Navigating Slippery Slopes: Your Ultimate Guide to Slip and Fall Cases

6 min read time
Navigating the Slippery Slope: Your Ultimate Guide to Slip and Fall Cases - man slipping

The term “slip and fall” is both straightforward and complex. While the name encapsulates the action, a world of intricacies affects whether a person’s accident qualifies for a slip and fall claim under personal injury law.

In its most basic form, a slip and fall accident occurs when a person slips, trips, or loses their balance because of a hazard created by a third party’s action or lack thereof, causing the person to suffer an injury in some capacity. They can result from liquid spills, uneven walkways, physical hazards like electrical wiring, and more.

It’s not always apparent that a third party caused your injury. If you suspect that you’re a victim, your next call should be to an attorney who’s skilled in this particular area of law. Our firm proudly has hundreds of these very attorneys on our team, and you pay nothing upfront to hire us.

Complete our free, no-risk case evaluation to get started.


What Qualifies as a Slip and Fall Accident?

Generally, a slip and fall accident occurs when someone slips or trips, falls, and suffers an injury when landing or colliding with a nearby object. To file a personal injury claim, there must have been a legal entity or person responsible for providing the victimized party(s) with a safe environment.

A few common examples of slip and fall accidents that may qualify for personal injury claims include:

  • A person visits a friend’s house for a barbecue. They step on a weak piece of wood on the friend’s deck and fall through, suffering a laceration on their leg. Legally, the friend who owns the house could be the subject of a personal injury lawsuit because they failed to provide a safe environment.
  • A blizzard leaves a layer of snow and ice over an apartment complex. The property owner, who slept in, isn’t able to get to the complex in a timely manner, causing someone to slip on the ice and break their wrist. The victim might be eligible for a slip and fall claim because of the property owner’s negligence.
  • A spill occurs in a grocery store. A patron slips, falls, and lands awkwardly hours after the spill occurs, which is caught on camera. Days later, the patron starts to experience pain and discomfort in their back. Although some time had passed, the owner or entity responsible for the grocery store could face legal action because their failure to notice a hazard on their property within a timely manner caused someone to suffer an injury.

The key phrase in many slip and fall cases is “timely manner.” This broad timeline varies from case to case based on many factors, but proving it is essential to a successful claim.


What Injuries Can Result From Slip and Fall Accidents?

A fall can mean nothing or can change your life, and anything in between. A seemingly short and minor fall can turn serious because of an awkward landing or hazard, leaving people with injuries ranging from bruises to permanent brain damage.

A few common slip and fall accident injuries include:

  • Back/Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Broken Bones
  • Cuts and Abrasions
  • Hip Fractures
  • Knee Damage
  • Pulled/Torn Muscles
  • Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)

Whether your injury was minor or life-changing, you shouldn’t have to suffer after an accident you didn’t cause. It’s recommended to team up with an attorney to give yourself the best possible odds of reaching a successful outcome.


How Much Are Slip and Fall Cases Worth?

Your compensation depends on a number of factors, but more serious injuries generally have higher settlements and verdicts. Here are some significant slip and fall lawsuits that resulted in major recoveries:

  • $15 million in total damages after a woman slipped on a greasy floor at Walmart, suffering a ruptured disc and neck injury
  • $5.3 million in damages for someone who suffered arm and leg injuries after slipping and falling at Cici’s Pizza
  • $5 million in damages for a woman who slipped on fell after stepping on floor adhesive and couldn’t return to work
  • $3.2 million in damages for someone who was crushed by a falling countertop at Ikea, leaving them with a broken pelvis


Contact Morgan and Morgan After a Slip and Fall Accident

Slip and fall accidents can change your life under the right circumstances. If you’ve been injured, our team can help you understand more about the rights that protect you. Complete our free, no-obligation case evaluation to get started.

This website is meant for general information and not legal advice.

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