Slip and Fall Accidents in Target

Target is one of the most famous retail chains in America. It’s known for keeping a healthy stock of all types of goods, including clothing, general household items, children’s toys, and kitchen equipment. However, despite the store’s popularity, it has been the subject of numerous slip and fall lawsuits.

Target stores are quite large, but while the excess space provides many opportunities to offer retail goods, it is also challenging to maintain. The average Target store sees several hundred visitors every hour, and with so many visitors walking the aisles, it’s not unusual for accidents to happen.

If you’ve suffered injuries in a Target slip and fall accident, the attorneys at Morgan & Morgan can help you obtain compensation for your injuries. Schedule a free case review with one of our knowledgeable team members today using our simple online form.


What Are the Most Common Types of Slip and Fall Injuries?

Target slip and fall injuries are usually unforeseen. One minute you’re walking along, picking out items and placing them in your shopping cart, and the next minute you find yourself on the ground with an injury. Sometimes, a slip and fall accident can occur at the store’s entrance, especially in snowy or icy weather. 

Slip and fall injuries can range from mild to severe. The severity of the injury depends on several factors, including how you land, your general health, and whether there are any objects on the floor that could cause further harm. Elderly individuals are usually more susceptible to severe injuries since they may have pre-existing health conditions or weaker bones. 

Some of the most typical injuries associated with slips and falls include:

Broken Bones

Suffering a broken wrist, arm, hip, or ankle from a slip and fall accident is quite common. Slips are often unexpected; when they happen, there may not be enough time to protect yourself from injury. The sudden force may cause a broken wrist, arm, or fingers if you try to break the fall with your arms or hands.

Broken bones usually require several months to heal fully. Some patients require surgery for their injuries, while others may need a cast. Broken bones can make it difficult to perform regular activities such as personal care, driving, or even walking. In the worst cases, patients may need a wheelchair during their rehabilitation period.

Once the broken bone has healed, patients often need physical therapy to regain full mobility of the affected limbs. Older adults who suffer from broken bones may need longer-term care and treatment. In some cases, they never regain full mobility.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Sometimes, a slip and fall accident can lead to a traumatic brain injury, like a concussion. Concussions occur when the head strikes a solid object, such as a hard floor or storage rack. People who suffer from traumatic brain injuries may not realize the extent of their injuries for several days. They may feel dazed after the fall but not fully know how seriously they’ve been hurt.

Symptoms of a traumatic brain injury vary from person to person. Headaches, dizziness, difficulty with speech, and light sensitivity are all common symptoms of traumatic brain injury. Sometimes, people may have difficulty remembering things or have trouble with concentration.

The effects of a traumatic brain injury may last several weeks or be lifelong. A physician can determine the extent of your injuries and provide you with an appropriate treatment plan.

Cuts or Bruises

Sometimes, Target slip and fall accidents result in cuts or bruises. Cuts may occur if the injured individual makes contact with a sharp object, like glass or a metal edge. Bruises are common in places where the body meets the ground or other objects.

Severe cuts usually require stitches to heal fully. The affected area will likely need several weeks to months to repair itself. Similarly, bruises often require a few weeks to heal.

Problems arise if cuts result in scarring. Facial lacerations can leave deep scars and disfigure a person’s appearance for years or a lifetime. Cuts in other areas of the body can make it challenging to perform regular daily activities. 

A doctor can examine cuts and bruises sustained in a slip and fall accident and determine how to treat them.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries include muscle strains, sprains, and damage to tendons or ligaments. While soft tissue injuries may not be immediately apparent, they can be significant and worsen over time. Muscle strains and sprains often heal with treatment and therapy, but damage to knee tendons or ligaments may be irreparable without surgery.

Knee injuries are notorious for causing severe damage to an individual’s quality of life. People who suffer from knee injuries may have difficulty walking, carrying heavy items, and performing regular exercise. Even with surgery, it can take months or years to recover from a knee injury fully.

While soft tissue injuries may not be visible, they can be incredibly painful. Suppose that you’ve suffered a mild tissue injury due to a Target slip and fall accident. In that case, you’ll want a knowledgeable lawyer to help you obtain compensation for your medical costs and recovery.

Back Injuries

Like soft tissue injuries, a back injury can range from moderate to severe. A mild back injury may result in pain while bending, walking, or lifting. Severe back injuries that affect the spinal cord can be life-threatening and require lifelong care.

Target slip and fall accidents often result in back injuries. You’ll want to seek immediate treatment for any type of back injury, no matter how mild it may seem initially. Sometimes, the severity of an injury to your back takes several days to become apparent. 

Treatment for back injuries varies. Some people recover within a week or two with assistance from pain relievers and gentle exercise, while others require ongoing care. A  doctor can create an appropriate treatment plan for you.


Target Slip and Fall Accidents: What to Do?

Following a slip and fall accident at a Target, it’s important that you report the incident to a store manager or employee immediately. Make sure you take pictures of the area where you fell and any objects or liquid that resulted in your fall. 

When you speak with the Target employee, describe the incident but keep a level head. Don’t attempt to argue with the worker about the cause of the accident or go into too many details. If you decide to pursue a lawsuit, your attorney will work directly with Target to iron out the reason for your injuries. Make sure to ask for a copy of the incident report that the employee fills out so that you will have it for your records.

Next, get immediate treatment from a doctor for your wounds or injury. If your injuries are severe enough, the store may need to call you an ambulance. If you can still walk and drive, you can go to an urgent care center or hospital for assistance.


Is Target Liable for My Injuries?

Not every slip and fall accident is the fault of Target. If the store has signs warning shoppers of a spill or hazard, or an employee is actively working on cleaning up a problem area, they are usually not liable for your slip and fall injury. 

However, they may be liable if the store isn’t properly maintained and employees haven’t taken the time to clean up spills or debris that can cause slip and fall accidents. 

To prove liability, you’ll typically need to show that employee negligence created a hazard for shoppers, or that Target knew of a threat but did nothing to protect their store visitors. By proving negligence, you drastically improve your chances of winning damages.

Your attorney can help you determine whether your accident was the result of Target’s or their employee’s negligence.


Should I Speak to Target If They Contact Me After My Accident?

It’s not uncommon for Target store managers or their risk department to contact customers injured in a slip and fall accident at their stores. They’ll typically call to ask how you are doing and to see if you have recovered from your injuries. 

Sometimes, store managers or the risk department may ask you to make a recorded statement regarding the accident. It is in your best interests not to give them a statement. If you do so and later decide to file a lawsuit against Target, they can use your words against you. 

If your injuries are severe, Target may offer you a settlement. If you accept the settlement, you will not be able to collect any additional money from the store. In some cases, slip and fall injuries require longtime medical treatment. Therefore, it’s best to speak with a lawyer to determine whether their settlement offer is fair before accepting it.


How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit Against Target?

Each state has its own statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits. Most states cap the time you have to file a lawsuit between two and three years. However, you’ll want to begin the process as quickly as possible. A lawyer will need time to assemble your case and determine the appropriate strategy. In addition, it’s easy to forget facts as time goes by. It's best to schedule a consultation early in the process so that all the details are fresh in your mind.


Will My Case Go to Trial?

Target slip and fall accident cases usually conclude in a settlement. It’s rare for them to go to court. After all, a court case takes time to prepare and may drag out for years, which is not in the store’s best interests. However, each case is different. If Target is unwilling to offer you a fair settlement, we may need to take your case to trial.


How Often Do Target Slip and Fall Accidents Happen?

Target operates almost 2,000 stores around the U.S. With so many stores and daily visitors, slip and fall accidents happen quite often. Anyone seriously injured in a slip and fall accident at Target should seek legal assistance to determine their next steps.


Morgan & Morgan for Help with Your Slip and Fall Case

If you are suffering from a Target slip and fall accident and you’re not sure where to turn for help, contact Morgan and Morgan. We are the largest personal injury law firm nationwide, and we have a team of over 1,000 lawyers to assist you. Use our contact form to schedule your free case review today.