Navigating Accident Claims: When to Seek Legal Help for Your Injuries

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Every day, people get injured in accidents. The emergency rooms in this country are filled with people who have cut themselves while slicing an apple or slipped in the shower and suffered a concussion. Accidents are a fact of life.

But not all accidents are the same. Sometimes, when you suffer an accident, it is because of the negligence of another party. For example, if you are driving a car, and somebody runs a red light, that accident wasn’t a result of bad luck. That accident happened because somebody else made a bad decision.

When you are the victim of that type of accident, regardless of where it occurs, you deserve compensation for your injuries. But how can you get the money owed to you? The best way is by hiring an experienced accident injury attorney.

If you have been injured in an accident that is the fault of another, you must act quickly. Contact an experienced accident injury attorney at Morgan & Morgan right away to schedule a free case evaluation and learn about all of your options.


When You Need an Accident Injury Attorney

You might break a bone if you accidentally hit your thumb with a hammer while at home. Similarly, if somebody pushes you and you land the wrong way, you could potentially break the same bone. Despite suffering similar injuries, in one case, you should contact a lawyer, and in the other, you shouldn’t.

The main factor that differentiates these cases is the negligence of another party. Unless the hammer you were using had a manufacturing defect, no other party is responsible for your injury.

As a rule of thumb, any time you are injured, you must determine who is liable for that injury. If you have any reason to believe that another party is responsible, consult with a Morgan and Morgan attorney immediately.


How an Accident Injury Attorney Will Help You

When you contact an accident injury lawyer, the first thing that will happen is they will schedule a free case evaluation. During this evaluation, the attorney will attempt to understand the facts of the case and determine which parties are liable for your injury. If another party is liable, you are probably eligible to receive compensation.

Your attorney will need to investigate the accident to prove that the other party was liable. This investigation often means they (or a designated investigator) will visit the scene of the accident and look for evidence that supports your case.

The investigator will also try to find and interview witnesses. If video evidence of the accident exists, that is even better for your case. The more evidence the investigator can find, the more likely you are to be fully compensated for any expenses you incurred from the injury.

Additionally, your attorney will need to prove that you were meaningfully harmed by the accident. No matter how much evidence exists to prove that someone else was at fault, that is useless if your injuries don’t incur significant costs. You aren’t going to sue someone over the cost of a few bandages and some antiseptic.

The costs of your injury can usually be proved with copies of medical bills you received after an injury. If you are still undergoing treatment, your lawyer can also estimate the total value of future bills by using medical records and the sworn statement of a doctor treating you.

The next step your attorney will take is to present your claims to the appropriate party. Typically, this will be the insurance company of the liable party. Depending on the circumstances of the accident, this could be:

  • Car insurance
  • Medical malpractice insurance
  • Homeowners insurance
  • Premises liability insurance
  • Event insurance

There are almost as many types of insurance as there are ways that you can be injured. While the type of insurance policy will affect what type of evidence needs to be presented to determine fault, the claims process is usually similar for most insurance types.

Typically, your attorney will attempt to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company. When you receive a negotiated settlement, both sides agree to the total compensation and that no further action will be taken on the case.

This is usually optimal because it gets you money quickly and because your attorney will only agree to a settlement that covers all of your expected costs and expenses. If the insurance company refuses to agree to a fair settlement, your attorney will start a lawsuit for full compensation.

A lawsuit is not ideal because it will usually take a year or more to complete. However, attorneys from Morgan & Morgan have an excellent record at trial. If your case goes to trial, there is a good chance you will receive a higher award than you would have gotten through negotiation.


When Another Party Isn’t at Fault

Typically, when another party isn’t at fault, you are more limited in your options for collecting compensation. However, if you have the appropriate type of insurance, some or all of your expenses may be covered by your policy.

But just because an insurance company should cover your expenses, that doesn’t always mean it will. Your insurance company is a corporation, which means its purpose is to make money. But it can only make money if it limits the number of payouts on policies it makes.

This means that your claim might be denied even if you deserve money. If the insurance company can find any excuse to deny your claim, it usually will. And if it can’t deny your claim, it may try to pay you less than you deserve.

For these reasons, even when dealing with one of your insurance companies, you should consult with an accident injury lawyer before filing a claim. Your attorney will help you collect evidence that supports your claim and will monitor the actions of the insurance company to ensure that you are treated fairly.

Many people don’t realize that they have the right to sue their insurance company if they disagree with the decisions it makes about their policy. If you are represented by an attorney from the beginning, your lawyer can advise you about when it is best to exercise that option.


How Much Does an Accident Injury Attorney Cost?

The accident injury lawyers at Morgan and Morgan take personal injury cases on contingency. This means that we only get paid if we get you compensation in your case. If we fail to get you money, you will never spend a cent on your attorney.


How Do I Know Morgan & Morgan Will Get Me the Best Result Possible?

In addition to only getting paid if we get you money, when we do get paid, we only get a percentage of the money that we get for you. So the more money you get, the more money we get. In short, by looking out for your best interests, we maximize our revenue.


What Should I Expect During the Free Case Evaluation?

When you meet an accident injury attorney for a free case evaluation, the lawyer will present your options and then map out a timeline for your case based on which option you choose. You should have a good idea of how long your case will take and how much you can expect to get before you leave the meeting.


Who Is Liable if I Get Into an Accident at Work?

Typically, your employer will be liable if you are injured in an accident at work. This liability means that your workplace is responsible for compensating you for any medical bills and for any work you miss while recovering from your accident. An accident attorney can help you claim those benefits.


When Should I Consult With an Accident Injury Lawyer?

The earlier you contact an attorney, the better they will be able to help you with your case. Typically, the only thing you should do before contacting a lawyer is to get medical attention. Your health needs to be your priority after an accident.


Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Handle Any Type of Accident Case?

While any civil attorney can handle any type of case, they shouldn’t unless they are familiar with that specific type of accident law. Thankfully, our law firm has over 800 lawyers. This means that we have dozens of lawyers who are experienced with whatever type of case you bring us.


I Need Money Quickly. Can the Insurance Company Delay My Claim?

While there are laws that prevent insurance companies from intentionally delaying a claim, many insurers ignore these rules. The longer somebody has to wait to get paid, the more likely they are to accept a lesser settlement, and the insurance companies know that.

This possibility is yet another reason that you need an attorney representing you from the very start of your claim. Your attorney will watch for delays in the process and pressure the insurance company to act swiftly. If we detect any intentional delays, we will fight for your rights and may be able to get you additional compensation.


What Can I Do About Medical Bills Before I Get Compensation?

Unfortunately, medical bills usually arrive at your door long before you get compensation from the insurance company. You might be able to handle this if they aren’t too high and you have savings, but that isn’t always the case.

If you are falling into medical debt, talk to your attorney. We can send a letter of intent to the doctors and hospitals to which you owe money. A letter of intent is a legal document that lets them know that they will be paid as soon as you receive your compensation from the insurance company.

Most doctors and hospitals will stop sending you bills if they receive a letter of intent. Your lawyer may have to provide updates to them about the progress of your case, but you should expect relief from debt collectors until your case is finished.


Partner With Our Experienced Accident Injury Lawyers

If you have been injured in an accident, you need assistance from an experienced attorney familiar with the specific type of accident you were involved in. At most law firms, you can’t be sure that the lawyer has that experience. But at Morgan & Morgan, you always know that you are being represented by an attorney who focuses on the applicable type of law.

Don’t delay. Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced accident attorney.