Bodily Injury Claims: What Types of Compensation Are You Entitled To?

10 min read time
Understanding the Types of Compensation in a Bodily Injury Claim

If you’ve been injured, you may have arrived at this page wondering if you are entitled to compensation and what types of compensation may be available. The good news is that you’ve arrived at the right place. 

At Morgan and Morgan, we specialize in helping injured clients fight for and recover the compensation they deserve to move forward after an injury. Depending upon the nature of your case and where you live, you may be entitled to compensatory damages, punitive damages, or both—and our talented legal team is here to help you with that process.

 An injury can disrupt your routine and take away your enjoyment. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed about how you will pay your medical bills and provide for your family when you may be unable to work. Bills keep arriving. Your mortgage still needs to be paid. Your family still needs to be provided for. You need and deserve compensation, and we’ll be here to help you through that process.

 Depending upon where you live, available compensation may vary. Generally, however, there are two types of damages—compensatory and punitive.

Compensatory damages

These are typically damages intended to reimburse an injured party in some way for the harm that they suffered. They might include damages like:

  • Medical expenses: When you’re injured, you should focus on rest, recovery, and enjoying time with those you love—not on worrying about how to pay a stack of mounting medical bills. Compensation may be available for past, present, and future medical bills.
  • Property damage: Sometimes, an accident not only causes injury to your body, but it also damages your property as well. If you were injured in a car accident, for example, your vehicle may have been damaged or rendered entirely unusable. You may be able to seek compensation for that damaged or lost property.
  • Lost earnings: If you have been injured and are unable to work, you may be able to receive damages not only for the earnings you have already lost but for anticipated lost earnings in the future as well.  
  • Loss of consortium or wrongful death: In some cases, you may be able to seek damages for loss of companionship and enjoyment of life with those you love. If you tragically lost a loved one in an accident, you may be able to seek compensation for that loss as well.
  • Pain and suffering: Pain and suffering damages are, generally, damages that are intended to compensate the victim for the physical pain caused by the accident and the discomfort caused by necessary medical treatment. It also includes mental anguish that might have been caused by the accident, including conditions like anxiety, insomnia, and other psychological issues. 

Punitive Damages

In some more rare cases punitive damages are also available. These are damages that are essentially intended to "punish” a defendant.  They are often reserved for cases where the defendant’s behavior went beyond mere negligence and was so reckless, reprehensible, or dangerous that additional damages are warranted.

If you’re ready to get started seeking the compensation that you deserve today, Morgan & Morgan’s talented legal team is ready to start with you. You can fill out our case review form today and take the first step toward seeking the compensation you deserve. At Morgan and Morgan, you’re more than a client—you’re family. 

We look forward to learning your story and fighting for you.

This website is meant for general information and not legal advice.

Injured? Getting the compensation you deserve starts here.

An illustration of a broken car.