Electrocution Accident Attorneys

4 min read time

When you purchase a new electronic device, you expect that no harm will come from your new gadget — especially if this gadget is something you'll be using daily, like television sets, video game consoles, or even power tools. Unfortunately, certain manufacturers allow poorly designed or defective products to enter into the market, leaving unsuspecting consumers vulnerable to potential injuries. At Morgan & Morgan, we believe companies and the manufacturers they use should be held accountable for the dangers they put everyday consumers in when allowing faulty products into the market. If you believe you or a loved one have suffered an injury due to a defective product, we want to help you get the justice you deserve. 


Who Is Liable for My Injuries?

When it comes to who is liable for your injuries, often this will fall under the subject of product liability. This area of law covers the damages caused by defective consumer products. Product defects will typically fall into three categories: design, manufacture, and marketing, which may also be known as "failure to warn." In the laws surrounding product liability, any of these three defects can leave a manufacturer liable if someone is injured or damage is done to the property. 

Regarding defective electrical consumer products, electrocution and fires are the most outstanding areas of concern. Regarding the number of accidents, fire danger is a significantly higher risk factor when it comes to electrocution and fire. According to data from the National Fire Protection Association, every year, thousands of fires start with consumer electrical products. Many of these fires can cause injury or even lead to death, as well as property damage.


What Compensation Can I Expect for My Injuries?

When someone's carelessness or negligence is a factor in how you obtained an injury, you may legally be entitled to compensation. The most common form of compensation for damages caused by electrocution includes but is not limited to past or future medical bills, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, loss of consortium, and pain and suffering. However, it might not always be as easy as taking those responsible parties to court when it comes to work injury cases. In some instances, you will need to prove that you are in the right to claim the awards for your damages; that's where we come in. 


How Can a Defective Product Attorney Help Me?

Once your attorney gets your case, they'll hit the ground running. Once they have reviewed your initial case information to ensure you are getting the proper compensation you need for your injuries, your legal team will begin gathering relevant documentation that will benefit your case. Documentation can include but is not limited to medical records or bills, insurance policies, police reports, and other evidence. To further establish a strong claim, your attorney will also work with experts to gather all the facts about your case. Then, your legal team will attempt to reach out to the defendant's legal team to try and settle your case outside of court. However, if the negotiation at the table does not add up to what you really deserve, the attorneys at Morgan & Morgan won't stop. They will be more than prepared to bring the good fight all the way to the courtroom if need be. 

For over 35 years at Morgan & Morgan, it has been our firm's mission to get victims just like you to receive the justice they deserve after an accident. Please don't wait to contact us.


Connect With a Morgan & Morgan Attorney

At Morgan & Morgan, we have over 35 years of experience helping victims just like you fight back after a life-altering injury. If you or a loved one have suffered an injury due to an electrical malfunction, you don't have to go it alone. For more information about how one of our attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve, complete our free, no-obligation case evaluation form today. 

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An illustration of a broken car.