victims experience can be easily translated into a dollar value. Some of the most devastating outcomes of car accidents do not result in a direct financial loss.
Still, injury victims deserve financial compensation for these very real personal challenges and difficulties. Payments for intangible harms are known as “non-economic” damages.
Some of the most typical examples of non-economic damages in civil claims include:

  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Emotional distress like anxiety, panic, and depression
  • Disability and disfigurement
  • Embarrassment
  • Ostracization 
  • And more

Sadly, many traffic collisions result in fatal injuries for victims. If you have lost someone you love because of another person’s negligent driving, you have the legal right to pursue a wrongful death claim.
Wrongful death cases function very similarly to other types of personal injury claims. In many cases, the family of the decedent is owed the financial compensation that the victim would be entitled to if they had survived.
Speaking with an accomplished wrongful death attorney at Morgan & Morgan is critical in the aftermath of a fatal motor vehicle crash. Your family should not face mounting bills following the loss of a loved one.
Through a successful wrongful death claim, the decedent’s survivors may be entitled to payments covering:

  • Outstanding medical bills and expenses
  • Funeral costs
  • Burial expenses
  • The victim’s pain and suffering
  • The family’s pain and suffering
  • Other related losses

Regardless of the circumstances of your loved one’s death, the attorneys at Morgan & Morgan can help. 


Why Should I Schedule a Free Consultation With a Car Accident Attorney?

Speaking with a knowledgeable legal professional in the aftermath of an accident is crucial. By scheduling a case evaluation with the team at Morgan & Morgan, you can discuss the following elements of your claim:

  • The value of your car accident claim
  • The question of legal liability
  • The prospects for filing a successful claim
  • The strength of evidence in your case
  • The possible timeline of a personal injury claim
  • And more

Our experienced attorneys will review your circumstances to help you determine all of your rights and options. If you have grounds for a valid claim, our lawyers will fight tirelessly to ensure the best possible outcome in your car accident case.


Is It Important to Find a Lawyer With Courtroom Experience?

When you need legal representation in a car accident case, you should hire an attorney who has plenty of trial experience.
Most personal injury claims are settled without the need for litigation. Still, you should not have to worry that an inexperienced attorney will settle for less than you deserve in order to avoid filing a lawsuit.
Morgan & Morgan has plenty of trial-ready attorneys all across the country.


Let Morgan & Morgan Recover the Money You Deserve

When you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident, it is vital to reach out to a personal injury law firm. With the help of a skilled attorney, you can pursue financial recovery to help get your life back on track.
To schedule a free legal consultation, contact us. Let the skilled legal professionals at Morgan & Morgan work to recover the compensation that you are rightfully owed.