How Long Can a Slip and Fall Case Take?

Slip and fall accidents can happen in the blink of an eye and can leave victims with painful injuries, emotional distress, and financial strain. Mounting medical bills and income losses can quickly throw victims and their families off course. If this has happened to you, you may wonder how long a slip and fall case takes and when you could receive a settlement.

Unfortunately, it can be almost impossible to determine how long a slip and fall case takes, as several factors come into play. Straightforward claims could be resolved in a few short weeks. However, if a lot of money is at stake, a slip and fall case could go to trial and take a year or more.

Working with an experienced slip and fall lawyer at Morgan & Morgan can give you the best chance of recovering a fair settlement in the shortest possible timeframe. Get in touch now to determine how we can help you get justice.

Factors Determining the Length of a Slip and Fall Claim

Slip and fall accidents can result in severe injuries and significant financial losses, which is why many victims pursue compensation through a legal claim. However, no two cases are the same, and the length of a slip and fall claim can vary depending on several factors, such as:

Severity of Injuries

The scope of your fall injuries can significantly impact your slip and fall claim’s length. Generally, the more severe your injuries, the greater your damages, which can make it challenging to settle with the at-fault party.  Moreover, it usually takes time to fully assess the extent of significant injuries and determine a fair settlement amount.

Victims with severe injuries should generally wait with a compensation claim until they have reached maximum medical improvement, so their doctors and attorney can estimate future medical treatment and rehabilitation costs.

The Evidence Available

The strength of the evidence supporting your claim can also affect its duration. A slip and fall claim may be resolved more quickly if you can present substantial evidence, such as:

  • Witness statements
  • Photographs and video footage
  • A police report

However, if there is little evidence available or the at-fault party disputes your evidence, the claims process can take much longer.


Another critical factor impacting the length of your slip and fall claim is the issue of liability. If the property owner or occupier is clearly at fault for the accident, the claims process could be straightforward.

However, if liability is disputed or you have some responsibility for the accident, an investigation about who is at fault may be required. Your claim could also be more likely to go to court if the fault is unclear, which can add significant time to the process.

Negotiations With the Insurance Company

Negotiations with the liable party or their insurer can also impact your slip and fall claim duration. If both parties are willing and able to settle quickly, the claim may be resolved relatively soon. However, if negotiations break down or the liable party refuses a fair settlement, the claims process can drag on indefinitely.

Legal Representation

Not all law firms are the same. The quality of your legal representation can significantly affect the length of your claim. A skilled and experienced attorney can navigate the legal process more efficiently and effectively, typically resulting in a quicker resolution. On the other hand, a less experienced or trial-shy attorney may struggle to advance your claim or get the full value of what you deserve.

There is only one Morgan & Morgan, and we never settle for less. If you get injured in a fall, hiring one of our experienced slip and fall lawyers can give you the best chance of achieving a fast and fair result.

The Average Timeline of a Slip and Fall Case

Slip and fall cases vary significantly in terms of their complexity, severity, and the parties involved. Therefore, the timeline of your case will depend on the circumstances of your accident, the scope of your injuries and financial losses, and other facts. In general terms, the average timeline for a slip and fall case can look like this:

Your Slip and Fall Occurs  

The first step in a slip and fall case is the accident. If you suffer any injuries, seek medical advice and contact a slip and fall lawyer to determine your legal options.

Gathering Evidence

After the incident, you and your attorney must gather evidence of the incident and the hazardous condition that caused your fall. This may include taking pictures of the scene, getting contact information from witnesses, and obtaining medical reports documenting your injuries.

Filing an Insurance Claim

If your slip and fall lawyer determines that you have a case, they can assist you with filing a claim with the responsible party’s insurance company. The insurance company will then investigate the claim and may offer a settlement.

Negotiating a Settlement

The insurance company may make a settlement offer, which can include compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. It is then up to you and your lawyer to decide whether to accept the offer or keep negotiating for a better result. The negotiation process can involve a great deal of back-and-forth and can be one of the main factors determining how long your case takes.

Filing a Lawsuit

If the insurance company does not offer a fair payout, you may choose to file a lawsuit. Going through the legal system can add much time to your slip and fall case’s length.


If your case ends up at trial, a judge or jury will hear evidence from both sides. They will then determine whether the responsible party is liable for your injuries and, if so, award you damages. A case going to trial can take months to resolve, as it typically involves various formalities and court procedures, such as depositions and hearings.

Overall, the timeline for a slip-and-fall case can range from a few months to several years, depending on the willingness of the parties to settle and the complexity of the case. While most claims are settled out of court, some cases end up at trial. Therefore, it can be impossible to determine the exact timeline of a claim. Having an experienced attorney by your side can help to speed up the process. Morgan & Morgan’s slip and fall attorneys are determined to get results in the fastest time.  

Time Limits for Filing a Slip and Fall Claim

If you have a slip and fall case, seek legal advice promptly, as there are strict time limits for filing personal injury lawsuits, also known as statutes of limitations. The statutes of limitations for filing slip and fall lawsuits vary depending on the state where the accident occurred. In general, the time limit is between one and three years from the date of the accident but can be shorter depending on the facts of your case.

Moreover, you may have to meet other deadlines and requirements to meet to pursue legal action. For example, some jurisdictions require that the injured party provide notice to the property owner or the government within a specific timeframe, which can be as short as a month.

Knowing and adhering to your state’s deadline is critical. If you fail to file a slip and fall claim within the time limit, you will most likely lose the right to seek compensation forever, even if you have a strong case. Therefore, after suffering a slip and fall injury, get legal advice from a seasoned slip and fall lawyer as soon as possible, if not within hours, then within days of your accident.


Do I Need a Lawyer for a Slip and Fall Case?

You are not legally required to hire a lawyer for your slip and fall case. However, not doing so could significantly prolong the length of your case and jeopardize your settlement. According to the American Bar Association (ABA), self-represented litigants can be distinctly disadvantaged.

Reasons why self-represented victims can be unsuccessful even if they have a strong case include:

  • Incorrectly completing legal documents
  • Missing critical deadlines, such as the statutes of limitations
  • Underestimating their claim’s worth
  • Not knowing the procedures for correctly filing a slip and fall claim

Handling a slip and fall case alone can be stressful and exhausting. Moreover, in-depth legal knowledge and timely action can be essential for the success of your claim. A Morgan & Morgan slip and fall lawyer can handle your case from start to finish, fighting for what you deserve while you are recovering from your injuries.


How Can a Morgan & Morgan Slip and Fall Lawyer Help Me?

From gathering evidence and filing paperwork to negotiating with insurance companies and advocating for you in court, our slip and fall lawyers can fight tirelessly for what you need to get your life back on track. We can:

  • Help you receive medical care
  • Provide legal guidance and counsel
  • Identify the liable parties in your claim
  • Calculate your current and future expected damages
  • Gather evidence proving liability
  • File a lawsuit on your behalf
  • Negotiate aggressively with the insurance company
  • Present your case powerfully in court
  • Get you the best results in the fastest possible time

Don’t get tempted to handle a slip and fall claim alone, especially if you have significant injuries and financial losses. Negotiating with the at-fault party or their insurer may not only prolong your case and reduce your settlement but could even sink your claim.

Morgan & Morgan has your back. Our determined slip and fall lawyers can be with you every step of the way and handle all legal aspects of your case.


How Do I Pay My Medical Bills While Waiting for a Slip and Fall Settlement?

While you are waiting for a settlement after a slip and fall accident, you could have several options for paying for your medical expenses upfront, such as:

  • Your private health insurance
  • Personal injury protection (PIP) insurance (if required in your state)
  • Medicare or Medicaid
  • Negotiating deferred out-of-pocket payments with your healthcare provider


Which Damages Could I Recover in a Slip and Fall Case?

If a business or property owner’s carelessness caused your fall and injuries, they should pay for your damages. While slip and fall settlements can vary depending on the losses and injuries of the victim, you could be entitled to the following awards and others:

  • Healthcare and rehabilitation expenses
  • Medical devices such as crutches or a wheelchair
  • Loss of wages
  • Out-of-pocket costs related to the accident
  • Pain and anguish (physical and emotional)
  • Loss of life quality
  • Disability

Speaking to an experienced attorney can be critical if you or a loved one is hurt in an accident on another’s property. Victims often do not know all the damages they could be entitled to and risk leaving money on the table. Morgan & Morgan’s slip and fall lawyers can assess the full impact of your fall injury on your home life, career, and life quality.


Morgan & Morgan Gets Results for Slip and Fall Victims

Don’t let a negligent or reckless property owner get away scot-free. America’s largest personal injury firm can fight for your rights to compensation. Our tenacious slip and fall lawyers never settle for less. Unlike other law firms, we don’t shy away from going to court and fighting for the full value of your case at trial. Our results speak for themselves: over the last three decades, Morgan & Morgan recovered over $20 billion in trial verdicts and settlements.

Hiring us is fast, free, and easy. Fill in the case evaluation form now, and we will assess your claim for free.