Car Accident: Should I Go to Hospital?

Ambulance driving down the street

Getting checked by a doctor is one of the most important things to do after a car accident. Your health comes first, and no amount of compensation can top that. Speaking of compensation, you will need to know exactly what kind of injuries you suffered in order to file a successful claim against the at-fault party who caused your accident.

At Morgan and Morgan, we understand that although visiting a doctor is important, many people need more information about what this process is all about. In fact, other than the need to get treatment, many people do not know exactly how getting checked by a doctor influences a claim or lawsuit.

That is why we have answered some of the most frequently asked questions about visiting a doctor below. Here are some key things you need to know.


What Happens if I Do Not Go to Hospital After a Car Accident?

To understand some of the things that could possibly happen if you fail to see a doctor after a car accident, let's look at it from the medical and legal perspectives.

Medically speaking, getting checked by a doctor is the best way to find out what kind of injuries you sustained after the accident. The doctor will conduct several tests and also look into your medical history to determine the severity of your injuries. After determining the kind of injuries you sustained, the doctor will then recommend treatment or even begin the treatment process immediately.

On the other hand, from a legal standpoint, the insurance company will not believe your version of the story if you do not have proof of medical treatment. When you get checked by a doctor, they will write a report you can use to prove your injuries when filing a claim or lawsuit against the other party. But if you do not have such a report, the defense could claim that the accident did not happen. They might also claim that your injuries were not that serious if the accident indeed happened.

Do I Need to Go to the Hospital if I Feel Okay After a Car Accident?

Yes, it is important that you get checked by a doctor even if you feel fine after a car accident. This is because some symptoms will not show immediately after the accident. This is because the body will be in shock at the time, making it difficult to process pain.

Injuries such as internal bleeding can block the flow of oxygen into the brain. When that happens, the injured might go into a coma or suffer brain damage.


Does Going to Hospital After a Car Accident Increase My Settlement?

Going to the hospital might increase the value of your claim. However, it is important to note that the most important reason to get checked by a doctor is to ensure you are in good health after the accident. And if you suffered serious injuries, getting checked by a medical professional allows you to receive the medical attention you need to recover or manage your injuries.

That said, some injuries are usually more painful than others. For example, if you suffered serious injuries requiring several surgeries, you may receive a higher settlement for your pain and suffering than someone who suffered minor cuts and bruises.


What Should I Do if My Primary Care Doctor Refuses to Treat Me?

As strange as it sounds, it is not uncommon for primary care doctors to refuse to treat their patients who have been injured in a car accident. This is because, other than providing treatment, they may need to take part in the legal aspect of the claim. For example, they may be required to appear in court to testify on your behalf.

Therefore, since primary care doctors are not usually experienced in such scenarios, they may refer you to an experienced doctor specializing in treating car accident injuries. Some doctors might also recommend a car accident medical professional if they do not have the tools and equipment to handle injuries caused by car accidents. For instance, it is better to see a chiropractor than a general doctor if you need chiropractic treatment.


Why Should I See a Car Accident Doctor and Not a General Doctor?

A car accident doctor can provide specialized treatment after a car accident, putting you on a positive path to recovery.

The attorney also understands the medical paperwork you need to file along with your claim to improve your chances of recovering damages. They know what to include in the paperwork and what not to.

The attorney can offer their expert testimony in court if the need arises. This mostly happens when the at-fault party disputes the claim.


What Should I Do if I Do Not Know Which Hospital to Go To?

Car accident doctors work closely with car accident lawyers. So when you contact an attorney to represent you in your case, you can ask them for referrals. Chances are the attorneys know some good doctors in your local area who can provide the required treatment and also boost your chances of recovering healthwise through treatment and financially via a personal injury settlement.  


Should I Accept a Settlement Offer Before Going to Hospital?

It is never advisable to accept a settlement offer from the insurance company before getting checked by a doctor. In fact, if you have suffered serious injuries, the insurance provider will want to settle the case as soon as possible to prevent you from hiring an attorney. They know that you will likely recover more than the initial offer when you have an attorney.

In addition, it is not possible to tell the specific amount of compensation you may be entitled to before seeing a doctor. To put things into perspective, you may be entitled to compensation for your past, current, and future medical expenses from the car accident.


How Often Do I Need to See a Doctor After a Car Accident?

It depends on the nature of your injuries and the kind of treatment you need. For example, if you need to see a chiropractor, you might have to attend 4 to 5 sessions per day. The number will drop as you begin to feel better. Since there is no standard number of times you should see a doctor after such an accident, it is always advisable to consult the doctor for further information.


What if I Do Not Have Any Means of Transportation to the Hospital?

Some car accident doctors offer free rides to accident victims through their clinics. This is done to ensure the injured receive the treatment they need after the accident, even when they cannot drive to their medical appointments. You can always discuss this factor with your attorney when looking for a car accident doctor. The attorney will help you find one who offers transportation services for the injured in a particular area. 


What Happens if I Skip a Doctor's Appointment?

It is never advisable to skip a doctor's appointment, especially without letting them know well in advance. But it is also understandable that you might be unable to attend some appointments due to unavoidable reasons, such as health issues.

You should always inform your doctor if you cannot make it to your appointment. Remember that if you consistently miss your appointments, the defendant will dispute your claim.

They will argue that you were not seriously injured. And if you do not inform your doctor about the skipped appointment, they will not know how to explain the "gaps" in your medical treatment. This could be the difference between winning a claim or jeopardizing it altogether.


How Much Will the Hospital Charge to Treat Me?

There is no standard charge for treating car accident victims. The specifics of the injury will determine the cost of treatment. Be sure to discuss this with the doctor before getting treatment. 


Who Will Pay for the Treatment After a Car Accident?

Many different parties might be responsible for the treatment. Let's look at the various scenarios below.

If the accident occurred in a no-fault state, you must file a claim with your auto insurance provider. In a no-fault state like Florida, drivers must have Personal Injury Protection of at least $10,000. So if your medical bills are below $10,000, your PIP insurance will cover that.

Suppose your medical bills exceed $10,000. In that case, you will need to file a claim or lawsuit with the other party's insurer. If you win, they should cover the additional medical costs.


What if the At-fault Party Did Not Have Insurance?

An experienced car accident attorney can help explore your options if the other party does not have insurance. For instance, if the accident occurred due to defective parts, the attorney might be able to file a claim against the part manufacturer.

Alternatively, you may be able to get treated through your own health insurance provider. Again, speaking with a seasoned car accident lawyer is the best way to understand your options.


Should I See a Doctor Even if I Am Partly Responsible for the Accident?

Being partially responsible for an accident should not prevent you from seeing a doctor. As discussed earlier, your health comes first, and everything else follows later. In most states, a medical provider cannot deny you treatment simply because you cannot afford it, especially if the injury is life-threatening. 


What Happens if the Insurance Company Settles My Medical Bills and I Win the Car Accident Claim?

If your health insurance provider settles your medical bills and you win your car accident claim, the settlement will likely go through a process called subrogation. This process involves deducting the medical bills from the settlement. However, some insurance providers might claim more than what you actually owe them. To avoid this, you will need to hire a competent car accident attorney.

The attorney can help negotiate a reasonable settlement with the insurance company. Depending on the specifics of your case, the attorney might also convince the insurance company not to deduct any amount from your settlement.

Keep in mind that some states, such as Colorado, prohibit subrogation by insurance companies unless the injured has been fully compensated for their damages. A skilled attorney can help demonstrate that your settlement is insufficient to fully compensate you, preventing the insurer from claiming a portion of it.


Looking for a Car Accident Doctor? Our Attorneys Can Help

Given that Morgan and Morgan is the largest personal injury firm in the United States, we have a network of professionals that work together to fight for the rights of the injured. This network includes doctors in every state across the country. 

Finding a doctor and attorney who understands your pain can be challenging, especially when still nursing your injuries. That is why we are here to help. Fill out our case evaluation form to tell us more about your case. We might be able to get you the right doctor-attorney combination to win a reasonable settlement.