How Do I Know if I Have a Paraquat Case?

4 min read time

Much like other industries, the agricultural sector is constantly pursuing new chemicals and equipment to further their goals and produce their crops more efficiently. One of their discoveries was Paraquat, a highly effective weed-killer that is more powerful than any other pesticide in the industry. Many farmers and agricultural workers relied on this chemical for years, but science has recently discovered a link between the pesticide and Parkinsons’ disease. According to the study, any exposure to Paraquat increases an individual’s chance of developing the condition exponentially, which has many farmers questioning why the manufacturer failed to notify them of the risks of the product before it landed on store shelves.

Paraquat is administered in an aerosol form, which means that the operator sprays crops and plants with equipment containing Paraquat. If the chemical is sprayed on a windy day, it has the potential to travel through the air into nearby areas, exposing all who live there to the dangers of Paraquat. This unfortunate situation has resulted in an increase in Parkinson’s disease cases across the nation, but why should someone have to suffer from a life-threatening condition when they were never warned of the side effects?

Lawsuits against the manufacturer of Paraquat are on the rise, and if you’re one of the victims, you could be eligible to file one as well. However, it might be difficult to know if your situation qualifies for a lawsuit, so we’ve compiled some information to make sure you’re up to date with the latest developments of Paraquat lawsuit litigation:

You’ve Used Paraquat…

What Is Paraquat?

Paraquat is an industrial-strength pesticide used in the agricultural industry to protect crops. While the product is adept at preventing unwanted pests from interfering with crop production, its strength also comes with some consequences, and many agricultural workers have developed serious health concerns after exposure to the product. These individuals administered Paraquat on their farms under the impression that it was safe to use for its intended purpose, but in reality, the manufacturers sold a product that is unsafe for humans to use under any circumstances. 

Paraquat is sold under many different names, including:

  • Blanco
  • Bonfire Herbicide
  • Devour
  • Firestorm
  • Gramoxone (manufactured by Syngenta)
  • Helmquat
  • Para-SHOT
  • Parazone
  • Quik-Quat

To make matters worse, the manufacturers of Paraquat failed to disclose their product's side effects honestly. There is no mention of the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease anywhere on the label, which has caused numerous cases of farmers unknowingly exposing their employees and families to a life-threatening condition. Their negligence isn’t your burden to carry, and if you developed Parkinson’s as a result of your Paraquat exposure, Morgan & Morgan is here to help.


How Can I Tell Paraquat Apart From Other Chemicals?

Paraquat is legally required to look different from other chemicals due to its intense strength. Some countries have banned the pesticide completely, but the product is sold in the U.S. with:

  • An offensive odor
  • A Dyed bright blue to avoid confusion with other liquids
  • The inclusion of a chemical to induce vomiting (in the case of consumption)

Paraquat sold in other countries might not have the same precautions as the United States, so it’s best to avoid any chemical you can’t 100% identify. If you still have Paraquat in your workplace or residence, it’s best to remove the product and find a safer alternative that doesn’t jeopardize the health and wellbeing of you and your family.


Who Has the Highest Risk of Paraquat Exposure?

Those who work directly with Paraquat are most likely to develop health concerns from their exposure, but the list doesn’t end there. Families who live nearby areas where Paraquat is used are also at risk of exposure due to something called “agricultural drift,” which is a term used to describe how the wind can transport farm chemicals into surrounding areas. Here’s a list of those who are most at risk of Paraquat exposure:

  • Farmers
  • People who handle farm animals
  • Individuals who live on farms or agricultural centers
  • Those with known exposure to pesticides
  • People who drink well water nearby farms
  • Those who live in a rural area with high concentrations of farms

Showing Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease


What Is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects a person’s motor skills. The condition gets worse over time, with many patients experiencing tremors in their limbs due to their diminished ability to control their movement. Although Parkinson’s has no formal cure, treatments and therapies can help improve your quality of life in the future. However, this treatment is often expensive, which is why you should speak with an attorney about recovering damages if you believe you developed the condition as a result of your Paraquat exposure.


What Are the Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is progressive, meaning that the symptoms will gradually become more apparent over time. The symptoms can also vary depending on the individual, but here are some more common red flags of Parkinson’s disease:

  • Tremors
  • Bradykinesia, or slowness of movement
  • Rigidity in limbs and extremities
  • Impaired posture and difficulty balancing
  • Loss of unconscious movements, such as blinking and smiling
  • Speech changes or slurring
  • Difficulty writing or performing fine motor movements

A Parkinson’s diagnosis can be frightening and confusing for your whole family. You might not know what your next step will be, or you might be angry at the manufacturer of Paraquat for failing to warn you of this potential side effect. These are all understandable feelings, but we can assure you that your diagnosis isn’t a death sentence. With treatments and therapies, you can live a comfortable life in the future, but you’ll first need to recover the damage you sustained unless you’re independently wealthy. Our attorneys have a proven track record of recovering the full extent of damages in cases just like yours, making us an undeniable asset in your pursuit of compensation.


Contact Morgan & Morgan

In the most difficult moments of your life, Morgan & Morgan has your back. The manufacturers of Paraquat chose to unethically withhold the side effects of their product, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept the consequences. Our attorneys are here to help you, making sure we gather all the necessary information to reach a successful outcome in your case. While the manufacturer might believe that they can escape the liability of their actions, we can ensure that they answer for their negligence and that you’re compensated in the process.

If you or someone you love was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease after exposure to Paraquat, contact us today for more information on how to get started.

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