Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Near Me

Are you looking for motor vehicle accident lawyers near you with powerful legal resources and a proven history of obtaining favorable settlements and verdicts for the injured? Do you need someone who understands your pain and is willing to go to war with the other side just to get you the compensation you need and deserve? Well, look no further; there's only one Morgan and Morgan.

We are the nation's largest and most powerful injury firm. Our attorneys handle more motor vehicle accident cases than any other injury firm in the country. 

That's not all—insurance companies from all over the nation know who we are. Importantly, they know we only speak one language when fighting for the rights of the injured: settle or see us in court. 

If that's the kind of legal representation you're looking for, you've come to the right place. Please fill out our free case evaluation form today to have your case reviewed by a motor vehicle accident expert from our team.


What Cases Do Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Handle?

Our motor vehicle accident lawyers handle pretty much any case involving car, truck, motorcycle, pedestrian, and bicycle accidents. They also deal with accidents resulting from DUI, hit-and-run incidents, and collisions involving uninsured or underinsured motorists. 

Not sure we can handle your case? Tell us about it, and we'll review it for free.


Is There a Deadline for Filing a Claim?

Yes, there is. Known as the statute of limitations, this deadline ranges from one to four years from the date of the accident, depending on the jurisdiction. 


What Happens if I Miss the Deadline?

If you miss the deadline for filing a claim, you'll likely lose your right to sue for damages from the accident. This applies even if you have a valid case. That said, there may be some exceptions that could apply to your case, such as when a minor is involved, so it's still advisable to get in touch with us even if the deadline has expired. We'll review your case for free. 


What if I'm Partially Responsible for the Accident?

If you're partially responsible for the accident, you can still recover damages in most states under comparative negligence laws. However, your compensation may be reduced by your percentage of fault.


What Parties Can I Hold Accountable for the Accident?

You can hold various parties accountable in a motor vehicle accident, including the other driver, the vehicle owner, employers (in commercial vehicle cases), and manufacturers (for vehicle defects). In some cases, government entities or even construction companies may be liable for poor road conditions.


Can I Sue Multiple Parties for a Motor Vehicle Accident?

Yes, you can if more than one party contributed to the accident. This also highlights the importance of hiring an attorney with access to powerful legal resources, which come in handy when battling different defendants at the same time. 


Contact a Motor Vehicle Accident Expert

We are Morgan and Morgan, and fighting for the rights of the injured is all we have been doing since 1988. If you would like to have your case reviewed for free by an expert from our team, please contact us today by filling out this form.