Ninja Lawyer to Fundraise for Jacksonville Residents

4 min read time
Ninja Lawyer to Fundraise for Jacksonville Residents

At Morgan & Morgan, we like to think of all of our attorneys as warriors who fight for their clients in court. Only one, however, is a self-proclaimed "Lawyer Warrior," and he's not only a warrior- he's a ninja, too.

Antonio Luciano, or Tony, as both his clients and colleagues call him, is participating in Florida's Ultimate Ninja Warrior Competition this April 19 in Jacksonville. We're proud to announce that he's the only private firm lawyer in all of Jacksonville competing as an American Ninja Warrior in order to raise money for the nonprofit Jacksonville Area Legal Aid (JALA).

The fundraiser will take place at Velocity Air Sports beginning at 5:00pm.

American Ninja Warrior is a popular TV show where athletes compete in an obstacle course that tests their physical limits in a series of stages that get progressively more difficult.

Tony caught Ninja Warrior fever after watching American Ninja Warrior on TV, and was eager to compete in this local competition while also raising money for a cause he is passionate about.

“When I heard JALA was hosting a Ninja Warrior competition fund raiser among local attorneys, I knew I had to step up,” he said. After all, he'd been showing off his "ninja skills" around the office ever since he'd first seen the show on TV. “Competing in this event provides a fun opportunity to help support the community of Jacksonville.” The Jacksonville Area Legal Aid was started in 1937 when a group of Jacksonville attorneys came together to provide legal help to residents who wouldn’t have been able to afford it otherwise. Now, JALA is a non-profit law firm of 35 attorneys operating in Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and Green Cove Springs, providing civil legal advice to low income and special needs individuals and groups, in a variety of practice areas.

As one of the largest personal injury law firms in the country, with offices in 32 cities, we think it's doubly important to give back to the communities that house our offices. We are proud that Tony Luciano is upholding Morgan & Morgan's values of equality and charity and giving back to his hometown.

If you would like to help Tony raise money for JALA you can donate directly at his page.

If you live in Jacksonville, [go see him in action][2]!

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