Morgan Family and Central Florida Support Homeless Veterans

The Morgan Family of Orlando based law firm Morgan & Morgan is proud to support the homeless veterans of Central Florida by providing monetary compensation and drawing attention to veteran issues. This Veterans Day, Matt Morgan, and his parents, John and Ultima Morgan, matched $50,000 in donations made by the community to the Coalition’s Veteran Services Program. The event, hosted by Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida, celebrated the community’s engagement in tackling the issue of homelessness. The organization received a total of $100,000 dollars during the event.
Coalition for the Homeless strives to change the lives of homeless individuals and families by providing services such as food, shelter, counseling, and job skills training. Veterans have one of the highest rates of homelessness out of any group in the country. Many face great struggles after leaving the military; difficulties that civilians find hard to understand. Returning veterans are often afflicted by grave physical injuries and mental illnesses, such as PTSD and depression. A large number of veterans struggle to assimilate to civilian life after their time in the army.
They are unable to translate skills gained in the military into marketable skills in today’s job market. On any given night, there are many as 50,000 veterans of foreign wars living on the streets. “It is clear that we have a homeless epidemic in Orlando,” said Matt Morgan, “but we have a great opportunity if we can engage the public, and every dollar counts.” The entire Morgan family are dedicated to fighting veteran homelessness. Initially, Matt Morgan decided to donate $25,000 to the Coalition’s Veteran Services Program. After hearing about his plan, John and Ultima Morgan decided to join him and donate the same amount. The Morgan family has previously donated to this non-profit organization by investing in the Coalition’s Men’s Service Center and sponsoring daily meals for the homeless.
The MSC can house 250 men at any time and has helped 90 veterans move into permanent housing since its opening. By matching their donations, the family encouraged the entire community to participate and help homeless veterans in North Florida cope with their daily struggles. “The impact of the Morgan Matching Campaign goes beyond money. The fact that our community took the challenge and contributed over $50,000 to fight the issue of veteran homelessness is absolutely incredible. Being able to tell the men in our Veteran Services Program that the people of Central Florida care about them was a tremendous honor. I am so grateful,” said Brent Trotter, CEO of the Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida.
About Coalition for the Homeless:
Coalition for the Homeless is the largest provider of homeless services in Central Florida. On any given night, the Coalition serves more than 600 men, women, and children. Seventy percent of our resources come from individuals, businesses, faith-based groups, special events, and other private sector sources.
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