Matt Morgan Marries Kassidy Van Winkle - Congrats from Morgan & Morgan

9 min read time
Lawyer talking to client

On behalf of all of our employees, Morgan & Morgan would like to congratulate attorney Matt Morgan on his marriage to Kassidy Van Winkle. The two were wed in a ceremony on Saturday, November 9, at the Saint James Catholic Cathedral in Orlando, Florida. Hundreds of guests were then treated to a reception at The Ballroom at Church Street in Orlando.

Morgan, 28, focuses his practice with the firm in the areas of (wrongful death)[/orlando/wrongful-death-lawyers/] and (personal injury litigation)[personal-injury-lawsuits/). Among his most recent career achievements, Morgan helped obtain a $47.5 million jury verdict for a motorcyclist who suffered permanent injuries resulting from a head-on collision with a pickup truck.

Pictures from Matt and Kassidy's ceremony and reception can be viewed on John Morgan's official Facebook page{:target="_blank"}. A trailer video of the couple’s wedding preparations, vows, and reception can be viewed below.

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