How to Explain a Car Accident and Why You Need a Lawyer

Car crash in an intersection

If you've been in a car accident, you may wonder if you should hire a lawyer. There are many reasons why you should consider this. Even if the accident was minor and you feel you can handle the insurance claim yourself, it is still in your best interest to seek legal counsel to explore your options. Morgan & Morgan has been handling car accident claims for decades all over the country, so no matter where you're located, we can help. We have recovered billions of dollars for our clients through settlements and verdicts; our success speaks for itself. We offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis, so we only get paid if you get paid. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.


How to Explain a Car Accident to Your Lawyer?

If you've decided you want to hire a lawyer, you may also be wondering how to explain the car accident to the people around you, particularly your lawyer and the police. After all, both will ask what happened, and your lawyer in particular will need to know the details to best help you with your case.

Here are a few things to remember when explaining your car accident to your lawyer:

Be Honest: First and foremost, it's essential to be honest with your lawyer about what happened. It's tempting to downplay the accident's severity or make excuses for your actions, but this will only hurt your case in the long run. Your lawyer must know the truth so they can represent you accurately and build the strongest case.

Give as Many Details as Possible: The more details you can provide about the accident, the better. This includes where and when it happened, how fast you were going, whether there were any witnesses, etc. The more information you can give your lawyer, the better they will be able to help you.

Don't Guess: If you're not sure about something, don't guess. It's better to say that you don't know than to give inaccurate information that could harm your case. Your lawyer will be able to get accurate information from other sources, so there's no need to try to fill in the gaps yourself.
How to Explain a Car Accident to the Police
When you're involved in a car accident, the police will likely be called to the scene. When they arrive, they'll probably ask you what happened. It's essential to be as honest as possible when explaining the accident to the police. However, there are certain things you should and shouldn't say. Here's what you need to know.

What to Say: First, you should exchange information with the other driver involved in the accident. You'll need to exchange your name, contact information, insurance information, and license plate number. Once the police arrive, they will also want to get this information from you. So, have it ready.

Next, it's time to explain what happened. Be honest about what happened leading up to the accident. If you don't know how the accident occurred, that's okay. Just tell the police what you do know. Accidents happen so quickly that it's hard to know exactly what happened. The important thing is that you're truthful about what you saw and what you remember happening.

If you're asked if you're injured, it's important to be truthful here as well. The last thing you want is for your injuries to worsen because you downplayed them at the accident scene. If you're not sure you're injured, it's better to err on the side of caution and tell the police that you are injured and need medical attention. They can then ensure that an ambulance is called for you if necessary.

What Not to Say: When the police arrive on the scene of an accident, they may be inclined to assign blame for the accident right away. However, it's important to avoid admitting fault. Wait until all the facts are known and liability has been determined by either your insurance company or a court of law. In some states, admitting fault for an accident can mean that you automatically lose your case—no matter what really happened or who was actually at fault for the accident. So, it's best not to say anything that could be construed as admitting fault until liability has been officially determined.


How to Explain a Car Accident to Your Employer (and Get the Time Off You Need)?

It's difficult enough to deal with the aftermath of a car accident, but when you have to explain the accident to your employer and ask for time off, it can be even more stressful. After all, you don't want to say the wrong thing and risk getting fired—or worse, not getting the time off that you need to recover. The first step is to remain calm. This can be difficult if you are injured, but it is crucial to keep a clear head.

Here are a few tips on how to navigate this conversation with your employer:

Be Honest: The first step is to be honest with your employer about what happened. Give them the facts of the accident without going into too much detail. You can explain that you were rear-ended by another driver, for example, or that you hit a patch of ice and spun out of control. Whatever the case may be, just stick to the facts.

Be Brief: Once you've given your employer the facts of the accident, there's no need to go into great detail about your injuries or recovery. Just let them know you're injured and will need some time off to recover. You can direct them to your doctor or lawyer if they press for more information. Otherwise, there's no need to give them any more information than they need.

Don't Apologize: It's natural to want to apologize for causing inconvenience, but in this case, it's best to avoid doing so. Apologizing could be interpreted as admitting fault for the accident, which could have legal implications down the road. Just stick to giving the facts and asking for what you need.

Many employers will be understanding if you were in an accident and will work with you to accommodate any time you need off from work. However, if you try to cover up the accident or lie about what happened, that is when employers tend to get upset.


What Should I Do If I’m in a Car Accident?

Now that you know how to explain your car accident, it's also important to know what to do immediately after the accident occurs. The following is guidance on what to do if you find yourself in this situation.

Get medical attention: Even if you don't feel injured, it's essential to get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. Some injuries may not present themselves immediately. Furthermore, having a record of any injuries caused by the accident will be vital if you decide to file a personal injury claim or lawsuit.

Document the accident: If you can, take pictures of the damage to both vehicles and any visible injuries. These will serve as valuable evidence if you pursue legal action. It's also important to get the contact information of witnesses who saw the accident. They may be able to provide valuable testimony down the line.

Call the police: A law enforcement officer will create an official report of the accident, which can be used as evidence if necessary.

Do not admit fault: When speaking with the police and insurance companies, don't admit responsibility for the accident. Even if you think you may have caused the accident, do not say so—let the investigation determine who was at fault.

Contact an attorney: An experienced car accident lawyer can help you navigate the complex legal process and ensure your rights are protected every step of the way. If you decide to pursue a personal injury claim, an attorney will be invaluable in developing and executing a strategy for success.


The Benefits of Hiring Morgan & Morgan Car Accident Lawyer

If you were in a car accident, you might be wondering if you should hire a lawyer. At the very least, you should always set up a free consultation to discuss your options. Morgan & Morgan has been handling car accident claims for decades and will do whatever it takes to help you. When you're thinking about hiring a lawyer, consider hiring us for the following reasons:

1. You Will Get Compensated for Your Injuries: If you've been injured in a car accident, then you deserve to be compensated for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. We will fight for your rights and ensure you get the compensation you deserve. 

2. You Will Get Compensated for Your Property Damage: In addition to getting compensated for your injuries, you also deserve to be compensated for any damage to your property. This includes damage to your vehicle as well as any personal belongings that were damaged in the accident. 

3. You Will Have Peace of Mind: One of the most significant benefits of hiring a car accident lawyer is knowing that someone is fighting for your rights. After an accident, you have enough to worry about without having to worry about dealing with insurance companies and getting the compensation you deserve. When you hire us, you can focus on recovering from your injuries while we handle everything else. 

4. You Don't Have to Go Through This Alone: Being involved in a car accident can be a very overwhelming experience. You may feel like you're all alone and that no one understands what you're going through. When you hire Morgan & Morgan, we will be there to support you and answer any questions you may have. 

5. You Have a Better Chance of Winning Your Case: When you hire Morgan & Morgan to represent you, you have a much better chance of winning your case than if you try to handle it on your own. This is because we know the ins and outs of the legal system, and they will fight tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve.

Being involved in a car accident is a stressful and overwhelming experience. The last thing you want to worry about is fighting with insurance companies and trying to get the compensation you deserve. That's why it's important to hire an experienced car accident lawyer who can fight for your rights and get you the compensation you deserve. Contact Morgan & Morgan today to schedule your free consultation.