Find Out if You Qualify For an Auto Accident Case

5 min read time

The average driver will get into four vehicle accidents in their lifetime but many don't get the compensation they deserve. So before assigning any insurance paperwork let's see if we've got a case.


To file a successful auto claim the other party must be responsible for the collision.


There also needs to be damages either to the vehicle or to a person if they got hurt badly enough to seek medical care.

Case Value

The value of the case is determined by a few things including:

  • Medical bills
  • Auto damage
  • Lost wages
  • Pain
  • Suffering
  • emotional trauma
  • Disability
  • Disfigurement

Next Steps

So what are the next steps after moving to safety:

  • Document everything
  • Remember to contact the police and your insurance company
  • Collect all the other drivers details
  • Most importantly, get medical attention, if necessary

Contact us today

Don't let a bump in the road slow life down. Call an attorney. They can advise on next steps to support your claim.

This website is meant for general information and not legal advice.

Injured? Getting the compensation you deserve starts here.

An illustration of a broken car.