Injured in a Car Accident? How to Find the Right Lawyer Near You

Orange and blue car crashed into each other with a man standing nearby in shock

If you've recently been hurt in an accident, you might have typed into Google, "Car crash attorneys near me." Finding a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after your accident should be a top priority because of the many complex elements associated with pursuing justice. After all, getting help for your injuries can feel overwhelming and even at times frustrating.

When you first get hurt, there are plenty of things to think about before deciding to file a lawsuit. At that time, you may be more concerned about getting medical attention for your injuries, and this is definitely an important consideration before moving forward. However, it is equally important to schedule a time to meet with an experienced personal injury lawyer to discuss your grounds for filing a case. You may be able to pursue compensation for your injuries when you connect with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney in your area. It is very important to identify a lawyer who practices within your state but has familiarity with the local courts and the state laws associated with personal injury.

For your own convenience, it can also be helpful to identify a car crash attorney near you who has an office that is easy for you to get to. The lawyers at Morgan & Morgan have extensive experience in evaluating legal claims associated with a car crash, and we have offices located all across the country.

Regardless of the laws in your state, Morgan & Morgan attorneys are familiar with the various rules and guidelines for your claim. We begin each case by evaluating your situation in full and identifying where you may have grounds to recover compensation. We also are very familiar with going through settlement negotiations in your state and potentially preparing your case for trial if that becomes necessary.


How to Get Support for Your Legal Claim Promptly?

Failing to get the right help from a personal injury lawyer could block you from getting maximum compensation in your case. A personal injury lawyer can help you determine your eligibility to pursue a lawsuit, evaluate all potentially liable parties in that lawsuit, and help you with preparing the paperwork to fight for compensation. If you find yourself in the circumstance of dealing with these complex issues on your own, you deserve to have an experienced and qualified lawyer in your corner as soon as possible.

Searching for "car crash attorneys near me" may give you a good overview of the different law firms in your specific region that provide personal injury support, but your research should not stop there. Finding the right car crash attorneys near you requires careful consideration of the firm's size, experience, and individual lawyer approach to personal injury law. If you need to do more research to discover the right law firm for you, look into the website of the firm to get more support for your claim. You can set up an initial consultation to get some insight about your rights.

Being hurt in an accident can turn your life upside down and present plenty of new questions and problems. You should not have to navigate this process on your own, and it is strongly recommended that you retain the services of a car crash attorney to assist you with walking through each aspect of your case. Be it related to your medical injuries, insurance company problems, or filing of a civil lawsuit.


What to Expect After an Accident?

After an accident, you need to file a police report and get medical attention. Continue to report any new symptoms and problems with your overall health to your doctor. Some conditions such as whiplash or a concussion, may not lead to pain immediately after the wreck, but your doctor should be informed about these to carry out the right diagnostic tests and to develop a treatment plan with these conditions in mind. You also need to communicate with your car insurance company about the accident itself, so that they have a record of some of the basic facts. Getting a copy of your police report is also important so that you can provide this documentation to your car crash attorney.

Your car insurance company may ask you plenty of questions and request that you keep them up to date. You may quickly realize that your injuries are more severe than you expected and that there will be multiple components of your personal injury claim. At this point, you may wish to engage the services of a car crash attorney near you to fully review each aspect of your case and explain to you how to proceed. Your lawyer can handle communication with your insurance company and any other stakeholders involved in your case. Once you decide to file a lawsuit, this sends a clear message to the insurance carrier and any other responsible party that you want to pursue justice. It can also begin the process of settlement negotiation talks.

Many insurance companies do not want to head into the uncertainty of court. Because of this, they may come up with a lump sum settlement offer that allows you to close out the matter, get paid, and move on with your life. In the moment, these settlement offers can seem very tempting. After all, it's a lump sum to help you pay your bills, and you don't have to go through the headache of litigation. However, the first offer presented in a settlement conversation by an insurance company may lowball you for the injuries you have sustained. In some cases, these insurance companies simply want you to be quiet and go away and they may believe that offering a little bit of money will allow that to happen.

You need an advocate in your corner who can honestly evaluate any settlement offers and tell you more about what's at stake, should you choose to sign. Signing a settlement offer too soon that waves all rights to future compensation means that you may be stuck with some of these medical bills on your own. You need someone who has past experience in the field of personal injury law to help total all of your actual bills and your proposed future bills to calculate what compensation you require. This person should also be a skilled negotiator who will be able to communicate with the other side and push back on a settlement offer.

Meeting with a legal team can help you understand what is at stake and whether or not you feel comfortable with your choice of an accident lawyer.


How Soon after an Accident Should I Hire an Injury Lawyer?

While you do not need to sign the paperwork to hire an injury lawyer right away, it is in your best interest to speak with one, sooner rather than later. You'll have a better perspective on the legal issues involved and can prevent losing your rights to file a case because of the lapse of the statute of limitations. Your lawyer will also tell you if the collection of any additional evidence may be necessary to support the strength of your claim. When dealing with so many different aspects of a changed life after a car accident, you need someone who has been down this path before and someone who will do everything possible to protect your interests.

Having someone to turn to, to ask questions as settlement offers come in, or to receive help from when dealing with the insurance company—all of these benefits are priceless when it comes to your case. You already have enough to worry about in the wake of attempting to recover from an accident, and you should not also have to worry about what to do next.

Contact Morgan & Morgan if you have further questions about recovering compensation or believe that you may have extensive enough medical injuries to warrant filing a civil lawsuit. We can give you a free, no-obligation case evaluation to get started.