Accident Injury Law: How to Secure Compensation for Your Losses

Accident Injury Law: How to Secure Compensation for Your Losses

No one plans to experience an accident or sustain an injury. But each time you leave your home, you assume some level of risk. Personal injuries can happen in a wide range of circumstances. Some accident injuries are no one’s fault. In these cases, an accident may be unavoidable.

However, many types of accident injuries are the result of someone’s careless, reckless, or negligent behavior.

If you or someone you love has been hurt as the result of another person’s behavior, do not wait. You may be owed a significant amount of financial compensation to cover the costs and losses that result from your accident injuries.

Make sure to speak with a professional specializing in accident injury law. A tort attorney will use the available evidence in your case to fight for maximum compensation for you.

The accomplished team at Morgan & Morgan has more than three decades of experience in accident injury law. Our personal injury lawyers can handle any type of negligence-based case.

Victims should not be responsible for covering the significant financial losses that result from their accident injuries. It is critical to contact an accident injury lawyer if you have been hurt.

Regardless of what type of accident you were involved in, you can pursue a legal claim against the responsible party. The knowledgeable injury attorneys at the firm of Morgan & Morgan know what it takes to successfully recover maximum financial recovery for our clients.

Complete the online contact form to schedule a free consultation with our team.

What Are Common Types of Accident Injuries?

Every day across the nation, thousands of people are injured in different types of accidents. The lawyers at America’s largest personal injury law firm can handle any type of accident or injury case.

Some of the most common types of accident injuries are:

Car Accidents

Traffic collisions are one of the leading causes of personal injuries across the country. According to research from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), there were more than 35,000 fatal car crashes domestically in 2020.

Thousands more people were injured in non-fatal motor vehicle accidents. These accident injuries can result in long-lasting financial and personal difficulties for victims.

Even minor collisions can cause you to experience mounting property damage costs. However, many car accidents result in catastrophic and life-changing injuries.

Seeking compensation following a collision can be difficult. Traffic accident claims require plaintiffs to collect evidence, negotiate with insurance providers, and more.

Speak with a skilled accident injury lawyer to file a lawsuit against the party responsible for your collision. When you reach out to the seasoned team at the firm of Morgan & Morgan, we will build a strong case on your behalf.

Slip and Fall Accidents

Falling accidents can happen anywhere. In many cases, these mishaps are the result of a negligent property owner’s carelessness.

Research from the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) reveals that falling accidents account for more than eight million hospital visits each year. In fact, these accidents are the leading cause of emergency room visitations.

Some people believe that slip and falls are only minor inconveniences. However, many falling accidents result in serious injuries that require significant medical attention.

For example, suppose that you slip and fall on a wet surface in a restaurant. If the wet floor is the result of a spill and no signage alerts you to the potential hazard, you may be able to pursue compensation.

Some of the most common examples of injuries caused by falling accidents include:

  • Broken or sprained wrists
  • Fractured or sprained shoulders
  • Back and spine injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)

If you have been hurt after falling in a business or private residence, make sure to contact a skilled personal injury attorney. A legal representative can help you file a premises liability suit to recover compensation for the medical and emotional damage you have experienced.

Medical Malpractice

When you visit a doctor or surgeon, you should be able to trust that you are in good hands. Physicians are required to have significant training. Because of this, they are held to an incredibly high standard when providing care. Unfortunately, not all doctors and medical professionals fulfill their duty to provide high-quality care.

When you or a loved one has been seriously injured as the result of a medical professional’s carelessness, you have legal options. Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor, nurse, surgeon, or medical care facility engages in negligence.

In medical malpractice cases, “negligence” refers to the failure of a doctor to act in the way that a similarly-trained professional would. If this failure results in harm to the patient, they may be owed financial recovery from the liable party.

Some of the most common instances of medical malpractice include:

  • Failure to diagnose or delayed diagnosis
  • Misdiagnosis
  • Surgical errors or wrong surgical site
  • Premature discharge of patient
  • Failing to take patient medical history into account
  • Wrong dosage or inappropriate medication
  • Lack of proper follow-up care
  • Unnecessary surgeries

Not every instance of declining patient health qualifies as medical malpractice. If you believe that your medical professional has caused you significant harm, contact one of the accomplished legal representatives at Morgan & Morgan.

As the nation’s largest tort firm, we have the skills and resources necessary to hold large medical institutions accountable. Our lawyers are not afraid to pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit if settlement negotiations fail.

Product Liability Claims

When you purchase a consumer product, you have the right to trust that it is safe to use it properly. Sometimes, victims suffer injuries as the result of malfunctioning or faulty products.

Instances like this may serve as grounds for a valid product liability claim. Defective items and products are responsible for thousands of injuries across the U.S. each year.

Most hazardous product flaws are the result of either design defects or manufacturing defects. Manufacturing defects typically affect only a few of the items in a product line, while design defects are present before the manufacturing process begins.

Depending on the circumstances of the case, many different parties may be held accountable for the resulting injuries and damage. Any party involved in the product’s chain of distribution may be liable for the harm that the item causes.

Some potentially liable parties in product liability claims include:

  • Product manufacturers
  • Product wholesalers
  • Retail stores that sold the item to consumers
  • Product assembly or installation professionals
  • Companies that manufacture components for the product

For the most part, product liability claims are possible only in the case of newly purchased items. In other words, second-hand products are not held to the same legal standard of safety.

To explore your legal options following an injury caused by a defective consumer product, reach out to Morgan & Morgan. In our thirty-year history, our tort attorneys have recovered massive amounts of compensation for victims of defective products.

Kinds of Financial Compensation in Accident Injury Law

When you pursue a legal claim against the party responsible for your injuries, it is critical to have a skilled legal representative fighting for you. Determining the value of an accident injury case is complex.

In most cases, claimants will need to negotiate their claim with an insurance provider. Insurance companies always attempt to pay as little as possible on each claim that is filed.

An attorney with skills and specialized knowledge will fight effectively on your behalf. The compassionate attorneys at Morgan & Morgan know how to accurately calculate the full value of accident and injury cases.

In most successful tort claims, plaintiffs can hope to recover two primary types of financial damages. “Economic” damages compensate victims for their direct financial expenses, while “non-economic” damages are payments for personal losses.

Examples of Economic Damages

Most people underestimate the amount of direct monetary expenses that injury victims experience. Economic damages are legal payments made to the claimant to help make up for these losses.

Typical examples of economic damages in tort claims include:

  • Medical bills and expenses
  • Anticipated medical care in the future
  • Damaged property — including vehicular repair or replacement
  • Inability to earn income or wages due to injury
  • Long-term loss of earning ability

A skilled legal professional will review the financial documentation related to your accident. This will allow them to calculate the full amount of monetary expenses that are associated with your case.

Examples of Non-Economic Damages

Many of the most devastating consequences of an accident or personal injury do not cost money. Accident victims often experience a decreased quality of life while they recover.

In the case of injuries that cause lifelong symptoms, victims may never fully return to their previous lifestyle. Non-economic damages are legal payments that make up for these intangible emotional and personal harms.

Common examples of non-economic damages include compensation for the following:

  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Decreased enjoyment of life
  • PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Emotional damage, anguish, and distress
  • Anxiety and depression

Because these losses are difficult to quantify, insurance providers often attempt to downplay them.

Do not let a greedy company deny you the non-economic damages that you need to move forward. The seasoned legal team at Morgan & Morgan will fight diligently to secure the full value of your accident or injury claim.

How Are Accident Injury Lawyers Paid?

Trustworthy tort law firms operate on a contingency fee payment approach. When you hire a personal injury attorney, they should agree to a percentage of the compensation resulting from your case.

You should never pay attorneys’ fees before your case has concluded. At Morgan & Morgan, we care deeply about the financial stability of our clients. Because of this, you will not pay a single penny unless we win your case or are successful in negotiations.

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim?

The legal time limit for filing a personal injury or accident lawsuit is known as the “statute of limitations.” The time limit for these claims is determined by state law.

To discover the statute of limitations on personal injury cases in your location, consult with one of our trustworthy legal specialists. Our attorneys will ensure that every deadline is met in your case.

The Attorneys at Morgan & Morgan Are on Your Side

When you need the best legal representation in the nation, make sure to hire America’s largest personal injury firm—Morgan & Morgan. Since our founding, our attorneys have fought tirelessly to recover compensation for victims of personal injuries.

We will collect evidence, determine legal liability, and build a powerful case for you. To speak with one of our caring tort attorneys, schedule a no-cost legal consultation. Fill out the contact form on our website to plan your legal case evaluation today.