A Car Dealership Damaged My Car: What Can I Do?

Cars parked at a dealership

No one wants to think that their car could be damaged while it’s in the care of a professional, but unfortunately, accidents happen. Vehicle technicians are humans, too, and they’re susceptible to workplace mistakes just as everyone else is. The only difference? A mistake by their hand can potentially cost someone thousands of dollars in property damage, and it happens more often than you’d think.

Whether it’s a small dent or a major repair, a dealership damaging your vehicle isn’t something that you should have to foot the bill for. Dealerships have insurance for this very reason, and if someone on staff damages your vehicle under their care, you can file a complaint with the dealership and recover the compensation necessary to repair the damage. Your complaint should include evidence to support that the dealership was at-fault for the damage, including pictures, repair records, and any other information that proves the damage occurred at the dealership.

If the dealership is unwilling to honor your complaint and pay for the damage, the situation gets much more complicated. You’ll have to file a claim with your insurance provider and seek compensation through them, but this is a complicated process if you have no prior experience. It can also take a while, especially if the dealership or insurance company is dragging its feet. However, most jurisdictions have laws that outlaw this kind of behavior, and if you find yourself in a situation like this, you should team up with an experienced attorney sooner rather than later.

Not every law firm is the same. Some have more resources than others, while other firms provide a more attentive touch to your unique circumstances. Your needs will depend on your specific circumstances, but you can get the best of both worlds when you team up with Morgan and Morgan. Our team provides the considerate touch that a small firm provides with the resources of a corporate giant, making us uniquely capable of finding success regardless of the complexity of your circumstances.

We’re here to help. You may be wondering, “What can I do after a car dealership damaged my car?” The answer is simple—team up with America’s largest personal injury firm and give yourself the best possible chance of recovering what you’re entitled to. Complete our free, no-obligation case evaluation to get started.


What Should I Do if a Car Dealership Damaged My Car?

Everyone’s situation is different, but here are a few common steps that you should take after discovering that a car dealership damaged your car:

  • Assessing the Damage

The first step is to assess the damage to your car. You should take detailed notes of anything that doesn’t look or feel right, even if you aren’t sure where it came from. Take plenty of pictures from different angles so that you have evidence of the damage. Once you have a good understanding of the problem, you can begin to file a complaint with the dealership.

  • Filing a Complaint With the Dealership

The next step is to file a formal complaint with the dealership. Be sure to include all of the evidence that you gathered in the previous step and, of course, remember to be polite and professional during your communications. After all, they are likely trying to do right by you and resolve the issue as quickly as possible. However, you should also make it clear that you expect them to take responsibility for the damage and cover any repair costs.

  • Getting in Touch With Your Insurance Company

If the dealership is unwilling or unable to cover the cost of repairs, your next step should be to get in touch with your insurance company. They may be able to file what’s known as a “diminished value claim,” which would reimburse you for the loss in value your car has suffered as a result of the damage. In order to do this, you will need to provide proof of the pre-accident value of your car, such as an appraisal or Kelley Blue Book report.

  • File a Lawsuit

If neither of these strategies works, your only chance of recovering compensation for the damage is through a lawsuit. These situations almost always call for the help of a trained legal professional, especially if the case is hotly contested. But don’t worry: Morgan and Morgan can help you reach the finish line.

By following these steps, you can help ensure that your car is repaired as quickly and efficiently as possible, but it’s not always a guarantee. There are thousands of hurdles you can encounter on your path, including paperwork issues, deadlines, and, of course, proving that the dealership’s negligent actions led up to your vehicle damage. None of this is easy, but with Morgan and Morgan by your side, the process gets a lot easier.


How Can I Prove That a Dealership Damaged My Car?

In most cases, you aren’t around when the dealership damages your vehicle. You probably dropped it off, or maybe you’re sitting in the waiting room, but in either case, you didn’t witness the situation personally. This makes the damage difficult to prove, especially if the dealership is denying its liability.

Here are a few steps that will help you prove your claim:

  • Get an estimate from a reputable body shop

Getting an estimate from a professional will give you a better understanding of how much it will cost to repair the damage. Try to get multiple estimates so that you can be sure of the cost of repairs, and make sure to have them record their findings.

  • Take pictures of the damage

You’ll want to take pictures of the damage as soon as you notice it’s there. Some damage won’t present itself until later on, like structural damage, but your estimate should provide evidence of these costs. Be sure to take pictures from multiple angles so that there is no doubt as to the extent of the damage. You should also include pictures of any other areas of your car that were damaged as well, including scratched paint, dents in other parts of the car, etc. These pictures will be critical in proving your case, and you shouldn’t neglect this part of the process.

  • Speak to witnesses

If there were any witnesses to the situation, be sure to get their contact information so that they can corroborate your story. It’s especially important if there are any dealership employees who witnessed the incident or know who did it, as they can serve as first-hand spectators to the damage itself.

Once you’ve collected all this evidence, you’ll have a solid case to bring to the dealership or your insurance company, but you still should consider teaming up with an attorney during this stage. They can help you conduct a further investigation, giving you the opportunity to recover security footage if it’s available. And, as stated above, you don’t know what kind of hurdles you’ll encounter along the way. Retaining an attorney is essentially an investment in your future—one that can prevent you from paying for damage you didn’t cause out-of-pocket.


Can I Afford an Attorney?

Some law firms burden their clients with retainer fees as soon as they walk through the door, which only makes their situation that much worse. If someone already can’t afford the damage to their vehicle, they definitely won’t be able to afford additional legal fees before they have their rightful compensation, so we’ve chosen to take a different route. Instead of shackling our clients with extra fees during a stressful period of their lives, you can afford our assistance for no up-front costs, and we’re only paid if we win your case.

Not only does our contingency keep the costs low on your end, but it also centralizes everyone involved toward getting the best possible outcome for your case. We’re here to help you answer the question, “What can I do if a car dealership damaged my car?” There's an easy answer right in front of you. Team up with the best of the best at a fraction of the cost—Morgan and Morgan.


If a Car Dealership Damaged My Car, I Should Team Up With Morgan and Morgan?

In the most difficult moments of your life, Morgan and Morgan has your back. In most cases, your complaint will be handled swiftly, and you’ll receive the compensation necessary to repair your vehicle and get back on the road. But, there’s always the chance that you run into a roadblock, whether it be a stubborn dealership or a negligent insurance party. In either case, you’ll want to have someone by your side who knows the rules and necessary steps to take.

Everyone’s situation is unique, and you can only absorb so much information online. You can read a hundred individual stories of car dealership nightmares and still find yourself in a completely different situation. You might get lucky, but you could find yourself on the losing side of the argument. With Morgan and Morgan by your side, you’ll have a four-leaf clover in your pocket, giving you all the luck and, more importantly, the skill you need to handle the situation swiftly and competently.

Contact us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation to get started.