Live Nation and Ticketmaster Data Breach Lawsuit: What to Know

data breach concept

Reviewed by U. Seth Ottensoser, Trial Attorney at Morgan & Morgan, on September 19, 2024


Buying tickets to see your favorite artist shouldn’t be a high-risk situation, but because of lax cyber security measures, it very well has been for many unsuspecting fans.

A recent SEC filing by live entertainment mogul Live Nation has confirmed the event of a data breach for its subsidiary, Ticketmaster, where customers’ private information was leaked through criminal activity. 

Live Nation was aware of the breach when it occurred on May 20, 2024, but failed to disclose this information or warn customers until reports were circulated the following month after Live Nation’s SEC filing.

The recent Live Nation data breach is a significant incident that exposed the sensitive information of millions of customers, raising serious questions about data security and corporate responsibility. The breach, which affected approximately 560 million people, compromised personal information like names, addresses, contact details, and partial payment data. As investigations unfold, it has become apparent that this breach could have been prevented if Live Nation and its subsidiary, Ticketmaster, had stronger security protocols in place.

The breach occurred due to vulnerabilities in Ticketmaster’s online systems, where hackers were able to access a large database containing a treasure trove of information from millions of customers who had purchased event tickets through Ticketmaster and Live Nation’s platform. This incident has drawn considerable scrutiny not just from customers, but from legal and regulatory bodies as well.

Qualifying for a Claim


Those eligible for a claim must:

Have had a Ticketmaster account prior to May 23, 2024


What Do I Need to Sign Up?

You will need the following information to complete your claim:

  • Your personal contact information (name, address, email, and phone number)
  • Email associated with your Ticketmaster account
  • The phone number associated with your Ticketmaster account 


What Data Was Exposed in the Ticketmaster Breach?

The data breach involved a range of sensitive information, including:

  • Names
  • Home addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Order data (event details, dates, ticket prices)
  • Partial payment card information (e.g., last four digits of credit card numbers)

Although full payment information wasn’t compromised, the exposed data still poses significant risks for identity theft and fraud. Cybercriminals could leverage this information to carry out phishing attacks, steal identities, or cause other financial harm.


How Did the Ticketmaster Data Breach Happen?

The breach exploited weaknesses in Ticketmaster’s online systems, highlighting the vulnerabilities of companies that handle vast amounts of customer data. As more details emerge, it appears that the company’s cybersecurity measures were inadequate, leaving a door open for hackers to access this vast amount of information.

This incident is part of a growing pattern of high-profile data breaches in the tech and entertainment industries, where large companies become prime targets for cyberattacks. Live Nation’s response to the breach has been heavily criticized, with many arguing that the company did not act swiftly enough to protect affected individuals or to inform the public.


What Should I Do?

Morgan & Morgan has begun investigating the implications of the breach, particularly whether Live Nation failed to comply with FTC cybersecurity guidelines. These guidelines require businesses to implement robust security measures to safeguard consumer data, and the investigation will seek to determine whether Live Nation was negligent in this duty.

Moreover, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has already filed a lawsuit against Live Nation, focusing on potential antitrust violations that may have contributed to inadequate security practices. As one of the dominant players in the live event and ticketing space, Live Nation has faced previous regulatory scrutiny, and this breach has only added to those concerns.

If the investigation reveals negligence, Live Nation could face significant legal penalties, including class-action lawsuits from affected customers, further damaging the company’s reputation and financial standing.

For the millions of consumers whose data was exposed, the consequences could be long-lasting. Identity theft, fraud, and financial loss are just some of the risks they face. Customers are urged to monitor their financial accounts closely, change passwords, and be cautious of any suspicious activity related to their personal information.

Morgan & Morgan is committed to holding corporations accountable and ensuring that the rights of consumers are protected. If you or someone you know was impacted by the Live Nation data breach, contact Morgan & Morgan to learn more about your legal options.