Should I Go to Urgent Care After Car Accident?

You just experienced a car accident and are frightened and shaken. However, despite the damage to your car, you don’t feel pain. You may wonder, “Should I go to urgent care after a car accident?” In the first few moments after a crash, the adrenaline rush can mask injuries and pain. Therefore, even if you are not experiencing discomfort or pain immediately after a car crash, consider visiting urgent care immediately.

However, if you are in extreme pain, bleeding heavily, or believe you may suffer from a significant injury, call an ambulance, or get someone to drive you to the emergency room. Emergency rooms are better equipped to deal with more severe car accident injuries than urgent care.

At Morgan & Morgan, we know that the consequences of a car accident injury can haunt you for years physically, emotionally, and financially. However, you deserve justice and compensation if another caused your car crash. Contact us now for a free case evaluation to determine whether you qualify for compensation.

Your Next Best Steps After a Car Crash

After a car crash, taking the necessary steps to protect yourself, your passengers, and your legal rights can be crucial.

Assess Your Injuries and Dial 911

Your health and safety should always be your top priority. After the accident, check yourself and your passengers for injuries. Call 911 and request an ambulance and law enforcement if anyone is hurt. Wait for the police to arrive at the scene. If you have no pain or only minor injuries, consider visiting urgent care to seek medical attention immediately. Do not skip this step, as some injuries may not be apparent after the crash.

Exchange Information

While you wait, exchange information with the other driver(s) involved in the accident, including:

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • License plate number
  • Insurance details

This information will be crucial when filing a claim with your insurance company or if you need to take legal action.

Document the Scene and Gather Evidence

If possible, take photos of the accident scene, including any damage to the vehicles involved, road conditions, and any relevant landmarks. Such photographs can help support your insurance claim. Also, note the witnesses’ contact information, as their testimony can be essential if your case goes to court.

Notify Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company promptly to report the accident. They will guide you through the claims process and provide you with instructions on what to do next. Providing your insurer with the necessary information helps avoid delays in processing your claim.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer

Working with an attorney may be in your best interests if you suffer injuries or significant car damage. Morgan & Morgan can help you learn about your legal rights and options for recovering compensation. Our experienced car accident lawyers can negotiate with insurance companies and, if the insurer refuses a fair settlement, take your case to court.

How Visiting Urgent Care Can Benefit Car Accident Victims

Going to urgent care after a car accident can be an excellent idea. Urgent care facilities can provide vital medical assistance after a car accident, especially if you suffer minor to moderate injuries that do not require emergency room care. Urgent care can also supply the medical records necessary for your insurance claim or lawsuit. The benefits of visiting urgent care after a car accident include the following:

Seeing You Without Appointment

One significant benefit of urgent care is that car accident victims can be seen by medical professionals without an appointment. This is particularly helpful when victims cannot get an immediate appointment with their primary care physician. Moreover, urgent care clinics often have extended hours, allowing car accident victims to receive medical help outside regular business hours.

Discover Underlying Accident Injuries

While you may feel fine immediately following an accident, it is always better to get yourself thoroughly checked and rule out any underlying injuries. According to the Mayo Clinic, signs of a traumatic brain injury, a typical car crash injury, may only appear days or weeks later. Urgent care facilities can identify and treat such injuries before they get worse. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can help you recover in the fastest time.

Provide Crucial Legal Documentation

Medical bills after a car accident can ruin your financial stability unless you can recover an insurance payout or hold the responsible party legally accountable for your expenses. Seeking medical help and gathering documentation of your injuries immediately after a crash is vital for pursuing compensation, whether you are filing an insurance claim or lawsuit. Remember to keep all receipts and medical records the urgent care clinic provides.

If you are wondering whether you should go to urgent care after a car accident, the answer is a resounding yes. Waiting too long for medical assistance could sink your insurance claim or lawsuit.


What Is the Cost Difference Between Urgent Care and the Emergency Room?

Whether you should go to urgent care after a car accident or visit another facility can also be a question of cost. Urgent care is generally less expensive than the emergency room. However, urgent care typically only provides medical care for non-life-threatening conditions and minor car crash injuries, such as cuts, bruises, or sprains. The cost of urgent care services typically ranges from $75 to $150 per visit, although this can vary.

Emergency rooms, on the other hand, are designed to provide immediate medical attention for severe and life-threatening conditions. The cost of emergency room services is usually much higher than that of urgent care and can be several thousand dollars per visit, depending on:

  • The severity of the condition
  • The tests and procedures required
  • The hospital or facility providing the services

However, your health should always come first, and for many moderate to more severe injuries, the emergency room can be your best choice. Remember that if someone else causes your accident, you could recover compensation for all your medical costs, including those incurred at urgent care or the emergency room.


Do I Have a Car Accident Claim?

If another driver or other party caused your accident and injuries, you could have a car accident claim and pursue compensation. Here are some situations that could entitle you to a settlement from the at-fault party or their insurer:

  • Speeding, drunk driving, or other negligent driver actions
  • Vehicle defects or defective parts
  • Deliberately causing harm and car damage, such as road rage
  • Defective or poorly designed roads

If you want to find out whether you have a car accident claim and could seek damages, schedule a free consultation with a car accident lawyer at Morgan & Morgan. We can assess your case, determine your next best steps, and move forward with a claim on your behalf.


How Do I Pay My Urgent Care Bills While Waiting for a Settlement? 

Going to urgent care after a car accident can put a dent in your finances, and you may be worried about your medical bills piling up while waiting for a settlement. However, you may have some options to bridge the time until you receive your payout:

Health insurance – If you have private health insurance, use it to cover your medical bills.

Medical Payment Coverage (MedPay) – MedPay is an optional car insurance coverage in some states. The coverage pays for insured drivers’ and passengers’ medical expenses, regardless of who is at fault.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) – PIP is mandatory in some no-fault states and covers some medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses related to the accident.

Negotiate with healthcare providers – If you don’t have other options, try negotiating with healthcare providers to reduce medical bills, defer payment, or set up a payment plan.

Whatever you decide, remember to keep detailed records of all medical bills and expenses related to the accident. Doing so allows you to provide evidence to the insurance company and the court of the total amount owed.


Do I Have to Wait Longer at Urgent Care or the Emergency Room?

Whether you should go to urgent care after a car accident can also depend on waiting times. Emergency rooms generally have longer wait times due to the nature of the injuries they treat, which include severe conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, and trauma. On the other hand, urgent care centers usually have shorter wait times because they are designed to treat minor to moderate injuries, such as soft tissue injuries, cuts, and infections.

However, wait times can vary depending on the location, time of day, and day of the week. Sometimes, emergency rooms have more capacity and shorter wait times than urgent care centers, and vice versa. In addition, the severity of your condition can also affect how quickly a doctor will see you.

It can be a good idea to call ahead of your visit and inquire about wait times. However, if your condition worsens while waiting, seek immediate medical attention.


When Should I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident on your own, especially if you are severely injured, can feel overwhelming. However, a lawyer at Morgan & Morgan can handle your legal claim, leaving you free to concentrate fully on your recovery. Here are some situations where working with an experienced attorney is strongly recommended:

You Want to Learn About Your Rights and Options

If you are injured in a car accident and unsure of your legal rights, consulting with a car accident lawyer can be essential as you may be entitled to compensation. Morgan & Morgan’s attorneys can help you understand your rights and ensure that you’re not taken advantage of by insurance companies or other parties involved in the accident.  

You Suffer Severe Injuries

Car accidents can cause devastating injuries such as spinal cord damage, brain injuries, broken bones, and others. Such injuries could result in long-term disability, reduced quality of life, and high medical bills. If you are affected, a car accident lawyer can help you pursue compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, and other losses.

The Insurance Company Is Not Playing Nice

Insurance companies are notorious for denying or undervaluing accident victims’ claims. If you have trouble getting what you deserve from an insurer, consider hiring a car accident lawyer. Morgan & Morgan can negotiate with the insurance company, fight for fair compensation, and protect your legal rights.

The Other Party Blames You for the Crash

If the other driver or their insurance company blames you for the accident, you need a car accident lawyer to argue your case. They can investigate the accident and gather evidence to prove your innocence. An attorney can also represent you in negotiations and court proceedings to help you receive the compensation you deserve.


Which Damages Could I Recover? 

How much compensation you could receive will depend on the severity of your injuries, the extent of your damages, and other factors of your accident. Generally, damages available to car accident victims can include:

  • Loss of income
  • Medical expenses
  • Car damage repair costs
  • Pain and anguish
  • Emotional distress

You could also be entitled to other or additional compensation, depending on the details of your case.


Contact Morgan & Morgan Today for Help 

If you are wondering whether you should go to urgent care after a car accident or seek other types of medical care, Morgan & Morgan could help. We can be here for you in your hour of need, help you get adequate medical treatment, and pursue compensation from the responsible party.

Morgan & Morgan has recovered over $20 billion in damages for injured clients. We could help you, too, rebuild your life after a car crash. You pay nothing until we win and recover compensation. Contact us now for a free case evaluation to identify your next best steps.