Should I File A Bad-Faith Lawsuit?

5 min read time

Insurance isn’t just for peace of mind. After a traumatic event, it’s important that your insurance provider delivers the relief that’s outlined in your contract—the relief that they promised. 

Traumatic accidents can cause significant financial injury, and without the safety net of insurance, the damage can take years to recover from. Insurance companies won’t think twice about terminating your contract if you fail to hold up your end of the deal, so why is it acceptable if they fail to deliver on their obligations? 

Many insurance companies have diminished or denied claims to protect their own financial security. Their unscrupulous actions negatively impact innocent consumers like you, who are just trying to get back on their feet after a traumatic experience. This is especially unacceptable when they’ve signed a contract that requires them to act ethically. If you believe your insurance claim was denied unjustly, our experienced bad faith insurance attorneys can help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

Contact Morgan & Morgan today to get started.

What is Bad Faith?

Insurance companies are required to act ethically when responding to your claim. When they fail to do so, they are acting in “bad faith.” This definition can vary depending on your location, but generally covers any interactions where your insurance provider fails to deliver services that were agreed upon in your contract.

Bad faith also applies to the manner in which your claim is treated. For example, if you filed your claim in January and the insurance company still hasn’t responded by July, it could qualify as bad faith. If you’re unsure if your situation is eligible for a bad-faith lawsuit, contact our attorneys for more information.

Contact Our Bad-Faith Insurance Attorneys Today

In the most difficult moments of your life, Morgan & Morgan has your back. Traumatic accidents are expensive, and your insurance provider’s failure to deliver could affect your ability to provide for your family. Our firm has the resources to hold them accountable for their unacceptable actions and pursue the full value of your compensation.

Contact us today to get started.


How Do Bad-Faith Lawsuits Work?

Bad-faith lawsuits allow you to pursue the value of your full compensation, as well as punitive damages for the hardship you’ve endured. However, before you can file a bad-faith lawsuit, you must first attempt to settle the issue outside of court.

A written accusation of bad faith is required to start the legal proceedings, so you should draft a demand letter to send to your insurer. This will include evidence of their unjust behavior and, in the case of an outright benefit denial, explicit documentation of their refusal to provide the service. Once your insurance provider receives your letter, they have between 15-60 days to respond.

If the insurance company refuses to respond to your demand letter, you are allowed to pursue a bad-faith lawsuit against them. This can be a complicated process, but our attorneys can advocate for your rights and advise you on the next best steps.

This website is meant for general information and not legal advice.

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